The master’s degree program requires students to perform an internship in industry (Praxissemester) or in a research group (Forschungssemester). These internships give master students the opportunity to participate in (large) industrial software projects or to get in contact with the scientific research performed in our groups.
For performing an internship in industry (Praxissemester), students are encouraged to get in contact with companies and propose a project by themselves. For performing an internship in one of our research groups (Forschungssemester), students should get in contact with the research group that is offering the project.
Below we provide a list of open projects. Please also check the websites of the research groups and any notices of companies at our department’s information boards for more information. Also feel free to contact us (see contact details in the proposals) should you be interested in performing a project with us.
Internships in industry (Praxissemester)
Several Internships at KELAG
KELAG-Kärntner Elektrizitäts-Aktiengesellschaft is writing several months of practical semesters.
Detailed information at
Applications only online at
The online application must be accompanied by a cover letter, a curriculum vitae and the current proof of academic achievement.
Several Internships at Dynatrace, Infineon, Mazda IT, Peaksolutions, Skidata and more
The Software Engineering Research Group (SERG) collaborates with a number of companies in Carinthia, such as Dynatrace, Infineon, Mazda IT, Peaksolutions, Skidata, and many others. They offer assignments for Softwarepraktika and Student Projects. Please contact the company for open assignments or drop Prof. Martin Pinzger an email.
Internships in research (Forschungssemester)
Research Internship @ SERG
If you are interested in doing your internship on a project related to Software Engineering, please do not hesitate to contact Martin Pinzger for further information. Our projects will allow you to get in touch with cutting edge software engineering techniques and technologies and serve as a very good preparation for your upcoming Master Thesis project!
Research Internship @ IAS
If you are interested in doing your internship at our research group in a project related to Human-Computer Interaction, please do not hesitate to contact us (David Ahlström, Martin Hitz, or Gerhard Leitner) for further information and arrangements.
Working with us in one of our research projects will give you plenty of hands-on experiences and serves as excellent preparation for your upcoming Master Thesis project!
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9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
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