MORE programme for refugees
Study offer for refugees at the University of Klagenfurt
The MORE Project was started by Universities Austria (Uniko) in 2015. After a successful first academic year, the MORE Project is now offered at all 21 Austrian public universities in Vienna, Graz, Klagenfurt, Linz, Salzburg and Innsbruck.
Asylum seekers and recognised refugees have the possibility to attend university courses, expand their knowledge and improve their language skills. Through the MORE Project Austrian universities hope to open access to higher education and future perspectives to people with migration background as well as benefit from mutual exchange.
Non-bureaucratic admission procedure
Asylum seekers and recognised refugees can attend in principle all courses at the University of Klagenfurt. The non-bureaucratic admission procedure allows MORE students to be enrolled as non-degree seeking students, they are exempt from tuition fees, they have access to the library and can take exams at the end of the courses they attended. The goal of the project is to include MORE students in the university as quickly as possible, recognise their strengths and build upon them.
First steps to the MORE Programme
Who? Asylum seekers and recognised refugees
Requirements: good knowledge of English and/or German
Pre-registration with name, nationality, date of birth and address per email to more-initiative [at] aau [dot] at
Registration deadlines: 31 December for the summer semester, 31 July for the winter semester
Information on the programme
What does the MORE programme offer you?
- Enrolment as a non-degree seeking (extra-curricular) student*
- No tuition fees and no ÖH fee
- Possibility to attend courses at the AAU (as long as the course requirements are met)
- Full access to the AAU’s library and its resources
- Possibility to take exams at the end of the semester (if passed successfully, the grades will be listed on your certificate of academic performance).
Who can take part in the MORE programme?
- Asylum seekers in possession of an “Aufenthaltsberechtigungskarte” (residence permit) according to § 51 of the Austrian Asylum Act
- Recognised refugees**
- “Subsidiär Schutzberechtigte” according to § 52 of the Austrian Asylum Act
- “Geduldete” (individuals with a tolerance permit) according to § 46a para. 1 no. 1 or no. 3 of the Austrian “Fremdenpolizeigesetz” in the federal territory.
- Displaced persons from Ukraine according to § 62 para. 1 Asylum Act 2005 – Displaced Persons Ordinance of 11.03.2022
Further requirements
- As the language of instruction is either German or English, you need to have good knowledge of English and/or German (level B1 in accordance with the CEFR, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
- You would like to continue university studies you have started in your home country or would like to enrol at an Austrian university.
* MORE students are not enrolled in a specific degree programme, but can choose from a range of courses in the various fields of study at AAU.
** Important information regarding “bedarfsorientierte Mindestsicherung”
If you are currently receiving “bedarfsorientierte Mindestsicherung”, please ask your “Arbeitsmarktservice” about possible financial consequences before signing up for the MORE programme.
5 steps to become a MORE student at the AAU
Step 1
Pre-register via email to more-initiative [at] aau [dot] at by submitting the following information:
- personal data (name, nationality, date of birth, address)
- picture/scan of your “Aufenthaltsberechtigungskarte” (white card)
Further information on documents/confirmations to be submitted will be provided to MORE applicants during the pre-registration.
Step 2
Please check your email account regularly, you will be scheduled an appointment for your interview at the International Office.
Step 3
Be present for the interview and online registration at the International Office of the University of Klagenfurt.
Step 4
Enrol as a MORE student at the Admissions Office (“Studien- und Prüfungsabteilung”).
Step 5
Have a look at the course list, select courses and register for them online using your AAU student account.

Information for
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan