Special admission procedure for the Master Management, Economics, and Data Science
The special admission procedure for the Master’s degree programme in Management, Economics, and Data Science is scheduled to take place once per year, before the start of the winter semester. Once the special admission procedure has been successfully completed, new entrants can take up their studies only at the start of the following winter semester.
Each academic year, up to a total of 50 university places will be awarded at the University of Klagenfurt on the basis of the special admission procedure.
Steps of the special admission procedure:
Contact & Information
Management, Economics, and Data Science
E-mail: meds [at] aau [dot] at
Verordnung des Rektorats zum Aufnahmeverfahren (PDF, German version, legally binding)
Regulation on the Special Admission Procedure (English version, PDF)
Verordnung des Rektorats zum Kostenbeitrag (PDF, German version, legally binding)
Payment of the application fee (PDF, English version)
Special admission procedure 2025
University places: 50
Start of studies: autumn 2025
Special admission procedure in table view
The steps of the special admission procedure in table view:
Registration for the admission procedure | All applicants8 for the Master’s degree programme in Management, Economics, and Data Science | 13 January to 30 April 2025 (11:59 pm CEST) |
Online registration
Complete the registration for the admission procedure in the registration portal For detailed information, please refer to Step 1! |
Non-EU- or Non-EEA-citizens | Within application window I: 13 January to 28 February 2025 |
Payment of the application fee | All applicants8 for the Master’s degree programme in Management, Economics, and Data Science | 13 January to 30 April 2025 (11:59 pm CEST) |
Payment of the application fee by means of the ePayment service provided
For detailed information, please refer to Step 2! |
Non-EU- or Non-EEA-citizens | Within application window I: 13 January to 28 February 2025 |
Upload of the required documents | All applicants who have successfully completed the registration for the admission procedure | 13 January to 30 April 2025 (11:59 pm CEST) |
Upload all required documents to the registration portal
For detailed information, please refer to Step 3! |
Non-EU- or Non-EEA-citizens | Within application window I: 13 January to 28 February 2025 |
Results | University of Klagenfurt | Results to be expected by:
An e-mail will be sent to you informing you of the outcome
For detailed information, please refer to Step 3! |
Fulfilment of minimal criteria | All applicants who have submitted a complete application by 30 April 2025 (11:59 pm CEST) | By 30 June 2025 at the latest (11:59 pm CEST) |
Rectification in the registration portal
For detailed information, please refer to Step 3! |
Later submission of graduation documents | All applicants who submit a complete application by 30 April 2025 (11:59 pm CEST) and whose application meets the minimal criteria | By 24 October 2025 at the latest | Upload the complete graduation documents to the registration portal
For detailed information, please refer to Step 3! |
Invitation letter | University of Klagenfurt | After the examination of the required documents by the Admissions Committee and the Admissions and Examinations Office | Invitation letter to successful applicants by e-mail
For detailed information, please refer to Step 4! |
Acceptance of the university place | Applicants who receive an invitation letter by e-mail | Within 7 days from the day on which the invitation letter is sent | Accept the university place via the registration portal of the University of Klagenfurt
For detailed information, please refer to Step 4! |
Entry and residence | Applicants who are not from Austria | As soon as possible | Entry and residence
For detailed information, please refer to Step 5! |
Enrolment | All applicants who successfully complete the admission procedure and who meet the admission requirements | By 31 October 2025 at the latest | In person at the Admissions and Examinations Office of the University of Klagenfurt
For detailed information, please refer to Step 6! |
Fee payment | All enrolled students | By 31 October 2025 at the latest | Bank/Online-banking
For detailed information, please refer to Step 7! |
The separate steps of the special admission procedure in detail
STEP 1: Registration
All applicants to the Master’s degree programme in Management, Economics, and Data Science must register for the special admission procedure exclusively within the registration period, using only the online registration of the University of Klagenfurt.
As a Non-EU- or Non-EEA-citizen you are strongly advised to apply within application window I. This way you are likely to have enough time to prepare all your documents and to properly plan your accommodation, residence permit, visa, travel plans etc. (see Step 5: Entry and residence).
As a student or graduate of the Bachelor’s degree programme in International Business and Economics (IBEc) at the University of Klagenfurt, you should not continue with the steps as outlined on this webpage. Instead, please refer to the information for IBEc-graduates.
All other applicants: Please continue reading this webpage and act accordingly.
