Vortrag: Science and values: The new demarcation problem in philosophy of science

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Science and values: The new demarcation problem in philosophy of science

von Daria Jadreškić (Alpen Adria Universität Klagenfurt),

am Mittwoch, 13. Dezember 2023, um 18.00 Uhr, im N.1.71 (Nordtrakt)



The talk will give an overview of contemporary perspectives on the relation between scientific research and non-epistemic values (moral, social, and political values) recently formulated as the new demarcation problem in philosophy of science. The problem is how to distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate influence of values in science. For example, how to principally include a concern for public health as a legitimate influence for setting evidential standards in biomedical research while principally excluding commercial interests from doing the same, especially since the two values are strongly interwoven in private-public research contexts.




Daria Jadreškić works in science & technology studies and philosophy of science, especially social epistemology and values in science, at the University of Klagenfurt/ Celovec. She is a postdoctoral researcher in the FWF project “Producing novelty and securing credibility in LHC experiments“ at the Department of Science Communication and Higher Education Research. She holds a PhD in philosophy of science from the University of Hannover.




Der Vortrag findet auf Englisch statt. / Predavanje bo v angleščini. / The talk will be in English.

Alle sind herzlich eingeladen! / Prisrčno vabimo! / All welcome!