Testimonials des Masterstudiums Game Studies and Engineering

Schlagwortarchiv für: MA-GSE

Game Studies and Engineering: It’s the passion that drives me

After achieving a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering at IIIT Una, India, Shivi Vats decided to come to Klagenfurt to continue studying with the master’s programme Games Studies and Engineering. In this interview he talks about why one should study at AAU and what advantages Klagenfurt has over a big city like Delhi, India.


Game Studies and Engineering: „Spiele studieren“ und den eigenen Horizont erweitern

Das Masterstudium Game Studies and Engineering an der Universität Klagenfurt ist einzigartig- ein interdisziplinäres Studium, das sich mit den technischen sowie den analytischen und ethischen Aspekten von Video- und anderen Spielen beschäftigt. Christina Obmann hat sich für das Masterstudium Game Studies and Engineering entschieden. Mit uns spricht sie über das Studium und erzählt uns wieso sie jederzeit wieder diesen Weg gehen würde. Weiterlesen

Game Studies and Engineering: Studying in an enthusiastic and balanced teaching environment

When he started to study, all he thought of were career prospects not personal interest. Fortunately, Benjamin Hanußek soon realised that it takes more than that and so, the German switched his studies from Economic Psychology to Archaeology. Gladly, because there he found out about his true passion: working intellectually with games. He specialised on ancient Egyptian board games, attended conferences and published articles on that topic. Now, to find out about what has changed since the 3rd millennium BCE, he is studying Game Studies and Engineering in Klagenfurt.


„Change the Game“ – Talking about the Master’s Degree Programme Game Studies and Engineering

The University of Klagenfurt offers the master’s program Game Studies and Engineering. The interdisciplinary program focuses on technical, analytical and ethical aspects of video and analog games. Every year, students from a wide variety of countries around the world begin their studies in Klagenfurt. Ricarda Kleine has been part of the program since its establishment in 2017 and has shared her impressions and experiences with us.