Registration period
13th January to
30th April 2025
- Application window I
13th January to 28th February 2025 - Application window II
1st March to 31st March 2025 - Application window III
1st April to 30th April 2025
Registration for the special admission procedure for all students for whom this is the first degree at the University of Klagenfurt
- Carry out the online registration to receive a user account. Applicants must provide an e-mail address for the purpose of registration (e.g. Gmail, yahoo, etc.). Fill in all fields marked with an asterisk (*). After the online registration you will receive an e-mail, inviting you to activate your user account.
- Click on the link provided in the e-mail you have received. As part of the account activation procedure, you will be required to choose a username and define a password. Be sure to remember your access data (username and password). You will keep your username throughout your entire time at the University of Klagenfurt.
- Once your user account is active, you can log in to the registration portal using your access data (username and password). Complete your personal details. Select the degree programme of your choice and register for the special admission procedure for the degree programme.
Registration for the special admission procedure for individuals who are already students at the University of Klagenfurt
- Log in to your student portal and select the link Bewerbungsportal (registration portal) under services in the menu on the left-hand side.
- Click on Bewerbung (registration). Select the degree programme of your choice and register for the special admission procedure for the degree programme.
Other or delayed forms of registration for the admission procedure cannot be considered.
Once you have registered and applied for admission to the Master’s degree programme in Management, Economics, and Data Science, you will receive confirmation by e-mail.
This does not conclude the special admission procedure!
For your application to be complete, you must pay the application fee and upload the required documents!
STEP 2: Payment of the application fee
Pay the 50 € application fee by means of the ePayment service provided.
The entire fee must be transferred to the bank account of the University of Klagenfurt within the registration period and it must by attributable to the respective applicant. Otherwise, the application cannot be considered. Therefore, make sure to pay the application fee correctly.
Application fee
Payment period:
13th January 2025 to
30th April 2025
- Application window I
13th January to 28th February 2025 - Application window II
1st March to 31st March 2025 - Application window III
1st April to 30th April 2025
Amount: 50 €
As a Non-EU- or Non-EEA-citizen you are strongly advised to pay the application fee within application window I. This way you are likely to have enough time to prepare all your documents and to properly plan your accommodation, residence permit, visa, travel plans etc. (see Step 5: Entry and residence).
The application fee is non-refundable. There are no exceptions.
Bank transfer
You cannot make a bank transfer because it is NOT included in the ePayment service provided. You will not receive any payment details such as the recipient, IBAN, BIC, reference number etc. for the payment of the application fee.
Button has vanished and payment cannot be initiated
If the payment of the application fee fails or is interrupted, the button will disappear and you will need to wait for about 3 hours before you can initiate the payment again. So, after waiting for about 3 hours, please log in to the registration portal and try paying the application fee again.
STEP 3: Upload of all required documents
Prepare the documents
Scan all required documents or take pictures of the documents. The documents must be submitted in full (e.g. front and back of the Bachelor’s degree certificate including the note of legalisation and the complete translation).
Ensure the integrity of your documents. To scan your documents, fold them if necessary. Do not remove existing attachments (e.g. seals, staples, threads, stickers, rivets etc.) under any circumstance. Do not damage any seals, staples, threads, stickers etc.
For each required document type, one file can be uploaded. Merge multiple pages of the same document into one file before the upload.
Be sure that your files are easily readable and provided in sufficiently high quality.
Upload the documents
Complete your application. Upload all required documents within the stipulated period, using the registration portal of the University of Klagenfurt.
As a Non-EU- or Non-EEA-citizen you are strongly advised to upload the required documents within application window I. This way you are likely to have enough time to prepare all your documents and to properly plan your accommodation, residence permit, visa, travel plans etc. (see Step 5: Entry and residence).
Permissible file format
Upload period
13th January to 30th April 2025
- Application window I
13th January to 28th February 2025 - Application window II
1st March to 31st March 2025 - Application window III
1st April to 30th April 2025
Required documents
- Valid passport
- Bachelor’s degree certificate
- Transcript of records
- Proof of proficiency in English
- Proof of eligibility for study
- CV
- Letter of motivation
Documents required where applicable
- Documents concerning name change/variations
- Confirmation of accreditation
- Confirmation of official length of programme
- Official translations
- Average grade confirmation
Incomplete applications cannot be considered and will be invalidated after the deadline for uploading the documents!
Upload all required documents:
- passport or ID
- Bachelor’s degree certificate
- i.e. documentary evidence of the completion of a relevant degree programme or of an equivalent degree programme (Bachelor’s degree or, respectively, undergraduate degree)1 and, if available, the associated notification of award (document with information on your academic title)
- in consideration of legalisation requirements
- transcript of records
- i.e. an academic transcript including marks of all examinations passed within the undergraduate degree programme or, if available, a diploma supplement
- in consideration of legalisation requirements
- proof of proficiency in English
- Level B2 (CEFR) 2
- proof of eligibility for study
- in the form of an ETS Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) General Test3 (GRE Designated Institution (DI) Code 0253)
- OR (if a GRE-certificate cannot be provided):
- in the form of a GMAC Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or
- in the form of exceptional academic performance, proven in particular by means of a transcript of records
- up-to-date CV
- in English
- with information about the applicant’s education, first language(s), all foreign language skills
- letter of motivation 4
- in English
- in it, the applicant describes why they seek admission to the Master’s degree programme in Management, Economics, and Data Science at the University of Klagenfurt and why they should be offered a place
- document(s) concerning a name change/variations
- if your name(s) is/are not the same in all of your documents, a document concerning the name change or, respectively, the variations in the spelling of a name/names is required, e.g. marriage certificate, affidavit etc.
- in consideration of legalisation requirements
- confirmation of accreditation
- if this is required, you will be informed accordingly
- confirmation of official length of programme
- if this is required, you will be informed accordingly
- official translations
- if the above-mentioned documents have been issued in a language other than German or English, certified translations are required additionally
- average grade confirmation
- if you are a student/graduate of the University of Klagenfurt, you must add a confirmation document regarding your average grade, which is to be requested from the Admissions and Examinations Office at meds [at] aau [dot] at
- include its scan in the file you intend to upload to the slot “Proof of eligibility for study”
If there are doubts about the authenticity or the content accuracy of documents used to prove compliance with the admission requirements, or about the identity of the applicant, or if the documents submitted are not sufficient to reach a decision, further evidence can be requested or, for instance, an assessment interview can be held.
Your application documents will be verified for completeness and to ensure that all formal and personal criteria have been met. If shortcomings are found, you will be notified by e-mail. You will receive confirmation by e-mail as soon as all formal and personal criteria have been met.
Legalisation requirements
Depending on the country in which your documents were issued, they may need to be authenticated:
Translation requirements
Documents which are issued in a language other than German or English need to be translated into either of these two languages:
Fulfilment of minimal criteria
Within a complete application with an adequate passport, proof of eligibility for study, CV, and letter of motivation, the minimal criteria must be met by 30 June 2025 at the latest. Otherwise, an invitation letter for the academic year 2025/2026 cannot be issued.
By this deadline, the following criteria must be met:
- Official documents
- Bachelor’s degree certificate, transcript of records, proof of proficiency in English etc.: Only documents which are equipped with a wet ink signature and a wet stamp/embossing seal (i.e. manually signed and stamped) or with the Austrian ‘official signature’ (“Amtssignatur”) are considered official documents. Digitally generated documents without a wet ink signature and wet stamp/embossing seal or, respectively, without the Austrian official signature will not be considered. This also applies to provisional confirmation documents etc.
- where applicable, document(s) concerning a name change/variations
- where applicable, a confirmation of accreditation
- where applicable, confirmation of official length of programme
- where applicable, official translations of the above-mentioned documents, providing that they have been issued in a language other than German or English
- where applicable, an average grade confirmation
Later submission of graduation documents
The Bachelor’s degree certificate, i.e. the documentary evidence of the completion of a relevant degree programme or of an equivalent degree programme (Bachelor’s degree or, respectively, undergraduate degree)1, and the transcript of records/diploma supplement, i.e. a record of marks of all examinations passed within the undergraduate degree programme, do not necessarily have to be submitted within the registration period.
Applicants who are not yet in possession of their graduation documents within the registration period are required to provide evidence of their academic achievements in the form of
- an official provisional transcript of records and
- the corresponding curriculum/study plan
in German or English (with official translations, where applicable).
Scans or pictures of the complete graduation documents (in consideration of the legalisation and the translation requirements) must be uploaded by 24 October at the latest for admission for the winter semester (see Step 6: Enrolment in person).
Later submission of legalised documents
If your documents are not legalised in compliance with the requirements at the time of application, scan them as they are (i.e. without legalisation). Given that your application is deemed to be suitable, you will have the chance to replace the files by uploading scans of your legalised documents later on.
Scans of the complete (graduation) documents (in consideration of the legalisation and the translation requirements) must be uploaded by 24 October at the latest for admission for the winter semester (see Step 6: Enrolment in Person).
