O. Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Johann Eder
Short CV:
Johann Eder is full professor for Information and Communication Systems in the Department of Informatics-Systems of the University of Klagenfurt, Austria. From 2005-2013 he served as Vice President of the Austrian Science Funds (FWF). He held positions at the Universities of Linz, Hamburg and Vienna and was visiting scholar at AT&T Shannon Labs, NJ.
The research interests of Johann Eder are databases, information systems and data management for medical research. A particular focus of his work is the evolution of information systems and the modelling and management of temporal information and temporal constraints. Another focus is the application of Information technology for medical research from information systems for biobanking, information privacy to modelling of biological processes.
He successfully directed numerous competitively funded research projects on workflow management systems, temporal data warehousing, process modelling with temporal constraints, application interoperability and evolution, information systems modelling, information systems for medical research, etc.
Johann Eder has contributed to workflow systems and business process management for 2 decades, in particular in the area of workflow systems languages and architectures, exception handling, time management, and data management. His research led to the development of the commercial workflow management systems altavistaWorks and @enterprise.
Johann Eder authored one book, edited 22 books, proceedings, special issues of journals and published more than 160 papers in international journals and conference proceedings. See dbpl, google scholar and the research database of AAU for lists of publications.
He served in numerous program committees for international and acted as general chair / PC chair for CAiSE, ADBIS, BPM, CoopIS, and DAWAK conferences. He is editor and referee for international journals and conferences (including ACM TODS, ACM TOIS, IEEE TKDE, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing TSCSI, Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence Review, Dat and Knowledge Engineering, Computer Journal, JCSE, JUCS, DSS, JSS, etc.).
Johann Eder received the degrees of Diplom-Ingenieur and Doctor of technical sciences from the University of Linz, Austria. From 1985 till 1990 he was assistant professor at the University of Klagenfurt. In 1990 he was visiting professor at the University of Hamburg, Germany. From 1990-1991 he was associate professor (tenured) at the University of Vienna, Austria. From 1991-2005 he was full professor for information and communication systems at University of Klagenfurt and he chaired the Department of Informatics-Systems from 1994- 2005, and 2009-2013. From 2005 to 2007 he was full professor for informatics (workflow) at the University of Vienna. In 1998 he was visiting scholar with AT&T Research Shannon Labs, NJ, USA.
Databases, Information Systems, Process Engineering, Interoperability, Research Methods in Computer Science
Research Topics:
Workflows and Process Aware Information Systems, Evolution of Databases and Information Systems, Temporal Aspects of Information Systems, Information Systems for Medical Research
- Artificial intelligence
- Computer Sciences
- Computer supported cooperative work (CSCW)
- Data & Knowledge Engineering
- Data Warehouse
- Datenbanken: Design, Auswahl, Realisierung, Tuning
- Daten im World Wide Web
- Evolution von Informationssystemen
- Expertensysteme, regelbasierte Systeme, aktive und deduktive Datenbanken
- Information systems
- Konzeptuelle Modellierung
- Software development
- Workflow-Management-Systeme
- XML und semistrukturierte Daten
Here is a list of the latest publications.
Franziska Selina Hollauf, Johann Eder: Time and Cost Aware Instantiation of Composed Services. 2024 26th International Conference on Business Informatics (CBI), 62504, 2024, S. 208 - 217.
Johann Eder, Roberto Posenato, Carlo Combi, Marco Franceschetti, Franziska Selina Hollauf: Agile Controllability of Simple Temporal Networks with Uncertainty and Oracles. 31st International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning , Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 318, Dagstuhl, 2024, S. 1 - 16.
Vladimir A. Shekhovtsov, Bence Slajchó, Aron Sacherer, Johann Eder: CollectionLocator Level 1: Metadata-Based Search for Collections in Federated Biobanks. http://arxiv.org/, 2024,
Robert Buchmann, Johann Eder, Hans-Georg Fill, Ulrich Frank, Dimitris Karagiannis, Laurenzi Emanuele, John Mylopoulos, Dimitris Plexousakis, Maribel Yasmina Santos: Large language models: Expectations for semantics-driven systems engineering. Data & Knowledge Engineering, Elsevier B.V., 152, Amsterdam, 2024,
Roberto Posenato, Marco Franceschetti, Carlo Combi, Johann Eder: Introducing Agile Controllability in Temporal Business Processes. Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling (BPMDS 2024, EMMSAD 2024) , Springer, Cham, 511, 2024, S. 87 - 99.
Marco Franceschetti, Johann Eder: Advanced Temporal Control Structures for Business Process Modeling. Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 57, 2024, S. 6022 - 6031.
Roberto Posenato, Carlo Combi, Johann Eder: Technical Report: Some results and challenges Extending Dynamic Controllability to Agile Controllability in Simple Temporal Networks with Uncertainties. ONLINE - CATALOGO DEI PRODOTTI DELLA RICERCA, 1, 2023, S. 1 - 19.
Marco Franceschetti, Roberto Posenato, Carlo Combi, Johann Eder: Dynamic Controllability of Parameterized CSTNUs. SAC '23: Proceedings of the 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, 2023, S. 965 - 973.
Josef Lubas, Johann Eder: A Time-Aware Model for Legal Smart Contracts. Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling, Springer, Cham, 479, 2023, S. 121 - 135.
Rudolf Wittner, Petr Holub, Cecilia Mascia, Francesca Frexia, Heimo Müller, Markus Plass, Clare Alloca, Fay Betsou, Tony Burdett, Ibon Cancio, Adriane Chapman, Martin Chapman, Mélanie Courtot, Vasa Curcin, Johann Eder, Mark Elliot, Katrina Exter, Carole Goble, Martin Golebiewski, Bron Kisler, Andreas Kremer, Simone Leo, Sheng Lin-Gibson, Anna Marsano, Marco Mattavelli, Josh Moore, Hiroki Nakae, Isabelle Perseil, Ayat Salman, James Sluka, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Caterina Strambio-De-Castillia, Michael Sussman, Jason R. Swedlow, Kurt Zatloukal, Jörg Geiger: Toward a common standard for data and specimen provenance in life sciences. Learning Health Systems, Wiley Periodicals, Inc., 8, 2023, S. 1 - 9.
Johann Eder, Volodymyr Shekhovtsov: Managing the Quality of Data and Metadata for Biobanks. 9th International Conference, FDSE 2022, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, November 23–25, 2022,, Springer Singapore, 1688, 2022, S. 52 - 69.
Volodymyr Shekhovtsov, Johann Eder: Metadata Quality for Biobanks. Applied Sciences, MDPI Publishing, 12, Basel, 2022,
Josef Lubas, Marco Franceschetti, Johann Eder: Resolving Conflicts in Process Models with Temporal Constraints. ER-Forum-PhD 2022 ER Forum and PhD Symposium 2022, CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org), 3211, Aachen, 2022, S. 103
Franziska Selina Hollauf, Marco Franceschetti, Johann Eder: Time-Cost Tradeoffs for Composed Services. CAiSE 2022 - Advanced Information Systems Engineering - 34rd International Conference , Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 13295, 2022, S. 533 - 548.
Johann Eder, Marco Franceschetti, Josef Lubas: Dynamic Controllability of Processes without Surprises. Applied Sciences, MDPI Publishing, 12, Basel, 2022,
Volodymyr Shekhovtsov, Johann Eder: Data Item Quality for Biobanks. Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 50, 2022, S. 77 - 115.
Marco Franceschetti, Johann Eder: Determining temporal agreements in cross-organizational business processes. Information and Computation, Elsevier, 281, 2021, S. 104792
Johann Eder, Marco Franceschetti, Josef Lubas: Time in Data Models. FDSE 2021 - Future Data and Security Engineering - 8th International Conference, Springer, Cham, 13076, 2021, S. 23 - 35.
Franziska Selina Hollauf, Marco Franceschetti, Johann Eder: Towards Representing Time-Cost Tradeoffs for Service Compositions. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC), IEEE International Conferences on Communications, 2021, S. 79 - 88.
Johann Eder, Volodymyr Shekhovtsov: Data quality for federated medical data lakes. International Journal of Web Information Systems, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Vol. 17, Bingley, 2021, S. 407 - 426.
Carlo Combi, Johann Eder, Mark Reynolds: 28th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning . Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 206, Dagstuhl, 2021,
Marco Franceschetti, Johann Eder: Semi-contingent Task Durations: Characterization and Controllability. Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 12751, 2021, S. 246 - 261.
Johann Eder, Marco Franceschetti, Josef Lubas: Time and Processes:Towards Engineering Temporal Requirements. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2021), SciTePress - Science and Technology Publications, Setubal, 2021, S. 09 - 16.
Johann Eder, Volodymyr Shekhovtsov: Data Quality for Medical Data Lakelands. Future Data and Security Engineering, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020, S. 28 - 43.
Marco Franceschetti, Johann Eder: Negotiating Temporal Commitments in Cross-Organizational Business Processes. 27th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, 2020,
Johann Eder, Marco Franceschetti: Time and Business Process Management: Problems, Achievements, Challenges. 27th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, 2020, S. 25 - 32.
Marco Franceschetti, Johann Eder: Designing Decentralized Business Processes with Temporal Constraints.. Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020, S. 51 - 63.
Johann Eder, Marco Franceschetti, Josef Lubas: Conditional Schedules for Processes with Temporal Constraints. . SN Computer Science , Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Vol. 1, 2020, S. 1 - 18.
Johann Eder, Horst Pichler: Supporting the Donation of Health Records to Biobanks for Medical Research. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Digital Pathology, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020, S. 38 - 55.
Marco Franceschetti, Johann Eder: Computing Admissible Temporal SLAs for Web Service Compositions. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), 2020, S. 318 - 326.
Johann Eder, Marco Franceschetti, Josef Lubas: Scheduling Processes Without Sudden Termination. Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 387, 2020, S. 117 - 132.
Marco Franceschetti, Johann Eder: Computing Ranges for Temporal Parameters of Composed Web Services.. 21st International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2019), ACM Digital Library, New York, NY, 2019, S. 537 - 545.
Julius Köpke, Marco Franceschetti, Johann Eder: Optimizing data-flow implementations for inter-organizational processes. Distributed and Parallel Databases, Springer Verlag GmbH, 37, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2019, S. 651 - 695.
Marco Franceschetti, Johann Eder: Dynamic Service Binding for Time-Aware Service Compositions. 2019 IEEE 23rd International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop (EDOCW), IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2019, S. 146 - 151.
Johann Eder: Computing History-Dependent Schedules for Processes with Temporal Constraints. Future Data and Security Engineering, Springer, 11814, Berlin, 2019, S. 145 - 164.
Marco Franceschetti, Johann Eder: Towards Checking Dynamic Controllability of Processes with Temporal Loops. Joint Proceedings of the ER Forum and Poster & Demos Session 2019, CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org), 2469, Aachen, 2019, S. 1 - 14.
Marco Franceschetti, Johann Eder: Checking Temporal Service Level Agreements for Web Service Compositions with Temporal Parameters. IEEE International Conference on Web Services, ICWS 2019, IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2019, S. 443 - 445.
Julius Köpke, Marco Franceschetti, Johann Eder: Balancing Privity and Enforceability of BPM-Based Smart Contracts on Blockchains. Business Process Management: Blockchain and Central and Eastern Europe Forum. BPM 2019, Springer Verlag GmbH, 361, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2019, S. 87 - 102.
Johann Eder, Marco Franceschetti, Julius Köpke: Controllability of business processes with temporal variables. Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, ACM - New York, New York, NY, 2019, S. 40 - 47.
Claus Edmund Dabringer, Johann Eder: Fast Distributed Top-q and Top-k Query Processing. Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XLI, Springer, 11390, Berlin, 2019, S. 1 - 31.
Tatjana Welzer, Johann Eder, Vili Podgorelec, Aida Kamišalić Latifić: Advances in Databases and Information Systems. Springer International Publishing AG, 11695, Cham, 2019,
Tatjana Welzer, Johann Eder, Vili Podgorelec, Robert Wrembel, Mirjana Ivanovic, Johann Gamper, Mikolaj Morzy, Theodoros Tzouramanis, Jérôme Darmont, Aida Kamišalić Latifić: New Trends in Databases and Information Systems. Springer International Publishing AG, 1064, Cham, 2019,
Johann Eder, Horst Pichler: Towards Look-Ahead Strategies for Work Item Selection. IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2019, S. 752 - 757.
Ranapathige Suneth Pubudu Ranasinghe, Horst Pichler, Johann Eder: Report on Data Quality in Biobanks: Problems, Issues, State-of-the-Art. http://arxiv.org/, 2018,
Julius Köpke, Marco Franceschetti, Johann Eder: Optimizing data-flow implementations for inter-organizational processes. Distributed and Parallel Databases, Springer Verlag GmbH, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2018, S. 1 - 45.
Julius Köpke, Johann Eder, Jianwen Su: GSM+T: A Timed Artifact-Centric Process Model. 25th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME 2018), Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 120, Dagstuhl, 2018, S. 1 - 15.
Lisana Berberi, Johann Eder, Christian Koncilia: A Process Warehouse Model Capturing Process Variants.. Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures, 13, 2018, S. 77 - 85.
Johann Eder, Marco Franceschetti, Julius Köpke: Controllability of Orchestrations with Temporal SLA: Encoding Temporal XOR in CSTNUD.. 20th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS ’18), ACM New York, 2018, S. 234 - 242.
Johann Eder, Christian Koncilia, Karl Wiggisser: Data Warehouse Maintenance, Evolution, and Versioning. Encyclopedia of Database Systems, Springer, Berlin, 2018, S. 884 - 890.
Johann Eder, Marco Franceschetti, Julius Köpke, Anja Oberrauner: Expressiveness of Temporal Constraints for Process Models. ER 2018 Workshops, Springer Nature, 11158, Berlin und London, 2018, S. 119 - 133.
Johann Eder, Julius Köpke: Workflow Management and Workflow Management System. Encyclopedia of Database Systems, Springer, Berlin, 2018, S. 4709 - 4714.
Julius Köpke, Marco Franceschetti, Johann Eder: Analyzing Data-Flow Implementations for Distributed Execution of Inter-Organizational Processes. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2017), ACM - New York, New York, NY, 2017, S. 15 - 22.
Philipp Hofer-Picout, Horst Pichler, Johann Eder, Sabrina B. Neururer: Conception and Implementation of an Austrian Biobank Directory Integration Framework. Biopreservation and Biobanking, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers, 15, New Rochelle (NY), 2017, S. 332 - 340.
Claus Edmund Dabringer, Johann Eder: Fast Top-Q and Top-K Query Answering. Future Data and Security Engineering, Springer, 10646, Berlin, 2017, S. 43 - 63.
Horst Pichler, Johann Eder, Margareta Ciglic: Modelling Processes with Time-Dependent Control Structures. Conceptual Modeling , 10650, 2017, S. 50 - 58.
Johann Eder, Tiziana Margaria, Bernhard Steffen, Christel Baier, Mark van den Brand, Mike Hinchey: SOFSEM 2017: Theory and Practice of Computer Science. Springer International Publishing AG, 10139, Cham, 2017,
Claus Edmund Dabringer, Johann Eder: Towards Adaptive Distributed Top-k Query Processing. New Trends in Databases and Information Systems - ADBIS 2016 Short Papers and Workshops, BigDap, DCSA, DC, Prague, Czech Republic, August 28-31, 2016, Proceedings, Springer, 637, Berlin, 2016, S. 37 - 44.
Margareta Ciglic, Johann Eder, Christian Koncilia: Anonymization of Data Sets with NULL Values. Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXIV, Springer Verlag GmbH, 9510, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2016, S. 193 - 220.
Johann Eder, Selmin Nurcan, Pnina Soffer, Marko Bajec: Advanced Information Systems Engineering. Springer International Publishing AG, 9694, Cham, 2016,
Johann Eder, Zohra Bellahsene, Rania Y. Khalaf: International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems - Special Issue on CoopIS 2013. World Scientific Publishing, 24, Singapore, 2015,
Johann Eder, Julius Köpke, Michaela Schicho: Efficient Projection of Ontologies. Journal on Data Semantics, Springer Verlag GmbH, 4, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2015, S. 103 - 116.
Johann Eder, Julius Köpke: Equivalence Transformations for the Design of Interorganizational Data-Flow. Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Springer Verlag GmbH, 9097, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2015, S. 367 - 381.
Julius Köpke, Johann Eder, Dominik Joham: Towards Path-Based Semantic Annotation for Web Service Discovery. Information Systems Engineering in Complex Environments, Springer Verlag GmbH, 204, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2015, S. 133 - 147.
Christian Koncilia, Johann Eder, Tadeusz Morzy: Analyzing Sequential Data in Standard OLAP Architectures. Advances in Databases and Information Systems, Springer Verlag GmbH, 8716, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2014, S. 56 - 69.
Margareta Ciglic, Johann Eder, Christian Koncilia: ANON-a flexible tool for achieving optimal k-anonymous and l-diverse tables. 2014,
Julius Köpke, Johann Eder, Markus Künstner: Implementing Projections of Abstract Interorganizational Business Processes. 2014,
Johann Eder, Christian Koncilia, Tadeusz Morzy, Robert Wrembel: Interval OLAP: Analyzing Interval Data. Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery,16th International Conference, DaWaK 2014, Springer Verlag GmbH, 8646, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2014, S. 233 - 244.
Margareta Ciglic, Johann Eder, Christian Koncilia: k-Anonymity of Microdata with NULL Values. Database and Expert Systems Applications, Springer Verlag GmbH, 8644, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2014, S. 328 - 342.
Johann Eder, Julius Köpke, Dominik Joham: Path-Based Semantic Annotation for Web Service Discovery. Joint Proceedings of the CAiSE 2014 Forum and CAiSE 2014 Doctoral Consortium, CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org), Aachen, 2014, S. 81 - 88.
Julius Köpke, Johann Eder, Markus Künstner: Projections of Abstract Interorganizational Business Processes. Database and Expert Systems Applications, Springer Verlag GmbH, 8645, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2014, S. 472 - 479.
Johann Eder, Marko Bajec: Special Issue from the Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops 2012. International Journal of Information Systems Modeling and Design, IGI Global / IGI Publishing (IGIP), 4, Hershey (PA), 2014, S. 4 - 5.
Johann Eder, Julius Köpke, Markus Künstner: Top-Down Design of Collaborating Processes. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2014), ACM - New York, New York, NY, 2014, S. 336 - 345.

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