Semester collection
The AAU university library has about 100 semester collections available for students. Semester collections contain literature that course lecturers deem fundamental and important for their current courses.
So that all students have the option to read, copy or scan this information, it can not be loaned in principle; instead it remains as a reference holding (non-lending collection) in the library.
Books from semester collections have grey labels with the number of the semester collection.
In the search engine, the semester collections can be recognised by the location “Semesterapparat.” and the temporary call number “SEM#”.
Tips for entry in our online catalogue Surf@ubk:
- course number
(e.g. LV123.456) - teacher’s name
- course title
- number of the semester collection
(e.g. SEM11)
Number of the semester collection | Course number | Course title | Teacher | Link to the relevant reading list |
SEM 11 | LV 120.239 | Arbeit, Bildung und Lebenswelt | Kastner, Monika | reading list SEM 11 |
SEM 12 | LV 240.311 | Historia de Espana | Climent de Benito, Jaime | reading list SEM 12 |
SEM 13 | LV 120.236 | Bildungs- benachteiligung: Erwachsene im Fokus | Bisovsky, Gerhard Brugger, Maria | reading list SEM 13 |
SEM 14 | LV 602.160 | Rechtsformgestaltung und Rechtsformwechsel | Stückler, Karl | reading list SEM 14 |
SEM 20 | LV 320.832 | Quantitative Methoden | Wolf, Gert Walter | reading list SEM 20 |
SEM 21 | LV 320.518 | Introduction to R programming | Wolf, Gert Walter | reading list SEM 21 |
SEM 22 | LV 602.982 | Fallstudien Innovations- management | Faullant, Rita | reading list SEM 22 |
SEM 23 | LV 618.341 | Arbeitsrecht und Sozialrecht II | Melzer-Azodanloo, Nora | reading list SEM 23 |
SEM 25 | LV 552.920 | Fachdidaktische Begleitung zu PPS1/PPS2/PPS3: English – Communicative Language Teaching in Practice I/II/III | Amerstorfer, Carmen Monika | reading list SEM 25 |
SEM 26 | LV 551.105 | PPS 4: English | Amerstorfer, Carmen Monika | reading list SEM 26 |
SEM 33 | LV 210.101 | Hannah Arendts politisches Denken | Pechriggl, Alice | reading list SEM 33 |
SEM 35 | LV 180.813 | Media and Convergence Management, Cross Media Management | Diehl, Sandra | reading list SEM 35 |
SEM 36 | LV 180.042 | Basics in Media Economics, Policy and Management | Stainer-Hämmerle, Kathrin | reading list SEM 36 |
SEM 37 | LV 160.146 | Klinisch-psychologische Diagnostik und Differenzialdiagnostik bei spezifischen Störungsbildern | Salem, Ingrid | reading list SEM 37 |
SEM 39 | LV 601.650 LV 601.651 LV 601.652 LV 601.653 | Internes Rechnungswesen I und II | Rausch, Alexandra | reading list SEM 39 |
SEM 41 | LV 607.173 | International Microeconomics | Salim, Claudia | reading list SEM 41 |
SEM 43 | LV 200.105 | Ausstellungskonzepte: Das “Volkshaus/Ljudski dom” der Architektin Maragerete Schütte-Litholtzky in Klagenfurt/Celovec (mit Exkursion) | Holfelder, Ute | reading list SEM 43 |
SEM 44 | LV 621.750 | Betriebssysteme | Hellwagner, Hermann Timmerer, Christian | reading list SEM 44 |
SEM 45 | LV 602.330 LV 602.331 | CSU3 | Leitner, Stephan | reading list SEM 45 |
SEM 46 | LV 010.201 LV 602.331 | Journalismus und Qualität Kurzfristige Unternehmensplanung | Schneeweiß, Josef | reading list SEM 46 |
SEM 49 | LV 240.209 | Sprachkompetenz Italienisch V | Bianchi, Marco | reading list SEM 49 |
SEM 50 | LV 240.921 | Italienisch I – Gruppe A | Bianchi, Marco | reading list SEM 50 |
SEM 51 | LV 240.212 | Galileo Galilei tra storia e mito | Bianchi, Marco | reading list SEM 51 |
SEM 52 | LV 240.927 | Italienisch III – Gruppe B | Bianchi, Marco | reading list SEM 52 |
SEM 54 | LV 601.610 | Einführung in die Betriebswirtschaftslehre | Offermanns, Guido | reading list SEM 54 |
SEM 56 | LV 515.749 LV 515.779 | Mehrsprachigkeit Didaktik DaF/DaZ | Esterl, Ursula | reading list SEM 56 |
SEM 57 | OKOM DIPLOMPRÜFUNG | Waldher, Karmasin, Weder, Diehl | reading list SEM 57 | |
SEM 59 | LV 220.026 | Die Perserkriege | Nebelin, Katarina | reading list SEM 59 |
SEM 60 | LV 220.225 | Exkursion Patriarchat von Aquileia | Domenig, Christian | reading list SEM 60 |
SEM 61 | LV 180.131 | Einführung in das Inbound Marketing | Farcher, Christina | reading list SEM 61 |
SEM 65 | LV 552.110, LV 552.111, LV 552.112, LV 552.15, LV 552.151 | Language Awareness 1 und 2 | Posratschnig, Ursula | reading list SEM 65 |
SEM 66 | LV 320.043 | Systemtheoretische Ansätze (B 4.3) | Just, Daniel | reading list SEM 66 |
SEM 67 | INNOVATIONS- MANAGEMENT und UNTERNEHMENS- GRÜNDUNG f. sämtliche LV. d. IUG | Schwarz, Erich | reading list SEM 67 | |
SEM 70 | LV 120.545 | Bildung und Entwicklung in Kindheit und Jugend | Sting, Stephan | Folder with prepared texts |
SEM 77 | LV 120.286 | Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten und Darstellen | Huss, Monika | reading list SEM 77 |
SEM 78 | LV 240.120 LV 240.122 | Littérature et photographie | Jutta Fortin | reading list SEM 78 |
SEM 79 | LV 320.742 | Kartographie (B 4.2, B 3.6 alt) | Wastl, Rudolf | reading list SEM 79 |
SEM 80 | LV 521.351 | Gegenwartsliteratur | Bosse, Anke | reading list SEM 80 |
SEM 102 | Frauenhandel, Menschenrechte | Probst, Evelyn | Folder with prepared texts |
Number of the semester collection | Course title | Link to the relevant reading list |
BWL | Betriebswirtschaftslehre | reading list BWL |
D!ARC | Digital Age Research | reading list D!ARC |
Int.Managem | Internationales Management | reading list Int.Managem |
IUG | Fachprüfung Innovationsmanagement u. Entrepreneurship | Titel-Liste IUG and folder with prepared texts |
Lang.Test | Language Testing | reading list Lang.Test |
MSc.MEDS | Master: Management, Economics and Data Science | reading list MSc.MEDS |
Marktg | Literatur Marketing u. Internationales Management | reading list Marktg
and folder with articles for the subject examination |
MCM | Media and Convergence Management | reading list MCM |
PsychodramaForschg | Psychodrama-Forschung (Wieser private) | three folders with prepared texts |
PLM | Produktionsmanagement & Logistik | reading list PLM |
Psychol.Allg | Allgemeine Psychologie | Treading list Psychol.Allg |
Qual.Sozialfor | Methoden qualitativer Sozialforschung (inkl. 1 Ordner “”Praktikumsbericht””) | reading list Qual.Sozialfor |
Recht | Recht | reading list Recht |
Roman.Litwiss | Romanistische Literaturwissenschaft | reading list Roman.Litwiss |
Roman.Sprwiss | Romanistische Sprachwissenschaft | reading list Roman.Sprwiss |
Schreib | Schreibcenter | reading list Schreib |
Transnat.MSF | Transnationale Migrations- und Solidaritätsforschung | reading list Transnat.MSF |
Vorwiss.Arbeit | Vorwissenschaftliche Arbeiten | reading list Vorwiss.Arbeit |
VWL | Volkswirtschaftslehre | reading list VWL |
Wiss.Arbeit | Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten | reading list Wiss.Arbeit |

Information for
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan