doc.funds doctoral school
The doc.funds doctoral school
Modeling – Analysis – Optimization of discrete, continuous, and stochastic systems
is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and by the University of Klagenfurt.
The doctoral school is embedded into the well-established doctoral program in mathematics, but provides a special structure and a clearly defined research goal.
In our research we aim for solving mathematical problems by creating synergies from a multi-perspective view, combining the knowledge of several mathematical sub-disciplines.
In order to guarantee optimal guidance for this, every PhD student has a supervisor and a co-supervisor from the faculty as well as an international expert as a mentor, who will host the students international research stay.
The doctoral school and the doctoral program in mathematics provide a vivid, friendly, and research-oriented environment for PhD students from all over the world.
The coordinator team of the doctoral school consists of Prof. Michaela Szölgyenyi (coordinator), Prof. Barbara Kaltenbacher (co-coordinator), and Roswitha Rissner.
The faculty consists of Professors in the mathematical sub-disciplines relevant for the doctoral school.
These are Clemens Heuberger, Philipp Hungerländer, Barbara Kaltenbacher, Christian Pötzsche, Franz Rendl, Elena Resmerita, Michaela Szölgyenyi, and Angelika Wiegele. Associated faculty members provide additional support for the PhD students: Andrei Asinowski, Viktoriia Grushkovska, Gregor Kastner, Roswitha Rissner.
Fourteen PhD positions have been filled. Eleven women and three men were selected and are now pursuing their doctoral degree in the scope of this doctoral school. These early career researchers are from Austria, Croatia, France, Germany, Romania, South Africa, Ukraine, and Vietnam.
One position is currently vacant. In case you are interested, click here.
Open Positions
One predoc position is currently vacant. In case you are interested, click here.
News & Press
Mathematiker forscht an der optimalen Lösung für Umsatz und Logistik
(Jan Schwiddessen)
Doktorand*innentreffen der Stochastik in Klagenfurt
(Verena Schwarz, Iris Rammelmüller, Kathrin Spendier und Tim Krüger)
Mathematischer Blick in den Körper…
(Teresa Rauscher)
Calculating the source of a sound
(Phuoc Truong Huynh)
Enjoying the creativity of mathematics
(Sarah Selkirk)
Dicke Luft in Zahlen ausgedrückt
(Iris Rammelmüller)
Wie man den Zufall mathematisch einfängt!
(Kathrin Spendier)
Schadstoffausbreitung in Städten berechnen
(Iris Rammelmüller)
Ein Leben für mathematische Formeln
(Iris Rammelmüller)
Mathematische Zufallsbetrachtung
(Michaela Szölgyenyi)
Basis für Innovationen
(Kathrin Spendier)
Ich denke gerne logisch
(Melanie Siebenhofer )
Was das Bergsteigen mit der Mathematik zu tun hat
(Johannes Hofmeister)
Describing developments in mathematical terms
(Verena Schwarz)
Pure logic, which surprises me again and again…
(Kathrin Spendier)
Graduation requirements
In addition to the graduation requirements of the doctoral program the doctoral school has additional requirements for the ideal preparation of our PhD students for the academic job market. These are
- participation in at least one (internal or external) summer school and in at least two status seminars
- if there are less than two positively reviewed papers in international refereed journals or conference proceedings, then in addition to the two positive international reviews of the thesis, there must be two preprints on, which the supervisor and the co-supervisor declare publishable
- research stay abroad (this condition may be relaxed for those PhD students who have strong personal obstacles such as maternity).
doc.funds – Doctoral School
Coordinator Team
- Szölgyenyi Michaela, Univ.-Prof. Dr.
- Kaltenbacher Barbara, Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.
- Rissner Roswitha, Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.
International Mentor
Experts from all over the world help and collaborate with us
Thematic Doctoral Program
Doctoral student representatives
- Rath Jutta Astrid, Dipl.-Ing. BSc
- Rauscher Teresa, Dipl.-Ing. BSc
- Kaltenbacher Barbara, Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.
Mentor/Role Model
There will be a (associate) faculty member chosen by the students
- Supervisor
- Co-Supervisor
Contact for the doc.funds doctoral school
E: mao [dot] doctoralschool [at] aau [dot] at
T: +43 463 2700 3133

Informationen für
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan