Master Theses
The Software Engineering Research Group offers a number of thesis projects for Master students in various research areas. The goal of a Master’s thesis project is to provide an answer to a relevant research question in software engineering. This typically involves the construction or extension of a prototype tool used to evaluate your research hypotheses and a written thesis to report, interpret, and discuss the results. A thesis project is typically taking 6-9 months full-time work. More information on the procedure for performing a Master’s Thesis project at the University of Klagenfurt and all forms are available at Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten (in German).
Available Projects
List of topics in which we are offering a number of Master Thesis projects:
- Automating Software Engineering Tasks
- Change Extraction and Change Impact Analysis
- Program Analysis
- Software Visualization
We also offer a number of Master Thesis projects in collaboration with our industrial partners. Please contact Martin Pinzger or Christian Macho for more information.
Thesis proposal
The first step of any MSc thesis project is to write a thesis proposal. This document serves as a guide during and as a reference for your thesis project. A thesis proposal should contain
- Brief introduction into the subject field
- Scientific motivation for the project (why is it relevant?)
- Research goal and list of (initial) research question(s) that will be addressed
- Initial planning and staging of the project – what are the expected deliverables and milestones to reach them, when will you start/end. Deliverables are a prototype of a piece of software, an algorithm, an advice on how to treat a particular problem, a documented architecture, etc.
- Risk analysis, or those (external) events that could have an impact on your planning
- Contact details for the participants (student, supervisor, and when appropriate also the company supervisor)
- Supervision details: generally an n-weekly schedule for meetings to discuss findings and progress that you’ve established togerther with your university (and company) supervisor(s).
- When appropriate details regarding intellectual property and allowance (sometimes these are arranged in a separate legal contract)
- List of courses that still need to be followed and/or final exams that need to be taken (not so much as guard for entering the thesis phase but to document a potential impact on the planning)
The proposal is written in English so international students can read, and build on, your work. It is important to note that the details and planning are not cast in stone for the complete duration of the thesis project. If initial results show that there are good reasons to improve on the initial ideas, then plans can be changed. In such a case, the proposal can be updated and serve as a track record that documents and motivates such changes.
How to write a Thesis?
Concerning structure and contents you might follow the guideline by Prof. John W. Chinneck’s web site.
Regarding the style of writing a Diploma Thesis we refer the student to the books:
- “The Elements of Style”, Strunk and White.
- “Writing for Computer Science” of Justin Zobel.
The web site of Prof. Henning Schulzrinne contains further useful hints that should be considered.
Ongoing Thesis Projects
- Julian Fragner, Translation of Regular Expressions into Dynatrace Pattern Language, @Dynatrace
- Elias Santner, LLM-based Vulnerability Repair for C/C++ Code, @AAU-SERG
- Oliver Aartsen, Tuning the Performance of Video Games, @AAU-SERG
- Christof Bachmann, Static Change Impact Analysis in Microservice Architecture, @AAU-ZID
- Alexander Widmann, Identifying Breaking REST API Changes from a Consumer Perspective, @AAU-SERG
Finished Thesis Projects
- Rijad Gerguri, NDiff – Automating notifications for breaking changes by statically analyzing ASP.NET Core Web API source code, July 2023
- Christian Wuggenig, Web-based knowledge transfer from R&D to Failure Analysis department at Infineon Technologies Austria AG, February 2023
- Natyra Ferati, Automating Design Handoff Between UX/UI Design and Development Team, February 2023
- Guido Breitenhuber, Testing Expected Behavior of Integrated ROS Applications, August 2022
- Andreas Kopeinig, Fine-grained Change Analysis for TypeScript based Systems, March 2022
- Christoph Wedenig, Detecting SSRF Attacks in Kubernetes using Distributed Tracing, March 2022
- Kevin van Dommele, Bridging Component Validation Frameworks, September 2021
- Andreas Tscheinig, Advanced Analytics for Autonomous Cloud Delivery Operations, August 2021
- Karin Wagner, Closing the Gap between Firmware Development and Integrated Test Development, June 2019
- Thomas Grassauer, Studying Co-Evolution of Production and Test Code in .NET Open Source Projects, October 2016
- Kavitha Shanmugam, Evolution of Custom SAP Applications (together with Infineon), September 2014

Information for
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan