Doktoratsprogramm Modeling, Simulation and Optimization in Business and Economics
The focus of the Doctoral Programme lies on mathematical and computational techniques and their use in modeling systems in economics and management.
Courses offered
- courses on modeling, simulation and optimization techniques and their applications to selected topics in business and economics
The aim of the programme is to enable participants to conduct research in the above-mentioned fields on a level equivalent to articles in good international refereed journals in business and economics.
Fact Box
Academic degree: Dr. rer.soc.oec, Dr. techn.
Duration of studies: 3 years
Language of instruction: English
Admission prerequisites:
- master’s degree in business/management, informatics, economics, mathematics or related fields or equivalent.
- admission to Doctoral Studies of Economics and Social Sciences or Doctoral Studies of Technical Sciences at the University of Klagenfurt
- confirmation of supervision by a member of the doctoral programme
Christian Wankmüller, junior scientist at the Department of Production, Energy and Environmental Management, has been awarded the State Price for his PhD project on the assessment of efficiency loss in humanitarian logistics in December 2018.
Researchers from Venice and Klagenfurt came together for a joint workshop within the scope of the recently initiated doctoral degree program.
The fourth “Venice-Klagenfurt Workshop” took place from the 15th to the 16th of December 2016: Young academics studying under Paolo Pellizzari and Marco Tolotti from the University Ca’ Foscari as well as students supervised by Reinhard Neck, Gerald Reiner, Paul Schweinzer and Friederike Wall (University of Klagenfurt) introduced and discussed their projects. The event was organized as part of the doctoral degree program “Modeling, Simulation, Optimization in Business and Economics”.
The doctoral students enrolled in this program are working on the further development and application of mathematical and computer-aided methods in order to facilitate the comprehension and – if possible – the improved configuration of complex correlations in business and management.
This represented the first occasion on which the workshop was held within the scope of the doctoral degree program, thus allowing for an expansion, both of the AAU professorships involved, and of the thematic focus. The previous three iterations of the workshop focused on the Department of Controlling and Strategic Management, in terms of AAU participation (including, on one occasion, representatives of the Department of Networked and Embedded Systems). The only topic addressed so far had consisted of agent-based simulation. Starting in 2011, the workshops were hosted in Klagenfurt and Venice, alternately. The next workshop – to be held once again within the scope of the doctoral degree program – is expected to take place in Venice in 2017.
Research areas
- agent-based modeling and simulation
- applications to operations management
- complex systems and business complexity
- decision-making in complex environments
- econometrics
- economic policy
- game theory
- logistics
- management control systems
- macroeconomics
- microeconomics
- static and dynamic optimization
Research perspectives
- learning to use mathematical and computational methods to produce new results for decisions on the level of the firm or a government agency;
Admission procedure
For the admission to the doctoral programme the current curriculum for doctoral studies of the University of Klagenfurt has to be taken into account. Potential candidates are invited to apply by informal letter/email, including a CV with a list of courses taken so far and a description of the intended topic(s) of research (exposé of at least two pages). Entry from previous doctoral studies is always possible. Promising candidates may be invited for an interview. The decision about an application will be made by consensus of the professors teaching and supervising in the programme.
There are no formal deadlines. Applications can be filed any time. The first round of the programme started on October 1, 2016. Joining the programme will be possible after consultation with members of the teaching staff.
Requirements for completion
The current curriculum requires doctoral students to obtain between 24 and 80 ECTS in courses (and publications, conference presentations, etc.) during a period of 6 semesters (3 years) in addition to their doctoral thesis. The specific course program is developed with the supervisor.
Potential supervisors
Faculty members (potential supervisors)
- Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Dmitri Blüschke (Department of Economics)
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Margaretha Gansterer (Institute for Production, Logistics and Environmental Management)
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Gebser (Department of Applied Informatics)
- Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Stephan Leitner (Department of Management Control and Strategic Management)
- em. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Reinhard Neck (Department of Economics)
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Paul Schweinzer (Department of Economics)
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Wagner (Department of Economics)
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Friederike Wall (Department of Management Control and Strategic Management)
Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Stephan Leitner
E: stephan [dot] leitner [at] aau [dot] at
T: +43 463 2700 4035
Abteilung für Controlling und Strategische Unternehmensführung
Informationen für
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan