Abschlusspräsentationen der Lehrveranstaltung „Software Engineering II“

Die drei Gewinnerprojekte der diesjährigen Lehrveranstaltung „Software Engineering II“ wurden Ende Juni geehrt. Weiterlesen

Study at the University of Klagenfurt: We have a lot of nature nearby for leisure activities and most lecturers are very motivated in their work

Tobias Mitterer has just finished his PhD in in Technical Sciences, Information Technology. His research work focuses on automating and simplifying the addition of new sensors to a system, by using electronic descriptions of said sensors. We talked to him about his field of research the reasons why he decided to study at the University of Klagenfurt. Weiterlesen

Mein Studium an der Uni Klagenfurt war jeden Moment wert.

Bernhard Dieber hat das Diplomstudium „Angewandte Informatik“ und im Anschluss ein Doktoratsstudium in Informationstechnik absolviert. Heute arbeitet er als Director of Software Development bei Dynatrace. Er spricht mit uns über seine Entscheidung für die Uni Klagenfurt, über die Entwicklung ethisch verträglicher Technik und seinen beruflichen Ausgleich.


Life is for learning.

Johannes Liegl studied Informatics at the University of Klagenfurt and is now working as a Senior Product Manager in San Francisco Bay Area, California. In the interview, he talks about how his experiences abroad have shaped him and his advise for today’s students.
