Central computing services (ZID)

At the University of Klagenfurt, students, teachers and researchers are supported by one of the best IT service providers through a wide range of IT services in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT).
IT services

Our excellent service team supports you with a comprehensive range of user-oriented IT services to help you achieve your scientific and administrative objectives. We make every attempt to deliver great service, even providing custom-made solutions in the case of particular requirements, because your satisfaction is our top priority.
Have we sparked your interest?
We can support you with our excellent team and with the best IT infrastructure.
Do you already have an account?
Why don’t you browse through our catalogue of IT services? You are sure to find something of interest:
Please note, information provided in the AAU portal
is currently only available in German.
Service Desk
The IT Service Desk will be happy to assist you with any questions or problems concerning ICT support. Our call center system ensures optimum availability – simply and efficiently.
Room: S.0.51
Telephone: +43 463 2700 9666
E-mail: hotline [at] aau [dot] at
Monday-Thursday: 08:00-16:00
Friday: 08:00-14:00
ZID user regulations
Resources & equipment:
The allocation of resources & equipment and the authorisation to use services is based on default values. If you require additional resources, please contact Central Computing Services (ZID).
Internet services:
During peak times (8:00 – 16:00), the volume of data transferred from international servers must be kept as low as possible (transfers of large image files or programmes, for instance, are regarded as abuse).
Any commercial use of the Internet (e.g. advertising on your personal homepage) is prohibited and will result in the revocation of your user rights.
Internet services have a lower priority than all other types of work.
Privacy & data protection:
Users undertake to comply with the provisions of the Data Protection Act and, in the event that data is processed that is sensitive within the meaning of the Data Protection Act, to conclude an agreement with Central Computing Services (ZID) on the lawful procedure for processing data. In the case that no explicit reference is made, it is assumed that there is no collision with the Data Protection Act, and results and data carriers shall be the returned openly.
Offences punishable by law:
Data corruption or damage: (§126a Austrian Penal Code – StGB)
- Anyone who causes damage to another person by modifying, deleting or otherwise rendering unusable or suppressing data that has been processed, transmitted or made available by automated means, which s/he is not or not solely authorized to control, shall be punished with imprisonment of a period of up to six months or with a fine of up to 360 daily rates.
- Data within the meaning of para. 1 shall encompass both personal and non-personal data and programmes.
- Anyone who causes damage exceeding EUR 1820 by an act involving data, shall be punished with imprisonment of a period of up to 2 years or with a fine of up to 360 daily rates. Any person who causes damage exceeding EUR 36,340, may face imprisonment for a period between 6 months and 5 years.
Fraudulent data processing abuse: (§148a Austrian Penal Code – StGB)
- Whoever, with the intention to enrich himself or a third person unlawfully, causes damage to another person’s property by influencing the result of automated data processing by designing the programme, by entering, changing or deleting data (§126 a para. 2) or otherwise by influencing the course of the processing operation, shall be punished with imprisonment of a period of up to six months or with a fine of up to 360 daily rates.
- The same act, if committed for commercial purposes, or if it results in damages exceeding EUR 1820, shall be punished with imprisonment of a period of up to 3 years. If the damage caused exceeds EUR 36,340, the act is punishable with imprisonment of a period between 1 and 10 years. Acts: (§126a Austrian Penal Code – StGB) Article §126 covers practically all manipulations of stored data, in particular it also covers the seizure of data. The individual acts often overlap. The offence can also be committed by omission.
- Modification of data: The production of entirely or even partially new data content is punishable. It makes no difference whether this is done by content redesign, e.g. by partial deletion, by linking to other data or in any other way. Overlaps are conceivable in many respects, particularly with regard to deleting data and rendering data unusable. Example: The addition of data is also a modification of data, for instance when adding a new password to a password file.
- Deletion of data: This form of access corresponds to the destruction of data as described in §125 and includes the physical as well as the logical destruction of data. The data must be irretrievably lost. If the data can be restored using data stored elsewhere (e.g. backup copies), this type of modality is not deemed fulfilled. Moreover, in such cases there is usually no measurable financial loss. Example: The act of deletion of data or of the necessary links, as well as the destruction of a data carrier, fall within the meaning of §126 a. The installation of logical time bombs (so-called viruses) appears particularly dangerous in this respect, as a result of which a certain programme or the entire database may self-destruct. In the case of multiple copies, §126a applies to each separate data carrier (e.g. disc).
Declaration of consent:
The user hereby undertakes,
- not to pass on my user identification to any other person.
- to refrain from copying programmes provided by ZID. If copies are made illegally, I am liable for claims made by the licensor against ZID.
- to comply with the provisions concerning illegal and harmful content (code of conduct).
- to use the approved resources & equipment sparingly and properly in accordance with the operating and usage regulations. This means that the following contents are prohibited:
- Contents that endanger the security or the economic interests of the Republic of Austria or violate laws, public order or morality
- Content containing gambling prohibited by the Criminal Code
- Sexually offensive content
- Content trivialising or glorifying violence or encouraging violence, which may endanger the physical, mental or moral development of children or adolescents
- Content that conveys right-wing or left-wing extremist ideas, or that triggers or promotes racial problems
- Content that encourages or induces the use of harmful substances
- Content that damages the integrity of persons or spreads fear
- Content that degrades legally protected religious symbols, that cause public annoyance or massive public criticism
- Content which shows or describes violence, sadism or cruelty, or
- content which is otherwise repulsive or frightening in nature, referring to pornography or prostitution.
The user further undertakes not to attempt to gain access to other servers or directories.
This translation serves informational purposes only. Link to valid German version.

Information for
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan