AAU1/...Forschung2/Forschungsprofil3/Grants & Winners
Grants & Winners
ERC Grant
Sound and Early Assessment of Leakage for Embedded Software (SEAL) | Elisabeth Oswald | ERC Consolidator Grant | 06/2019 – 09/2024 | Website | Blog |
Horizon 2020 / Horizon Europe
Battery Cell Assembly Twin | Martin Gebser, Kyandoghere Kyamakya | Horizon Europe | 01/2024 – 06/2027 |
Arrowhead Flexible Production Value Networks (Arrowhead FPVN) | Kyandoghere Kyamakya, Hubert Zangl | Horizon Europe | 06/2023 – 08/2026 |
Extreme and Sustainable Graph Processing for Urgent Societal Challenges in Europe (Graph-Massivizer) | Radu Prodan | Lead: AAU | Horizon Europe | 01/2023 – 12/2025 | Website | Blog |
Family-focused adolescent & lifelong health promotion (FLOURISH) | Heather Foran | Lead: AAU | Horizon Europe | 01/2023 – 12/2026 | Website | Blog |
Twinning towards excellence for Privacy Enhancing Technologies leveraging Homomorphic Encryption (enCRYPTON) | Elisabeth Oswald | Horizon Europe | 10/2022 – 09/2025 | Website |
Scalable Platform for Innovations on Real-time immersive Telepresence (SPIRIT) | Hermann Hellwagner, Christian Timmerer | Horizon Europe | 01/2022 – 09/2025 | Blog |
Artificial Intelligence without Bias (NoBIAS) | Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda | EU-HORIZON 2020, MSCA | 01/2021 – 06/2024| Website | Blog |
Enabling the Big Data Pipeline Lifecycle on the Computing Continuum (DataCloud) | Radu Prodan | EU-HORIZON 2020 | 01/2021 – 06/2024| Website | Blog |
Autonomous Robotic Inspection and Maintenance on Ship Hulls and Storage Tanks (BugWright2) | Stephan Weiss | EU-HORIZON 2020 | 01/2020 – 12/2024| Website | Blog |
Airborne data collection on resilient system architectures (ADACORSA) | Hubert Zangl | Horizon Europe | 05/2020 – 06/2024| Website |
Testing and Evaluation Sophisticated information and communication Technologies for enaBling calablE smart GriD Deployment (TESTBED2) | Andrea Tonello | 01/2020 – 07/2025| Website |
Christian Doppler Forschungsgesellschaft
CD-Labor für Adaptives Streaming über HTTP und Entstehende Netzwerk-basierte Multimediadienste (CD-Labor ATHENA) | Christian Timmerer | 01/2023 – 09/2026 | Website | Blog |
FWF | doc.funds
Modeling – Analysis – Optimization of discrete, continuous, and stochastic systems (MAO doc.funds) | Michaela Szölgyenyi | FWF | 10/2020 – 09/2025 | Website | Blog |
FWF | Der Wissenschaftsfonds
Konkurrierende Dringlichkeiten: Klimaneutralität in der EU | Alexandra Schwell | FWF | 04/2024 – 03/2028 | Blog |
Sozioökologische Modelle der psychischen Gesundheit | Heather Foran | FWF | 04/2024 – 03/2027 |
Die Governance von und durch Tests | Erik Aarden | FWF | 04/2024 – 3/2028 | Blog |
Sowjetische Kriegsgefangene in der besetzten Ukraine 1941-44 | Dieter Pohl | FWF | 01/2024 – 12/2027 |
Diskurse zur Mediatisierung des Büros (MOTO) | Caroline Roth-Ebner | FWF | 01/2024 – 01/2026 | Blog |
Performing Drones | Bernd Liepold-Mosser, Matthias Wieser, Stephan Weiss | FWF | 01/2024 – 01/2027 | Blog |
Modelle, Analysis, Simulation von nichtlinearem Ultraschall | Barbara Kaltenbacher | FWF | 10/2023 – 09/2026 |
Semantische Analyse der Auswirkungen von Änderungen (SemImpact) | Martin Pinzger | FWF | 09/2023-08/2027 | Blog |
Aspekte nichtautonomer Verzweigungen | Christian Pötzsche | FWF | 09/2023 – 08/2027 |
Just Futures? Approaching Cultural Climate Models (CCM) | Julia Hoydis | FWF | 06/2023 – 05 /2026 | Blog |
Einkommen, Management, ökon. Denken | Veronika Hyden-Hanscho | FWF | 06/2023-02/2025 |
Maori Englisch: Eine sozio-kognitive linguistische Analyse | Marta Degani | FWF | 05/2023 – 04/2026 |
Diskurse und Praktiken des In-Between | Klaus Schönberger | FWF | 04/2023 – 03/2026 |
Semantic and Cryptographic Foundations of Security and Privacy by Compositional Design (SPyCoDe) | Elisabeth Oswald | FWF | 01/2023 – 12/2026 | Website |
Erkennung Impliziter Beleidigungen | Michael Wiegand | FWF | 07/2023 – 06/2027 | Blog |
Global Augmented State Space Error Correction Model (GLASS) | Martin Wagner | FWF | 09/2022 – 08/2025 | Website |
Cryptographic functions and their relations to coding, dierence sets, designs, graphs | Wilfried Meidl | FWF | 05/2022 – 07/2026 |
Kofler aural | Wolfgang Straub | FWF | 10/2022 – 04/2025 | Website |
Drohnen in Mobilfunknetzen (ESP 54-NBL) | Aymen Fakhreddine | FWF | 08/2022 – 07/2025 |
The relevance of family in the transition from care to adulthood | Stephan Sting | FWF | 03/2022 – 02/2025 | Website | Blog |
The Question of Emergence in Early Modern Natural Philosophy | Andreas Blank | FWF | 08/2020- 07/2025 |
Fragesequenzen im Coaching | Eva-Maria Graf | FWF | 03/2021 – 04/2024 | Website | Blog |
Gewalt im deutsch und sowjetisch besetzten Polen 1939-1941 | Dieter Pohl | FWF | 06/2019- 04/2024 | Blog |
Metaphors and visual aids in learning English idioms | Alexander Onysko | FWF | 09/2021 – 08/2025 | Blog |
Exchange Mechanisms in Logistics (EMIL) | Margareta Gansterer | FWF | 06/2021 – 05/2025 | Blog |
Learning to Fly Live (L2FLive) | Jan Steinbrener | FWF | 03/2021 – 05/2024 | Blog |
Hochdimensionales statistisches Lernen: Neue Methoden für Wirtschafts- und Nachhaltigkeitspolitik | Gregor Kastner | FWF | 08/2019- 07/2024 |Blog |
Producing Novelty & Securing Credibility in LHC Experiments | Martina Merz | FWF | 10/2020 – 09/2024 |
Combinatorics of Generic Rectangulations: Enumerative and Structural Aspects | Andrei Asinowski | FWF | 10/2020 – 11/2024 | Website |
German Jewish Literature. New approaches in paradigms from the Age of Enlightenment to Present Time | Primus-Heinz Kucher | FWF | 11/2019 – 01/2024 | Blog |
Ukrainisch-russisches und russisch-ukrainisches Code Mixing | Tilmann Reuther | FWF | 10/2019 – 06/2024 | Blog |
Surgical Quality Assessment in Gynecologic Surgery (SQUASH) | Klaus Schöffmann | FWF | 04/2019 – 09/2024 |
Self-Organizing Synchronization with Stochastic Coupling (SYNC) | Christian Bettstetter | FWF | 08/2018 – 06/2024 | Website |
Jubiläumsfonds der Oesterreichischen Nationalbank (OeNB)
Instability and Nonlinearity of Long-Run Money Demand: Econometric Theory and Empirical Analysis (Long-Run Money Demand) | Martin Wagner | OeNB | 01/2023 – 12/2025 | Website |
Ausgestaltung, Umsetzung und Effekte des Gender Budgeting im österreichischen Haushaltswesen (Gender Budgeting) | Birgit Moser-Plautz | OeNB | 01/2021 – 10/2025 | Blog |
Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG)
Efficient Manufacturing of Electronics through Robust and Autonomous handLing of Diverse electronic boards with a robot | Jan Steinbrener | FFG | 02/2024 – 07/2027 |
