Ausstellungseröffnung in Ljubljana: Casting of Death

Trg francoske revolucije 7, Ljubljana
Institut für Kulturanalyse
Domestic Research Society
The Domestic Research Society and the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana cordially invite you to visit the exhibition dedicated to the afterlife. What is a death mask? Is it a matter of past or part of a lively, yet unperceived sculpting practice? How many death masks are there in the Slovenian public collections and who are these people, stored for the needs of a contemporary society? What needs are we talking about?
Jani Pirnat, Pirman Alenka and Damijan Kracina (Domestic Research Society), Marijan Rupert (National and University Library), Janez Polajnar (Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana), Marko Jenko (Museum of Modern Art), Blaž Bajič (Universitetet i Oslo, Faculty of Arts at the University of Ljubljana), Andrej Pančur (Institute of Contemporary History), and Maruša Kocjančič (project’s documentalist) have been researching the death-mask phenomenon within the TRACES project, funded by European Commission (Horizon 2020). The Casting of Death is the first exhibition where some of the findings will be presented.
The Casting of Death exhibition is being prepared in collaboration with the sculptor Viktor Gojkovič and Slovenian Red Cross.
Das Institutskolloquium fährt nach Ljubljana zur Ausstellungseröffnung „Casting of Death“ der Domestic Research Society. Sie ist Partner des Instituts für Kulturanalyse im Horizon 2020-Projekt TRACES. Das Institut organisiert einen gemeinsamen Transfer mit Privat-PKWs nach Ljubljana. Abfahrt ist um 17.30 Uhr bei der Bushaltestelle Parkplatz Ost (Busschleife vor dem Haupteingang). Bei Interesse bitte bei Brigitte Pappler anmelden.
MMag. Sandra Hölbling-Inzko (sandra [dot] inzko [at] aau [dot] at)
Bei Interesse bitte bei Brigitte Pappler (brigitte [dot] pappler [at] aau [dot] at) bis einschließlich 31.10.2017 anmelden.