Bibliothekswürfel der Universität Klagenfurt

Logo der Universitätsbibliothek Klagenfurt

Opening hours & Occupancy

Regular opening hours of the circulation desk for external users:

Please note: Different opening hours during course-free times can be found under “NEWS”!

Opening hours:

Mon – Thu: 08:30 – 19:00
Fri: 08:30 – 18:00
Sat: 09:00 – 13:00
Sun: closed

24/7 library: active

Workplace utilisation:

24/7 library

All registered visitors to the university library can continue using the library’s reading rooms 24 hours a day!

You will find information about registration under 24/7 library. If necessary, you can also use our self-service kiosks to borrow or return books outside of the counter opening times.


Loan desk

For questions related to use (loans, student IDs etc.)
Telephone: +43 463 2700 9580
Email: schalter [dot] bibliothek [at] aau [dot] at 

Information desk

For questions related to literature searches
Telephone: +43 463 2700 9589
Email: info [dot] bibliothek [at] aau [dot] at 

Secretary of management

Telephone: +43 463 2700 9502
Email: sekretariat [dot] bibliothek [at] aau [dot] at

Profile and responsibilities

The university library is AAU’s academic information centre and provides literature and information media for studying, research, teaching and continuing education. Furthermore, the university library also offers members of the general public in Carinthia specialist literature as part of an academic general library. The AAU university library is the largest library in Carinthia. The origins of the library date back to the second half of the sixteenth century. The university library is home to around 950,000 printed books and extensive e-resources. In addition to the academic literature that serves research and teaching purposes, the university library also houses valuable special collections: the Karl Popper Archives, the Joseph Buttinger library, the Goess library and the Broch library. The special collections are home to 30,000 old prints, 700 early prints, 271 incunables, 374 paper manuscripts and 66 parchment manuscripts.

Use & service

Student in der Bibliothek

How can I borrow books, journals etc.?

Where do I find which media?

How many media can be borrowed at the same time?

Which time constraints apply?

When are introductions on how to use the library held?

Treasures at the university library

Brief Peter Handke an Reinhard Musar 1961 (Ausschnitt) | Foto aau/Kärntner Literaturarchiv
Brief Peter Handke an Reinhard Musar 1961 (Ausschnitt) | Foto aau/Kärntner Literaturarchiv