Master Theses
In their master thesis, students demonstrate their ability to independently solve problems in the area of their specialization using state-of-the-art scientific methods. The following list of master theses reflects a variety of different topics and projects to work on. Prof. Eder and Prof. Köpke are open to your topics related to the ones below or general topics in data engineering, interoperability, business process management, and the applications of blockchains.
Students are encouraged to propose further topics suiting their personal professional interest. In any case, please contact the advisor in due course.
Open Master Theses
Search for collections in federated biobanks using mappings between ontologies
For searching relevant collections in biobanks we developed a collection locator, which supports the search on basis of ontological annotation of the available data items. The challenge is now in federated biobanks, when different ontologies are used for describing collection data.
The aims of this master thesis are:
- to represent semantic relationships between concepts of different ontologies (e.g. concept A of ontology O1 is similar to concept B of ontology O2: O1.A ~ O2.B; every O1.A is an O2.B: O1.A -> O2.B) also with probabilistic strength (e.g. 80% of O1.A are O2.B)
- use these mappings between ontologies to support search
- implement these techniques in the CollectionLocator on basis of the OMOP system
Contact: Prof. Johann Eder
Implementation of a contract controller for smart contracts
Basis for this master theses is a model which describes smart contracts in a temporally constrained contract model. Which consists of actions and temporal constraints between events caused by some parties. The aims of this master theses are to design and implement a controller for one of the parties on top of a blockchain that monitors the events on basis of the contract model and triggers actions at the appropriate time to avoid violations of obligations from the contract, in particular the violation of temporal constraints.
Contact: Prof. Johann Eder
Implementation and evaluation of an algorithm for checking agile Controllability
Agile controllability of STNUs (simple temporal network with uncertainty) is a generalization of dynamic controllability and leads to less strict schedules. We developed an algorithm for checking whether a STNU is agilely controllable. Furthermore, we have a technique for detecting, which constraints are in conflict.
The aims of this master thesis are:
- Implementing the checking algorithm for agile controllability.
- Analyzing its performance, in particular its scalability by a series of experiments.
- Integrating the algorithm into our temporal process designer to support designers to develop controllable processes.
Contact: Prof. Johann Eder
Computing schedules with different strategies for slack distribution
The aim of this thesis is to support the scheduling of tasks in business processes. In particular, we are interested in identifying possible alternative strategies for distributing the slack time that becomes available during the execution of a process. Possible strategies include, but are not limited to, assign more time to cheaper tasks, or more time to tasks requiring less resources. Slack distribution should be realized in a way that the remaining part of the process that needs to complete can be executed without violating any existing temporal constraints. This project requires designing and implementing different strategies, and comparing the results of their application to a number of process models.
Contact: Prof. Johann Eder
Checking controllability of processes with temporal control structures
We are interested in verifying the temporal correctness of processes which include advanced temporal control structures (temporal XOR, temporal loop). These advanced temporal control structures expand the set of modeling constructs available to process designers, enabling time-based control flow decisions. This project requires the implementation of a process model including advanced temporal control structures, and the design and evaluation of algorithms for checking temporal correctness (building on existing procedures developed for Temporal Constraint Networks), in particular dynamic controllability.
Contact: Prof. Johann Eder
Engineering of temporal requirements
The aim of this master thesis is to create a review of techniques for representing temporal requirements and for checking whether temporal requirements are conflicting. The deliverables are:
- A thorough bibliographic analysis of techniques for representing temporal requirements.
- Comparison of the most relevant of these techniques with an emphasis on expressiveness and the possibility to check for conflicts.
- Case study: modeling a real case in selected techniques for representing temporal requirements.
Contact: Prof. Johann Eder
LLMs for querying Business Process Models
Our research group developed a web-based tool* for the efficient and interactive modeling of business processes in BPMN. This thesis is embedded into this endeavor. However, the focus will be on assessing the capabilities of LLMs to reason about process models in different representations. The core of the thesis will be an evaluation of LLM results against classical approaches.
* Tool Homepage:
Contact: Prof. Julius Köpke
LLMs for Modeling CMMN or GSM Processes
OMG´s CMMN modeling and notation is a language for modeling case-handling processes. Such processes are often also referred to as knowledge-intensive processes and require more flexibility than classical business processes (e.g., BPMN). Examples are the treatment of a patient or an investigation of a homicide. CMMN is rooted in the artifact-centric process modeling language GSM. This thesis will explore the capabilities of LLMs to interactively create CMMN/GSM models from textual descriptions and user feedback. The core will be the implementation and evaluation of a prototype.
Contact: Prof. Julius Köpke
LLMs for Data Integration
The thesis will explore how LLMs can be used for data integration tasks such as schema matching, entity matching, schema mapping, data fusion, and data transformation. The thesis will be based on an initial literature review. Starting from this review, an LLM-based approach will be designed, implemented, and evaluated.
Contact: Prof. Julius Köpke
LLMs for Modeling Conceptual Data Models
This thesis will explore how LLMs can be used to design UML class diagrams or entity relationship models interactively. The core of the thesis will be the implementation and evaluation of an interactive web-based tool for the interactive creation of models from text and user feedback.
Contact: Prof. Julius Köpke
Current Master Theses
Farina, Stefano: Multiplayer and Blockchain in videogames. 2023.
Zenzmaier, Florian: Semiautomatic Generation of Data Mappings. 2023.
Lila, Keti: Incremental Verification of Time Aware Business Processes. 2023.
Trattnig, Sebastian: Generating ON-Chain and OFF-Chain Models for Multi-party Blockchain Based Business Process Execution. 2021.
Finished Master Theses
Gaggl, Felix: Data Engineering for improved process control in the semiconductor industry. 2024.
Nečemer, Michael: Computing additional actors of decisions for inter-organizational business processes with constraints. 2023.
Hollauf, Franziska Selina: Representation and Computation of Time-Cost Trade-offs for Composed Services. 2023.
Dehari, Blend: Central Anonymized Index Structure for Searching in Federated Biobanks. 2022.
Eisenkeil, Patrick: Searching on k-anonymized medical data of federated biobanks. 2022.
Dardagan, Nađa: Implementing Privity Requirements of Business Processes Using Hyperledger Fabrics. 2022.
Brđanin, Adnan: Implementing Enforceability Requirements of Business Processes Using Hyperledger Fabrics. 2022.
Slajchó, Bence: Metadata Repository for Federated Biobanks. 2022.
Davidović, Milan: Generating key-exchanges for sharing business process data confidentially on blockchains. 2022.
Lubas, Josef: The Sudden Death Problem in Business Process Modelling. 2020.
Schmoliner, Lorenz: Kostenoptimierung in zeit- und ortsbasierter Terminplanung. 2017.
Ebner, Manuel: Temporal Control Structures. 2017.
Oberrauner, Anja: Temporal Workflows mit Start/End Events, non-contingent Activities und upper-bound Constraints. 2017.
Bleiweiß, Petra: Workload-based Workitem Selection Strategies in Workflow Management Systems. 2016.
Franceschetti, Marco: Data flow optimization in interorganizational workflows. 2015.
Huber, Raphaela: Sequence Data Cube A Generic Meta Model for Sequence Generation and Storage. 2015.
Joham, Dominik: Path-based Semantic Annotation of Web Service Descriptions for Improved Web Service Discovery. 2014.
Künstner, Markus: Partitioning of Inter-Organizational Workflows. 2014.
Bandaru, Mahidhar: Evaluation of Top-k Query Answering Techniques. 2013.
Ciglic, Margareta: Privacy in Biobanks. 2013.
Grafenauer, Michael: Kriterien für die Interoperabilität zwischen verteilten Systemen der Prozessautomatisierung am Beispiel Infineon Technologies AG. 2012.
Hannig, Hannes: Data Exchange using XML and Ontologies (Evaluation of the Lifting and Lowering Approach). 2012.
Korak, Thomas: Correctness and Compatibility Analysis of Executable Process Views. 2012.
Letz, Florian: Alternatives for Data Manipulation, Retrieval and Storage Possibilities for Federated Biobanks. 2012.
Reci, Elisa: Structural Revalidation and Repair of Annotation Path Expressions. 2012.
Taurer, Alexander: Kooperation von CSCW-Systemen. 2012.
Wanschou, Peter: View-Coordinator for Interorganizational Workflows. 2011.
Zakes, Marcin: A view proxy for inter-organizational worflows. 2011.
Domanska, Zofia: Model driven architecture for data integration in a federated environment – data entry and retrieval capabilities. 2010.
Pirker, Gerd: Workflow Reengineering – Generierung von Workflows aus regelbasierten Prozessdefinitionen. 2010.
Schweiger, Martin: An Architecture for Mobile Task and Worklist Management. 2010.
Skibinski, Grzegorz: Aspect-oriented workflow view generator. 2010.
Szymczak, Marcin: Semantic Annotation-based XML Document Transformation. 2010.
Aigner, Thomas: Mobile Daten-Synchronisation in kabellosen, fehleranfälligen Netzwerken. 2009.
Marktl, Bernd: Predictive data-based Workflow Management. 2009.
Merl, Herbert: Analyse von Workflows mit OLAP Repräsentation von Designinformationen in Process-Data-Warehouse. 2009.
Hanschitz, Erich: Konfiguration von Prüffeldern im Bereich Automotive Engineering Architektur – Konzeption – Implementierung. 2008.
Schicho, Michaela: Temporal Web Service Compositions Integration von pro-aktiven Mechanismen. 2008.
Stroj, Marlene: LENI Workflow Client A Universal Web Based Workflow Client. 2008.
Missoni, Matthias: Replacement Ersetzungen im Rahmen des Zeitmanagements zur Laufzeit. 2007.
Eichner, Hannes: Java-Simulationsframework für Zeitmanagement in Workflow-Systemen. 2006.
Hall, Mark: A Semantic Similarity Measure for Formal Ontologies (With an application to ontologies of a geographic kind). 2006.
Lassnig, Mario: Extending The Probabilistic Timed Model For Advanced Workflow Patterns. 2006.
Wernig-Pichler, Johannes: Web Services in Earth Observation. 2006.
Dreier, Christian: Generischer Datenzugriff in XML-gestützten Lightweight Workflow Management Systemen. 2005.
Gräbner, Dietmar: XSL Transformations of XML Schema Based XML Documents. 2005.
Lorber, Wolfgang: XML-basiertes EDI für Standardsoftware in der Reifenbranche. 2005.
Schelander, Peter: Realisierung von probabilistischem Zeitmanagement im Workflow System @enterprise. 2005.
Vielgut, Stefan: Time Management in Web Service Orchestrations. 2005.
Bierbaumer, Martin: Zeitliche Optimierung in probabilistischen Workflow Systemen Minimierung von Verzögerungen. 2004.
Gratzer, Petra: Dynamische Änderung der Organisationsstrukturen in Workflow Umgebungen großer Organisationen. 2004.
Stark, Konrad: High Performance Caching in a Workflow Management System. 2004.
Wiggisser, Karl: Temporale Erweiterung des Common Warehouse Metamodel. 2004.
Fuchs, Simone: Objekt- Relationale Datenbanken: Design for Performance. 2003.
Mitsche, Dieter: Erkennen von Strukturbrüchen in Data Warehouses mit Data Mining-Techniken. 2003.
Kassl, Alexander: Algebraische Optimierung objekt- orientierter Queries mit inversen Methoden. 2002.
Keimel, Bernhard: Einsatz von Ontologien zur Transformation von XML-Dokumenten. 2002.
Kogler, Herbert: Relationale Repräsentation temporaler multidimensionaler Data Warehouses. 2002.
Lugger, Georg: Effiziente Data Mart Realisierung basierend auf dem temporalen Data Warehouse Metamodell COMET. 2002.
Ninaus, Michael: Auslastungsberechnungen in probabilistischen Workflow Systemen. 2002.
Olivotto, Georg: Ein Data Warehouse zur Analyse von Workflows. 2002.
Kolmann, Brigitte: Zeitmanagement in Workflow Systemen. 2001.
Pichler, Horst: Probabilistisches Zeitmanagement in Workflow Systemen. 2001.
Strametz, Walter: Komposition und Spezialisierung für XML Transformationen. 2001.
Buchegger, Bernd: Elektronischer Datenaustausch im Internet auf Basis XML “Prototypische Implementierung einer Datenaustauschkomponente in einer electronic Commerce Umgebung”. 2000.
Burghauser, Karl: Externe Schemata in objekt-relationalen Datenbanksystemen. 2000.
Kerschbaumer, Franz: Generic Workflow Worklist based on Universal Lightweiht Client (ULC) Technique. 2000.
Knapp, Harald: Effizientere Unterstützung von Geschäftsprozessen durch Flexible Workflow-Systeme. 2000.
Krumpholz, Alexander: Self-Maintained Document Hierarchies. 2000.
Saringer, Michael: Workflow Evolution. 2000.
Koncilia, Christian: Fallstudie: Konzeption und Installation eines Data Marts sowie des Zugriffs mittels eines OLAP-Tools. 1999.
Scheiber, Herbert: Change Management mit Workflow Systemen. 1999.
Frank, Heinz: Equivalence of Statecharts. 1998.
Kornfeld, Gerald: Kooperation von Workflow-Management-Systemen durch Austausch von EDIFACT-Dokumenten. 1998.
Matyas, Anna: Bedeutung von Datenqualität – Methoden, Techniken und Massnahmen zur Datenqualitätssicherung. 1998.
Raffler, Erwin: Sicherheit in Workflow-Management-Systemen. 1998.
Tarchini, Gilbert-Patrick: Ressourcenverwaltung in Workflowsystemen. 1998.
Thaller, Horst: Realisierung einer Entwicklerschnittstelle für ein WWW-Basiertes Workflow-Management-System. 1998.
Pirker, Alois: Schema Translation with Spatial Data Models. 1997.
Wurzer, Gerald: Realisierung eines Workflowsystems mit aktiven, objektorientierten Datenbanken. 1997.

Information for
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9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
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