Luftaufnahme der Universität Klagenfurt mit dem Wörthersee im Hintergrund (gegen die Sonne fotografiert)

Register for the “Welcome Days” on 4 March 2025. Here you will receive important information to help you start your studies and make your future student life easier.

Welcome Days for your good start

Are you beginning your new degree programme in the summer semester? Then register for the “Welcome Days” on 4 March 2025. Here you will receive important information to help you start your studies and make your future student life easier. And you can even earn your first ECTS credit point with your successful participation! More information on the Welcome Days

Special admission procedures

Don’t miss out: For certain degree programmes, you have to complete a special admission procedure that is only offered once per academic year and for which special application deadlines apply.
Go to the admission procedure page page to check whether your desired degree programme is one of them and what steps you need to complete to apply!

Open Day at the University

Visit our Open Day on 28 March 2025 and gain an insight into all degree programmes at the University of Klagenfurt! Our lecturers and students will give you individual advice to help you find the degree programme that suits your interests! On this day, you can also attend lectures and information sessions, get to know our service centres and explore the campus and library on guided tours.

Are you interested in studying at the University of Klagenfurt?

Enrol in your chosen degree programme now! Click here to go directly to the registration pageWe look forward to welcoming you at the University of Klagenfurt!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Student Guidance team or the Admissions and Examinations Office.

Discover the degree programme that suits you

Bachelor’s degree programmes

Teacher education programmes

Master’s degree programmes

Doctoral degree programmes

Degree programmes in English

Extension programmes

Working for a better life

Through its research, the University of Klagenfurt contributes significantly to finding solutions for the societal challenges and practical problems of our time. Our researchers work on a wide range of problems to ensure security in virtual and real life, to mitigate threats, and to positively shape social progress.

Antonio Piolanti© aau/Tischler-Banfield
Alessandro Fornasier und Stephan WeissFoto: BMBWF/Sabine Klimpt Lichtblick KG www.klimpt.at

Improved accuracy and robustness in drone localisation: Award of Excellence for Alessandro Fornasier

Alessandro Fornasier’s work involves helping robots and drones…
Kseniia HarshinaWalter Elsner

Promoting empathy and empowerment through video games about refugee experiences

Kseniia Harshina (Department of Information Technology) is developing…
Mohamed El Bahnasawi

Revolutionizing Battery Technology: AI and the Future of Energy Storage

The quality of batteries affects many aspects of our daily lives:…
Mittlere MeileSunshine/Adobestock

Greater efficiency along the ‘middle mile’ in logistics as a result of collaboration between companies

When goods are delivered from A to B, a significant part of the…
LastwagenBarosanu/Adobestock (KI generated)

Sustainable trucks for long-haul transportation

How can you sustainably schedule and deploy a fleet of long-haul…

University of Klagenfurt team is the only group to complete drone competition in London without accident

Explore and map an area, detect objects and find people in need…
Videostreaming | eingeschaltener Bildschirm in einem leeren WohnzimmerMclittleStock/Adobestock
City Hologramm | Foto: Vilayat/Adobestock
Seltene Erdenkillykoon/Adobestock
Metallsäge (KI-generiertes Symbolbild)KI-generiertes Symbolbild | Foto: Lens Legends/Adobestock
Dietmar Jannach, Martin Gebser, Gerhard Friedrich und Wolfgang FaberWalter Elsner
Alban KnechtKK

Compulsory education: “The discussion is not really about the young people but rather about other interests.”

