Tourism and Peace
An Initiative by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Austria
The project ended in April 2015.
The project „Tourism and Peace, an initiative by the World Tourism Organization and the University of Klagenfurt and ist Centre for Peace Research and Peace Education, was carried out from 2012 till 2014. The project aimed to help build the foundations of a better understanding when and under which circumstances tourism can be used as a tool in peace-building efforts. It resulted in the publication of the International Handbook on Tourism and Peace and a study on Tourism in the Alps-Adriatic Region and its role in peace-building. A network of experts was built during all stages of the project, which was essential for the design of the International Handbook and beyond. Thanks to the support of the Austrian government, the handbook was presented at the UN in New York, UNESCO in Paris and at the International Institute of Cultural Routes in Luxembourg. Upon invitation of the Colombian tourism sector, it was also presented in Bogotá, Colombia, and at Conciliation Resources, an NGO in London that works in post-conflict regions. Several presentations were held on a local and regional level. For more information on the overall outcome of the project please read the final Report.
International Handbook on Tourism and Peace

International Handbook on Tourism and Peace
Internationales Handbuch über Tourismus und Frieden
Manual Internacional de Turismo y Paz
Cordula Wohlmuther, Werner Wintersteiner (eds.)
Klagenfurt: Drava 2014
Summary Handbook Matrix (PDF)
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