Robuste Kommunikation und Navigation für roboterbasierte Assistenzsysteme im urbanen Umfeld | Stephan Weiss | FFG | 01/2024 – 12/2025 |
Symbiotic-Mechatronics for Robotics | Michael Hofbaur | FFG | 1/2022 – 12/2026 |
Adaptive Textile based Sensor and Actuator Skin towards Robotic Handling of Textiles in Sorting/Recycling | Hubert Zangl | FFG | 04/2023 – 03/2026 |
Entwicklung modularer Sensorfusion für Standarddrohnen zur vollautonomen Datenaufnahme in der Industrie ohne GPS (Avtonomy) | Stephan Weiss | FFG | 04/2023 – 03/2024 |
Mobilität Regional Denken (MOBIREG) | Erich Schwarz, Max-Peter Menzel | FFG | 02/2023 – 09/2024 |
Software Engineering Approaches for Evolving Systems (SEA) | Martin Pinzger | FFG | 01/2023 – 12/2026 |
Roboter-Navigation ohne GNSS-Signal, UAS/UGV-Schwärme, Autonome Systeme (NIKE-SwarmNav) | Stephan Weiss | FFG | 01/2023 – 01/2025 |
Electromagnetic near-Field enhanced UAV Landing (EMFLanding) | Jan Steinbrener, Hubert Zangl | FFG | 10/2022 – 09/2025 |
Situation-aware Automation of Loading and Transport Operations (SALTO) | Stephan Weiss | FFG | 10/2022 – 03/2025 |
Swarm Intelligence and Combinatorial Optimization for Energy Efficient and Adaptive Industry 4.0 (SwarmIn) | Martin Gebser | FFG | 09/2022 – 08/2025 | Blog |
Robuste Multi-Agenten-Zustandsschätzung für Infrastruktur-Inspektion im GPS-gestörten Gebiet (ROMING) | Stephan Weiss | FFG | 04/2022 – 03/2025 |
Distributed Middleware Services for Automated Operation of 5G Applications in the Computing Continuum (Kärntner Fog 2) | Radu Prodan | FFG | 03/2022 – 02/2025 | Blog |
Road to ODD-based virtual validation (and risk assessment) (Road2VV) | Hubert Zangl | FFG | 02/2022 – 09/2024 |
Lastenausgleich und Effizienzsteigerung mittels Zustandserfassung von vernetzten Kältekreisläufen (CloudFridge) | Hubert Zangl | FFG | 12/2021 – 11/2024 |
Miniaturrisierter, autonomer Sensor für das Conditon Monitoring (MaSCom) | Hubert Zangl | FFG | 10/2021 – 06/2024 |
Educational Innovation Lab for Sustainable MINT (EIL4MINT – SoE) | Verena Novak-Geiger, Andreas Bollin | FFG | 10/2021 – 09/2025 | Website | Blog |
Consistent Aerial Radar-based Navigation In Visibility challenged Areas and Landscapes (CARNIVAL) | Hubert Zangl, Stephan Weiss | FFG | 04/2021 – 03/2024 |
Digital Innovation Hub Süd | Philipp Hungerländer, Erich Schwarz, Rita Faullant | FFG | 04/2021 – 12/2025 | Website | Blog |
Condition- und Energiemonitoring mittels innovativer ultra-verlässlicher drahtloser Sensornetze (ConSens) | Christian Bettstetter | FFG | 02/2021 – 12/2024 |
Multisensor- und KI-basierte Selbstpositionierung von Multicoptern zur autonomen Navigation für Objektinspektion (MUKISANO) | Stephan Weiss | FFG | 01/2021 – 03/2024 |
Selbstorganisierende UAS Schwärme zur Einsatzunterstützung in Katastrophenfällen und bei der Vermisstensuche (UASwarm) | Stephan Weiss | FFG | 11/2020 – 06/2024 |
State-estimation and Control for Automated Model Parameter Identification with application to cable robots (SCAMPI) | Stephan Weiss | FFG | 07/2020 – 06/2024 |
Towards Automated Railway Operation (TARO) | Rita Faullant | FFG | 06/2020 – 06/2024 |
Accurate Interventional Medical Robotics through AI and Multi-Sensor Fusion (AIMRobot) | Jan Steinbrener | FFG | 06/2020 – 03/2024 | Blog |
Informationen für
Universität Klagenfurt
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan