Gastvortrag Sanat Seidekhanov: „Telegram-Pedagogika“

Am 27.05.2021 um 10:00 Uhr wird Sanat Seidekhanov, Journalist und Vortragender an der Kasachischen Nationalen Al-Farabi-Universität in Almaty, via Zoom bei uns einen Gastvortragonline auf Russisch zum Thema „Telegram-Pedagogika“ halten.

Im Vortrag geht es darum, wie und zu welchen Zwecken der Messenger-Dienst Telegram im Unterricht und in der Lehre eingesetzt werden kann.

Wir freuen uns auf viele interessierte Teilnehmer*innen!“

Zoom-Link – hier klicken: Gastvortrag Seidekhanov

Meeting-ID: 255 561 2377
Kenncode: 4E4CM3

Gastvortrag Dr. Tomaž Erjavec und Dr. Nikola Ljubešić: „Good research needs good infrastructure: The CLARIN.SI and CLASSLA options for supporting research on South Slavic languages Practices“

In this talk the European CLARIN and the Slovene CLARIN.SI national infrastructure for language resources and technologies will be presented, as well as its CLASSLA Knowledge centre on South Slavic languages.

The infrastructure and the adjoining knowledge centre offer, among others, the following resources: two concordancers enabling search through 67 corpora of various South Slavic languages, a data repository with 100+ South Slavic datasets, web services currently enabling processing of text written in Slovene, Croatian or Serbian, various training activities, frequently-asked-questions documentation, and a helpdesk which either answers additional questions on the available resources, or gives support in producing or improving language resources and technologies for South Slavic languages.

Nikola Ljubešić (2020) The CLASSLA knowledge centre for South Slavic languages

Tomaž Erjavec (2020) CLARIN.SI infrastructure


Dr. Tomaž Erjavec und Dr. Nikola Ljubešić, Department of Knowledge Technologies Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana

tomaz [dot] erjavec [at] ijs [dot] si


Gastvortrag Ass.-Prof. Dr. Petar Vuković: „The Bunjevci of Bačka: Identities and Language Practices“

The Bunjevci are a South Slavic (sub)ethnic group, settled mostly in Croatia, but partially also in Bačka, a region divided between Serbia and Hungary. Most of the Bunjevci identify themselves as ethnic Croats and consider their dialect a variety of Croatian. However, some Bunjevci in Bačka consider themselves a distinct ethnic group with their own language.

The lecture deals with the historical causes of the polarization of ethnic identification among members of this community, as well as with the consequences this polarization has in the construction of their contemporary identities and language practices.

In the first part, the formation of the Bunjevci as an early modern ethnicity in sixteenth-century Dalmatia will be discussed, while in the second part attention will be directed to the historical experiences of those Bunjevci who later migrated to Bačka.

In the final part of the lecture Bunjevci who consider themselves Croats will be compared to those who reject that ethnic identification with regard to their language regulation practices and identity politics.


Ass.-Prof. Dr. Petar Vuković, Department of West Slavonic Studies, Faculty of humanities and social sciences, University of Zagreb

petar [dot] vukovic [at] ffzg [dot] hr

Mittwoch, 03. Juni 2020 – 14:00 Uhr, über ZOOM

Gastvortrag Dr. Ana Šimić: „Slavonic legacy of Cyril and Methodius: yesterday, today and tomorrow“

The greatest Slavonic story ever told is one of two noble and high-ranking Greek (Byzantine) brothers who relinquished their rightful privileges and embarked on a mission that changed the face of Europe: bringing the light of the written word to the illiterate Slavs.

The lecture presents the history and highlights of the Cyrillo-Methodian mission, its outcomes with respect to literacy and its impact on the later-established realms of Slavia Orthodoxa and Slavia Latina. The unexpected fate of two Slavonic scripts (Glagolitic and Cyrillic) as well as modern representations of the holy brothers and their heritage are also addressed.

The lecture emphasizes the idea of continuous practice of basic literacy as a ground zero for any kind of growth, development and empowerment, whether individual or collective.


Dr. Ana Šimić, Staroslavenski institut, Zagreb

ana [dot] simic [at] stin [dot] hr

Mittwoch, 17. Juni 2020 – 14:00 Uhr, über ZOOM