In addition to completing your application for the Master’s degree programme in Management, Economics, and Data Science, you might need to submit an application for admission. If so, you will be informed accordingly by e-mail.5
All suitable applications will remain valid for the entire registration period. Applicants whose applications meet the criteria may be issued a conditional offer of study. Applications that exceed the number appointed during one application window, will automatically be included for consideration in the next application window.
Applications which do not meet the personal and/or formal criteria will be rejected.
STEP 4: Acceptance of the university place
Invitation letter
Depending on the number of applications received, slightly more than 15 university places will be allocated per application window. Applicants who are allocated a place at university receive an invitation letter with a conditional offer of study. This document can be used for various bureaucratic affairs such as applying for a visa. It is the only document issued to applicants prior to enrolment.
Acceptance deadline
within 7 days from the day on which the invitation letter is sent
Please note that the offer letter is valid only for an entry in the academic year following the special admission procedure and that the deadlines stated in the invitation letter apply.
Acceptance of the university place
If you receive an invitation letter with a conditional offer of study, secure your place by accepting the offer via the registration portal within 7 days from the day on which the invitation letter is sent.
Should you not accept the university place, admission will not be possible at a later stage.
STEP 5: Entry and Residence
If you are not originally from Austria, please make sure you find out about requirements regarding entry into and residence in Austria in a timely manner.
You may need a residence permit and visa. If so, you will need to apply for the residence permit and the visa on your own, before you enter Austria. The University of Klagenfurt cannot support applicants in that regard.
Austrian residence permit and visa procedures are complex and demanding. The processing time of an application for a residence permit/visa can be several months. Therefore, you should start the process as early as possible.
Additional documents might need to be legalised and/or translated for a residence permit/visa application to be considered complete.
The Admissions and Examinations Office is not in charge of matters related to accommodation, residence permits, visas etc.
STEP 6: Enrolment in person
The winter semester starts on the 1st of October.7 A start of studies after the beginning of the semester may result in difficulties.
Applicants who have successfully concluded the special admission procedure can enrol up to the 31st of October. Enrolment (admission) takes place in person at the Admissions and Examinations Office.
You will receive information about the date for your enrolment by e-mail in the course of the special admission procedure.
Required documents (originals or certified copies)
- Valid passport or ID
- Bachelor’s degree certificate
- Transcript of records
- Proof of proficiency in English
Documents required where applicable (originals or certified copies)
- Documents concerning name change/variations
- Confirmation of accreditation
- Confirmation of official length of programme
- Official translations
At enrolment, applicants must present the following documents as originals or certified copies:
- valid passport or ID (original document)
- Bachelor’s degree certificate and, if available, notification of award as documentary evidence of the completion of a relevant degree programme or of an equivalent degree programme (undergraduate degree)1
- transcript of records pertaining to the undergraduate degree programme or, if available, diploma supplement
- certificate or other documentary proof of proficiency in English (Level B2 (CEFR))2
- where applicable, documents concerning name change/variations
- where applicable, confirmation of accreditation
- where applicable, confirmation of official length of programme
- where applicable, official translations of the above-mentioned documents, providing that they have been issued in a language other than German or English
Documents must be presented as original documents and must fully comply with the legalisation and the translation requirements.
The documents required for the purpose of enrolment must be submitted and will be returned to the applicant without delay, as soon as the authenticity has been verified.
Prints, scans, or simple copies do NOT suffice for admission.
STEP 7: Payment of student union fees / university fees
Following the successful enrolment, the prescribed student union fees / university fees6 must be paid in a timely and orderly manner by the end of the admission period.
The admission to the degree programme is only valid once the prescribed fees have been paid in full and on time! Students can only register for courses once the fees have been paid.
Important Information
1 Successful completion of a relevant undergraduate degree programme
Undergraduate degrees from the following fields of study are considered particularly appropriate for the Master’s degree programme in Management, Economics, and Data Science in any case:
- Applied Business Administration
- Business Administration
- Information Management
- International Business and Economics
- Business and Law
- Business Informatics
- Information and Communications Engineering/branch Business Engineering
2 Evidence of proficiency in English at the B2 level (CEFR)
The required knowledge of English must be documented by one of the following certificates. The certificates mentioned under points 5 to 7 must not be more than two years old at the time of application for admission:
- Successful completion of the subject English as part of the Austrian school leaving examination (provided in the form of an Austrian certificate of the final school year)
- Successful completion of the subject English as part of a school leaving examination at a school in a member state of the European Union or the European Economic Area, Switzerland, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, Australia, New Zealand or Canada. If the level B2 (CEFR) of English is not explicitly stated on the school-leaving certificate, corresponding confirmation from the school administration may be requested
- Austrian certificate testifying the right to study, including a pass in English at level B2
- Completion of a study programme conducted in English and lasting at least two years at a recognised post-secondary educational institution in a member state of the European Union or the European Economic Area, Switzerland, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, Australia, New Zealand or Canada
- TOEFL iBT (Minimum Score: 87)
- IELTS (Minimum Overall Band Score: 6.5 and at least 6 for each individual assessment area)
- Cambridge English: First Certificate in English (FCE) or B2 First (result Level B2) or higher
The required proof of eligibility for study must be provided by a score on the ETS Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test (GRE Designated Institution (DI) Code 0253) that is less than three years old at the time of application.
If no score on the ETS Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test is provided, a score on the GMAC Graduate Management Admission Tests (GMAT) that is less than three years old at the time of application or exceptional academic performance, proven in particular by a transcript of records, can be submitted instead.
4 Letter of motivation
The applicants’ personal criteria are assessed amongst others on the basis of the letter of motivation. Applicants should describe in their own words why they want to enrol for the Master’s degree programme in Management, Economics, and Data Science, outlining their motivation, their objectives and their perspectives in relation to the degree, and should further explain the reasons for the selection of the University of Klagenfurt as a potential education institution.
The letter of motivation must be written in English and will be assessed by the members of the admission committee, who also give due regard to additional interpersonal and intercultural skills as well as proof of eligibility for study.
5 Application for admission
You might need to submit an application for admission. If so, you will be informed accordingly by e-mail.
Following the examination of your application, the rectorate might require you to complete supplementary examinations at the beginning of your studies. Once you hand in the completed form, the programme director will specify the additional courses. Subsequently, you will be asked for your consent. This will be a prerequisite for your enrolment.
As the processing time of an application for admission is two months on average, you should submit it as soon as you receive instructions to do so.
6 University fees and student union fee
Austrians, EU citizens, students with the status of „Konventionsflüchtlinge”, and privileged third-country nationals („begünstigte Drittstaatsangehörige“) are EXEMPT from university fees, if they are regular students and the duration of their study is not extended by more than two semesters.
All students have to pay the student union fee.
Students who are nationals of the least-developed countries or LDCs within the meaning of the DAC list NEED NOT pay university fees.
7 Term dates and deadlines
The academic year commences on the 1st of October and ends on the 30th of September of the following year. It consists of the winter semester and the summer semester, each including the recess period. The winter semester begins on the 1st of October, the summer semester begins on the 1st of March. Courses in the winter semester begin on the 1st of October, courses in the summer semester begin on the 1st of March (see academic calendar).
8 IBEc-graduates
If you are a graduate of the Bachelor’s degree programme in International Business and Economics (IBEc) at the University of Klagenfurt, you do not need to participate in the special admission procedure for the Master’s degree programme in Management, Economics, and Data Science. After the completion of your Bachelor’s degree programme, you may take up your studies in the Master’s degree programme in Management, Economics, and Data Science without the requirement of supplementary examinations. For admission to the Master’s degree programme in Management, Economics, and Data Science, complete the student data sheet and e-mail it to meds [at] aau [dot] at during the admission periods for the winter semester. Note that a start of studies is possible only in the winter semester.
Statuses of your application
Your application will go through several statuses on your way to your potential enrolment. In case your application is successful, the statuses will be these:
- Application incomplete (right after you select the degree programme)
- Application complete (as soon as you pay your application fee and upload the required documents)
- Eligible (if the Admissions Committee deems your application to be suitable – in that case, the Admissions and Examinations Office will check your application with regard to formal criteria and inform you by email on what must be done for your documents to meet the requirements)
- Application documents accepted (as soon as all your documents meet the requirements)
- Approved for enrolment (if all criteria for your prospective enrolment are met, including the acceptance of your conditional offer of study)
Disclosure of data
In the course of the preliminary proceedings, personal data may be passed on to third parties.
In the event of doubt, the university reserves the right to verify the authenticity of any documents submitted.
Regulation on the Special Admission Procedure
Verordnung des Rektorats zum Aufnahmeverfahren (PDF, German version, legally binding)
Regulation governing the special admission procedure for the Master’s degree programme in Management, Economics, and Data Science at the University of Klagenfurt (PDF, English Version)
Further Links

Information for
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan