AAU1/...Institut für Mathematik2/MSO doctoral program3/People4/Former Students
Former Students
Dr. Christian Aarset, MSc.
Bifurcations in Periodic Integrodifference Equations
Advisor: Univ.Prof. Dr. Christian Pötzsche
Mentor: Postdoc-Ass. Dr. Abel Garab
Funded by: AAU
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Philipp Armbrust BSc.
Individual Public Transport
Funded by: MSO
Dr. Romana Boiger, MSc.
Regularization methods for time-dependent inverse problems
Advisor: Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Barbara Kaltenbacher
Mentor: Em. Univ.Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pilz
Funded by: AAU
Dr. Rainer Brunnhuber
Well-posedness and long-time behavior of solutions for the Blackstock-Crighton equation
Funded by: FWF
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Elisabeth Gaar, BSc.
Efficient Implementation of SDP Relaxations for the Stable Set Problem
Funded by: MSO
Dr. Nicolo Gusmeroli, MSc.
An Exact Penalty Method over Discrete Sets to Solve Binary Quadratic Problems
Funded by: FWF
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Benjamin Hackl, BSc.
Asymptotic Analysis of Shape Parameters of Trees and Lattice Paths
Funded by: FWF
Dr. Van Kha Huynh, MSc.
Solving inverse problems without forward operators: Application examples and iterative solvers
Dr. Abdullah Kalkan, MSc.
Numerical dynamics of integro difference equations
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Sara Kropf, BSc.
Asymptotic analysis of digit expansions and sequences defined by automata
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Daniel Kurz, Bakk.techn.
Advanced Statistical Modeling of Early Life Failures in Semiconductor Manufacturing
Advisor: Em. Univ.Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pilz
Dr. Tram Thi Ngoc Nguyen, MSc.
Parameter identification for time-dependent inverse problems
Mentor: Assoc.Prof. Dr. Elena Resmerita
Funded by: AAU
Dr. Vanja Nikolić, MSc.
Mathematics of Nonlinear Acoustics: Numerics and Optimization
Funded by: FWF
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Venkata Satya Rajendra Pr Pathuri Bhuvana
Statistical Signal Processing for Embedded Systems and Communications
Advisor: Univ.Prof. Dr. Andrea M. Tonello
Funded by: MSO
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Barbara Pedretscher, Bakk.techn.
A two-step degradation model for power semiconductors
Dr. Mario Luiz Previatti de Souza, MSc.
Regularization and discretization of inverse Problems for PDEs in Banach Spaces
Funded by: FWF
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Evamaria Ruß, Bakk.techn.
Dichotomy Spectrum in Infinite Dimensions
Advisor: Univ.Prof. Dr. Christian Pötzsche
Funded by: AAU
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Anna Schlintl, BSc.
Solving inverse problems without forward operators: Bayesian approaches
Advisor: Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Barbara Kaltenbacher
Mentor: Postdoc-Ass. Dr. Abel Garab
Funded by: FWF
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Natalie Vollert, Bakk.techn.
Optimization of arbitrary parameters in FE simulations using statistical methods
Advisor: Em. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pilz
Funded by: CTR
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Universität Klagenfurt
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9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
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9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
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