Inspiring Innovation – Forschen
Im Mittelpunkt unserer Forschungsaktivitäten stehen das Management von Innovationen in Unternehmen sowie die Gründung und Entwicklung von Business Startups. In der Forschung streben wir primär drei Ziele an: hohe Qualität, internationale Sichtbarkeit, Aktualität. So finden die Digitalisierung und nachhaltige Entwicklung (sowohl im sozialen wie auch ökologischen Bereich) bei den empirischen Studien des Instituts konsequent Berücksichtigung. Dabei arbeiten wir interdisziplinär und neben betriebswirtschaftlichen Perspektiven verwenden wir Ansätze aus der Soziologie, Psychologie und Pädagogik. Unsere Projekte werden auch regelmäßig in die forschungsgeleitete Lehre integriert.
Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte
Social Innovation Lab Carinthia (SILC)
An der AAU soll ein vorerst primär virtuelles „Social Innovation Lab Carinthia“ aufgebaut werden. Das Institut IUG wirkt dabei federführend in den Bereichen Lehre bzw. Training sowie Forschung mit. Geplante Forschungsthemen sind bsws. die Analyse des Impacts von Sozialen Innovationen & Entrepreneurship sowie die Weiterentwicklung des unternehmerischen Ökosystems durch die Integration sozialer Innovatoren. Im Rahmen geplanter Denkwerkstätten sowie in den Trainingsmodulen werden die Forschungs- und Entwicklungsergebnisse weitergegeben. Durch den Wissenstransfer soll die Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit gesellschaftlicher Innovationen verbessert werden.
Ein Ökosystem zur Förderung von gesellschaftsrelevanten Innovationen existiert in Kärnten noch nicht. Mit den Unterstützungsleistungen für soziale Innovationen wird ein wichtiger „Grundstein“ für das „Social Innovation Lab Carinthia“ gelegt und Kärnten unterstützt, sich als „Social Innovation Leader“ in der Alpen-Adria Region zu positionieren. Das Social Innovation Lab Carinthia – SILC ist somit ein erster Schritt zur Entwicklung eines solchen Ökosystems.
Personen: Erich Schwarz (Projektleiter), Gertraud Hellwagner-Beham (wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin/Kontaktperson) Patrick Gregori (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter)
Geschäftsmodelltransformation in Kärntner KMUs zur Erreichung der Green Deal-Ziele (LOCA2)
Hauptziel von Loca2 ist es, Unternehmen in der Projektregion, die aufgrund ihrer Treibhausgas-Emissionsintensität besonders vom Anpassungsdruck betroffen sind, für einen Wandel hin zu emissionsreduzierten bzw. klimaneutralen Geschäftsmodellen zu sensibilisieren und zu qualifizieren. Im Fokus des Projektes stehen die notwendigen Transformationen der betrieblichen Geschäftsmodelle unter Berücksichtigung der entsprechenden Wertschöpfungsketten.
Personen: Erich Schwarz (Projektleiter), Nina Hampl (Projektleiterin), Robert Gennaro Sposato (Projektleiter) Georg Eichler (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/Kontaktperson)
Learning and re-emerging of failed entrepreneurs in Austria and Slovenia
The Department of Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of Klagenfurt (Austria) and the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), intend to set up a joint project to analyze the process of entrepreneurial failure from a learning perspective. First, an already successfully conducted study of failed entrepreneurs in Austria will be rolled out also in Slovenia. Failed entrepreneurs in knowledge-intensive industries in Slovenia will be interviewed until we reach data saturation. Findings will be generated using qualitative content analysis and shall subsequently be published in a SSCI-ranked journal. Subsequently, we will shed light on the commonalities and differences between entrepreneurial failure and learning in Austria and Slovenia. From this qualitative cross-case analysis, a second joint SSCI-ranked paper will emerge. Our project will shed further light on entrepreneurial failure und learning. Specifically, we will draw a comprehensive picture of experiencing and learning from failure through investigating this phenomenon from the pre-failure stage until re-engagement, especially in the context of high potential entrepreneurs. As we provide evidence from two different countries, we will be able to reflect on the role of contextual factors on how entrepreneurs manage failure and learn from this critical event. The project partners have set up a team of 10 researchers from the field of entrepreneurship and research methodology (5 per institution; among them 3 full professors, 1senior scientist and 6 researchers/PhD students) who will share their knowledge and experience. This first-time cooperation between the referred university units will not only contribute to research on entrepreneurial failure and learning but also pave the way for subsequent joint activities in the future.
Persons: Malgorzata Wdowiak (project lead/contact)
Nascent Entrepreneurship
„Nascent Entrepreneurship“: It is a longitudinal, explorative study of motivations, decision-making and learning of nascent entrepreneurs embedded in a Carinthian accelerator program. The actors investigated are from the fields of technology entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship.
This project is funded by Verein zur Förderung der Wirtschaftswissenschaften and Forschungsrat der Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt.
Persons: Erich Schwarz (project leader), Georg Eichler, Patrick Gregori, Patrick Holzmann, Wolfgang Lattacher, Malgorzata Wdowiak
Aktuelle Publikationen
David Audretsch, Sebastian Aparicio, Mathew Hughes, David Urbano: Linking entrepreneurship and society: solutions for today and tomorrow. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, 2024,
David Audretsch, Maksim Belitski, Anna Spadavecchia, Shaker A. Zahra: The more, the merrier or the less is more? The role of firm capabilities and industry in the knowledge spillover of innovation. Technovation, Elsevier, 138, 2024,
David Audretsch, Antje Fiedler, Fath Benjamin, Martie-Louise Verreynne: The dawn of geographically unbounded entrepreneurial ecosystems. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, Elsevier, 2024,
Nikolaus Lang, Wolfgang Lattacher, Dominik Degen: Enduring Power: Industrial & Automotive M&A in Austria. Combuyn, Dealflow-Data SAS, Gif-Sur-Yvette, 2024, S. 31 - 36.
Tatiana R. Stettler, Esther J. Moosauer, Simone A. Schweiger, Artur Baldauf, David Audretsch: Absorptive capacity in a more (or less) absorptive environment: A meta‐analysis of contextual effects on firm innovation. Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM), Blackwell Publishing Ldt, Oxford (UK), Malden (USA), 2024, S. 1 - 30.
Nikolaus Lang, Wolfgang Lattacher, Dominik Degen: Konstante Stärke: Industrial & Automotive M&A in Österreich. M&A-Review , Going Public Media AG, 35, München, 2024, S. 375 - 380.
Dietfried Globocnik, Rita Faullant: Promoters as social controls to facilitate knowledge sharing, conflict management and innovation project portfolio performance. Creativity and Innovation Management, Wiley-Blackwell, Malden (MA), 2024, S. 1 - 18.
Wolfgang Lattacher, Malgorzata Anna Wdowiak, Erich Schwarz, David Audretsch: A holistic lens on entrepreneurial learning from failure: continuing the legacy of Jason Cope. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 30, Bingley, 2024, S. 205 - 235.
David Audretsch, Maksim Belitski, Rosa Caiazza: Knowledge spillovers or R&D collaboration? Understanding the role of external knowledge for firm innovation. R&D Management, John Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken (NJ), 2024,
Patrick Gregori, Patrick Holzmann, Ines Krajger, Erich Schwarz, Rainer Harms: Entrepreneurship and environmental sustainability: the effects of passion and self-efficacy on entrepreneurial intentions. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, 2024, S. 1 - 23.
Rita Faullant, Mette Praest Knudsen, Stephanie Schleimer: Configuring Technology Resources and Organizational Practices for Innovation Success. Research-Technology Management, Taylor & Francis, 67, 2024, S. 62 - 71.
Erik Lundmark, David Audretsch: Revisiting the Entrepreneurial Society framework: a constructive critique from a climate change perspective. International Small Business Journal Researching Entrepreneurship, 42, 2024, S. 396 - 415.
Nikolaus Lang, Jana Herfurth, Wolfgang Lattacher, Malgorzata Anna Wdowiak: M&A goes circular: Ein erster Blick auf die nächste Generation von Green Deals. M&A-Review, Going Public Media AG, 35, München, 2024, S. 245 - 250.
David Audretsch, Seham Ghalwash, Iñaki Peña-Legazkue: The resilient self-employability of women and senior people after sudden economic shocks. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 2024,
David Audretsch, Maksim Belitski, Christina Theodoraki: Micro and macro factors of firm scaling. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, 2024,
Birgit Peña Häufler, Dietfried Globocnik, Søren Salomo, Paola Landaeta Saldías: Validating the rapid validity testing concept across regions. Creativity and Innovation Management, Wiley-Blackwell, Malden (MA), 2024,
Dietfried Globocnik, Patrick Holzmann: Sustainability-related product satisfaction – Development and application of a multi-dimensional measurement instrument. Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier SCI Ltd, Oxford, 2024,
Patrick Gregori: Entrepreneuring as provocation and its critical capacity: problematizing and establishing meanings of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2024, S. 1 - 22.
David Audretsch, Maksim Belitski, Farzana Chowdhury: Knowledge investment and search for innovation: evidence from the UK firms. The Journal of Technology Transfer, Springer, Berlin, 2024,
Nikolaus Lang, Wolfgang Lattacher, Jana Herfurth: Nach langer Resilienz - Österreichs M&A-Markt folgte 2023 dem globalen Abwärtstrend. M&A-Review, Going Public Media AG, 35, München, 2024, S. 10 - 14.
David Audretsch, Hector Rocha, Sourabh Aggarwal, Agustin Bramanti: Do entrepreneurial ecosystems foster sustainable development?. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 20, 2024, S. 1 - 37.
David Audretsch, Maksim Belitski: Knowledge collaboration, firm productivity and innovation: A critical assessment. Journal of Business Research, Elsevier, 172, 2023,
Julia Kroh, Dietfried Globocnik, Carsten Schultz, Frederike Holdhof, Søren Salomo: Micro-foundations of digital innovation capability – A mixed method approach to develop and validate a multi-dimensional measurement instrument. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Elsevier, 198, 2023,
Wolfgang Lattacher, Nikolaus Lang, Jana Herfurth: From Boom to Bust? Aktuelle Entwicklungen bei Tech-M&A in Österreich. M&A-Review, Going Public Media AG, München, 2023, S. 410 - 415.
David Audretsch, Maksim Belitski, Rosa Caiazza, Mark D. Drapeau, Matthias Menter, William J. Wales: Resilience and digitally-advanced entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 36, London, 2023, S. 1 - 9.
David Audretsch, Maribel Guerrero: Is ambidexterity the missing link between entrepreneurship, management, and innovation?. The Journal of Technology Transfer, Springer, Berlin, 2023,
Romana Rauter, Dietfried Globocnik, Rupert J. Baumgartner: The role of organizational controls to advance sustainability innovation performance. Technovation, Elsevier, 128, 2023, S. 1 - 14.
David Audretsch, Maha Aly: Training Emotional Skills for Entrepreneurs: Does it Work in Practice?. Entreprendre & Innover, 56, 2023, S. 79 - 91.
Wolfgang Lattacher, Nikolaus Lang, Jana Herfurth: Trotz Eintrübung zeigt sich der österreichische M&A-Markt weiterhin dynamisch. M&A-Review, Going Public Media AG, München, 2023, S. 298 - 303.
Patrick Gregori, Patrick Holzmann, David B. Audretsch: Sustainable entrepreneurship on digital platforms and the enactment of digital connectivity through business models. Business Strategy and the Environment, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 33, Hoboken (NJ), 2023, S. 1173 - 1190.
Laëtitia Gabay-Mariani, Sandrine Le Pontois, Maha Aly, David Audretsch: Place et rôle des émotions dans l’accompagnement et la formation des entrepreneurs : ce que nous savons désormais, ce qu’il nous reste à découvrir…. Entreprendre & Innover, 56, 2023, S. 5 - 13.
Wadid Lamine, Alain Fayolle, Sarah Jack, David Audretsch: Impact of digital technologies on entrepreneurship: Taking stock and looking forward. Technovation, Elsevier, 2023,
David Audretsch, Maksim Belitski, Georg Maximilian Eichler, Erich Schwarz: Entrepreneurial ecosystems, institutional quality, and the unexpected role of the sustainability orientation of entrepreneurs. Small Business Economics, 62, 2023, S. 503 - 522.
David Audretsch, Maksim Belitski, Maribel Guerrero: Sustainable orientation management and institutional quality: Looking into European entrepreneurial innovation ecosystems. Technovation, Elsevier, 124, 2023, S. 1 - 13.
Nikolaus Lang, Wolfgang Lattacher, Jana Herfurth: Post-Pandemie-Dynamik am österreichischen M&A-Markt hält weiterhin an. M&A-Review, Going Public Media AG, 34, München, 2023, S. 25 - 30.
Nikolaus Lang, Wolfgang Lattacher, Jana Herfurth: Durch M&A zur Energiewende: Österreichische Energieunternehmen im Fokus. M&A-Review, Going Public Media AG, 33, München, 2022, S. 432 - 436.
Patrick Holzmann, Patrick Gregori: The promise of digital technologies for sustainable entrepreneurship: A systematic literature review and research agenda. International Journal of Information Management, Elsevier, 68, 2022, S. 1 - 14.
David Audretsch, Maksim Belitski: Evaluating internal and external knowledge sources in firm innovation and productivity. R&D Management, John Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken (NJ), 2022,
David Audretsch, Maksim Belitski: Evaluating internal and external knowledge sources in firm innovation and productivity: an industry perspective. R&D Management, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 53, Hoboken (NJ), 2022, S. 168 - 192.
Nikolaus Lang, Wolfgang Lattacher, Jana Herfurth: Trotz Krisenumfeld: Österreichs M&A-Markt ist hoch resilient. M&A-Review, Going Public Media AG, 33, München, 2022, S. 352 - 357.
David Audretsch, Erik E. Lehmann: Narrative entrepreneurship: bringing (his)story back to entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics, 2022, S. 1 - 20.
Dietfried Globocnik, Birgit Peña Häufler, Søren Salomo: Organizational antecedents to bootlegging and consequences for the newness of the innovation portfolio. Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM), Blackwell Publishing Ldt, Oxford (UK), Malden (USA), 2022, S. 1 - 29.
David Audretsch, André Pahnke, Friederike Welter: In the eye of the beholder? Differentiating between SMEs and Mittelstand. Small Business Economics, 2022,
Patrick Gregori, Patrick Holzmann: Entrepreneurial practices and the constitution of environmental value for sustainability. Business Strategy and the Environment, John Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken (NJ), 2022, S. 1 - 16.
David Audretsch, Maksim Belitski: The limits to open innovation and its impact on innovation performance. Technovation, Elsevier, 119, 2022,
David Audretsch, Maksim Belitski, Maribel Guerrero: The dynamic contribution of innovation ecosystems to schumpeterian firms: A multi-level analysis. Journal of Business Research, Elsevier, 144, 2022, S. 975 - 986.
Kristiana Roth, Christiane Rau, Dietfried Globocnik, Anne-Katrin Neyer: Design Thinking: A source of empowerment and learning. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 2022, S. 1 - 17.
David Audretsch, Hector Rocha: Entrepreneurial ecosystems, regional clusters, and industrial districts: Historical transformations or rhetorical devices. The Journal of Technology Transfer, Springer, Berlin, 2022,
Nikolaus Lang, Wolfgang Lattacher, Jana Herfurth: M&A in Österreich wieder auf Trendlinie. M&A-Review, Going Public Media AG, 33, München, 2022, S. 14 - 20.

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9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
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