Bachelor’s theses
Theses are underpinned by essential principles of academic integrity and good academic practice (Preamble, Code of Conduct).
It is in the interests of both students and teaching staff at the University of Klagenfurt that principles of academic integrity and good academic practice are followed.
This means that all Bachelor’s theses are checked for internet plagiarism.
Theses topics and supervision at Bachelor’s level
A Bachelor’s thesis is the final piece of independent written work you will submit for your Bachelor’s programme and is written on a subject covered in one of your courses.
The curriculum explains the courses for which a Bachelor’s thesis can or must be written. These courses are also highlighted in the course list.
Please note that curricula sometimes provide additional regulations for Bachelor’s theses, such as regulations on minimum length.
If you want to register for a course with a thesis element, you must let the course lecturer know that you would like to write a Bachelor’s thesis based on that course.
The topic of your Bachelor’s thesis is agreed in consultation with your course lecturer.
Once you’ve registered for your Bachelor’s thesis, you will see a new section in your Student Portal titled “Bachelor’s thesis” (Bachelorarbeit) for the course in question.
You submit your completed thesis by uploading it online.
Submitting your Bachelor’s thesis
Uploading your Bachelor’s thesis
You write your thesis in consultation with your course lecturer. You then upload your completed thesis to the central server yourself. This is done as follows:
Convert your document to Adobe PDF format in order to upload it. If you have used MS Word 2007 to write your thesis, you can convert it to PDF straight from Word. If you’ve written your thesis using an older version of Word or another word processing programme, you can use the open-access computers in Technology Services to convert it with Word 2007 or Adobe Acrobat Writer.
Should you need it, you can get technical support by calling the Technology Services hotline:
Central information technology service (ZID) Hotline: +43 463 2700 9666
Once your thesis is available in PDF format, you can start the submission process in the Student Portal by following the steps in the “Bachelor’s thesis” section of the portal:
- Select your file from your chosen storage media (hard disk, USB stick, CD-ROM, DVD, etc.), confirm your selection and start the upload.
- After the upload, a window will appear that will let you check that your file is correct and complete. You can also choose to continue the submission process or cancel it.
- If you select “Submit work” and continue the submission process, give your consent to the submission and for your work to be checked using DocoL©c internet plagiarism software. Also confirm that the upload is a valid submission. If you abort the submission process, your thesis will not be submitted and you can repeat the process again with a new or amended document. If you complete the submission, you cannot revoke it or amend the document.
Another process begins with the submission of your thesis, i.e. the electronic copy of your thesis is archived and the automatic plagiarism check takes place automatically. In the Student Portal, the status of your thesis will now be set to “Submitted” (Eingereicht).
Hard copy submissions
You can ask your course lecturer about the regulations on submitting hard copies of your Bachelor’s thesis.
Plagiarism checks and assessment
At this stage, you don’t need to do anything else yourself. Based on the plagiarism report received, your supervisor will update the status of your thesis to “No plagiarism” or “Plagiarism”. You will be able to see this status in the Student Portal.
Your Bachelor’s thesis is then included in your course result. You can access your result in the Student Portal. After transferring this result to your Evidence of Examination Completion Record, you can print out a Certificate of Successful Course Completion confirming your result.

Information for
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan