Tools present an important output of our research that we would like to share with the software engineering community. Below is a list of tools (most of them prototypes) that researchers of SERG have developed or have been involved in developing. They are available for free.
Change Extraction/Analysis
- IJM (Iterative Java Matcher) for extracting detailed information on changes in Java source files
- DiffVisualizer – tool for browsing and navigating source file differences. Various diff-algorithms are supported.
- Evolizer – platform for importing and storing data from software repositories. Evolizer has been developed by s.e.a.l. in collaboration with SERG.
- ChangeDistiller – Extracting fine-grained changes from Java source code. ChangeDistiller has been developed by s.e.a.l. in collaboration with SERG.
Extracting Timed Automata from Java Source Code
Maven Build Analysis
- See Christian Macho’s web-site for getting access to the tools BuildMedic, BuildDiff, and MavenLogAnalyzer
Stack Overflow Analysis
- TSST – Tag synonym suggestion tool for tags on Stack Overflow.
- See also Stefanie Beyer’s web-site
Feature Evolution Analysis
- Feature EvolutioN ExtractoR – a set of tools to extract feature changes from the Linux kernel. We consider changes in the kConfig configuration, Makefiles, and the source code. The tools have been developed by Nicolas Dintzner from the TU Delft in collaboration with SERG.
Software Visualization
- Famix Importer – Eclipse plug-in for parsing Java code to a FAMIX model.
- DA4Java – Eclipse plug-in for visualizing and exploring Java code (source code and tool are not available anymore).
- SNAnalyzer – Eclipse plug-in to visualize and explore the developer contribution structure obtained from commits over time (source code and tool are not available anymore).
Software Architecture
- ArchWiki – Eclipse plug-in to document and navigate software architectures by integrating ArchStudio4 with a Wiki.

Information for
University of Klagenfurt
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9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
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9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
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