In Austria, there is not only a training guarantee for minors,…
Stephan Weiss, Alexander Hardt-Stremayr und Christian BrommerFlorian Gunzer

Mini-helicopters in greenhouses: Research project awarded with recognition award for Houska Prize 2024

Greenhouses are currently not up to date with the latest technology.…
Stolze Mitarbeiterin eines UnternehmensMumtaaz D/peopleimages.com Adobestock

Taking pride in the company: Employees regard those well who do good in an authentic way

In addition to flexibility and development prospects, activities…
Drohne im FeldKK

New patent for mini-helicopters that can operate autonomously for several days in a row

Drones that can monitor environments such as nature reserves…
Gehsteigroboter | Foto: Peeradontax/AdobestockPeeradontax/Adobestock

Delivery robots on sidewalks and autonomous vehicles: Research project for optimised supply chains in cities

Empty trucks are stuck in traffic jams and people use cars to…
Frau isst Müssliriegel | Foto: Julia/AdobestockJulia/Adobestock

The Dunning-Kruger effect and the muesli bar: Those who know the least tend to believe they are highly competent

The Dunning-Kruger effect can be observed in many different areas:…
Thomas Jantos mit der Inspektionsdrohne | Foto: aau/Mülleraau/Müller

Drones inspect electricity pylons: Navigation technology under development at the University of Klagenfurt

Power lines are frequently damaged during snowfall or snowstorms.…
Drohne mit Paket | Foto: MUS_GRAPHIC/AdobestockFoto: MUS_GRAPHIC/Adobestock

Flying by radar: New navigation technology for drones

Autonomous drones typically use the GPS satellite navigation…
Green Videostreaming | Foto: MclittleStock/AdobestockMclittleStock/Adobestock

ECO mode launches for climate-friendly video streaming and GAIA research project wins CSI Magazine Award

Online data traffic accounts for more than fifty percent of global…
Traktor auf einem Feld | Foto: AhmadSoleh/AdobestockFoto: AhmadSoleh/Adobestock

How do subsidies affect land use?

The European Union has set ambitious targets for the agricultural…
Jugendliche sitzen auf Skaterbahn | Foto: anatoliycherkas/Adobestockanatoliycherkas/Adobestock

Supporting the mental health of adolscents in Eastern Europe

Early adolescence is often a crucial time when it comes to healthy…
Jan SteinbrenerFoto: Daniel Waschnig

Intelligent surgical robots are validated in cooperation with KABEG

Assistive robots are already in use in many operating theatres.…
Global Citizen Education | Foto: Photo And Art Panda/AdobestockPhoto And Art Panda/Adobestock
Brücke | Foto: R3nder/AdobestockR3nder/Adobestock

To improve safety: Using swarms of drones to inspect bridges

The construction industry is also benefiting from digitalisation:…
Lastwagen | Foto: Ruslan Ivantsov/AdobestockRuslan Ivantsov/Adobestock

Preventing the circulation of empty lorries and goods trains

The concept of pooling resources is spreading to the logistics…
Michaela SzölgyenyiChristina Supanz

How can renewable energy satisfy the demand for electricity as far as possible?

Wind, sun and water do not produce constant amounts of energy.…
Endoskopische Operation | Foto: flywish/Adobestockflywish/Adobestock

Life-saving knowledge: New technology sifts through surgical videos

Most endoscopic operations generate videos that are of interest…
Alleingelassener Teenager | Foto: Falk/AdobestockFalk/Adobestock

Moving out at 18 and then dealing with life by yourself? New project examines the importance of family for care leavers

Care leavers – these are young people who grow up outside the…
Journalismus | Foto: stcom/Adobestockstcom/Adobestock

New ideas in journalism aim to strengthen democracy

The world of communication is in a state of upheaval: Fractured…
Michael WiegandFoto: Daniel Waschnig

Automatic detection of online insults

Hate speech in the digital sphere has the potential to silence…
Güterzug | Foto: sandsun/Adobestocksandsun/Adobestock

Fewer empty kilometres on Austria’s railways

At present, an ÖBB dispatcher still has to manually assign empty…
Green Supercomputing | Foto: nsit0108/Adobestocknsit0108/Adobestock

Green Supercomputing: Processing large data volumes more energy-efficiently

Vast quantities of data also signify huge energy consumption.…

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