24 Jan

Localization, Planning and Control for Service Robots

VeranstaltungsortB04a.1.06Veranstalter Fakultät für Technische WissenschaftenBeschreibungService robots are becoming more and more pervasive in modern societies. One of the ever increasing field of application are service robots able to help seniors in their daily duties. Indeed, ageing is generally associated with a decrease in mobility and social interaction: a growing body of research suggests that reduced levels of out-of-home mobility can have widespread, detrimental effects for older adults. With the median age in Europe projected to grow from 37.7 (2003) to 52.3 (2050), the population asking for mobility aids at an affordable price is becoming substantial.In this talk, we briefly introduce our solution conceived for autonomous mobility: the FriWalk (i.e. Friendly Walker). Stemming from this example, we will present the fundamental problems for autonomous robots, i.e. localization, planning and control, with application-related scenarios. In particular, we will focus on three aspects of the technological solutions: the localisation problem using different low-cost sensing solutions, together with an optimal landmarks placement algorithm; the set of controlled guidance solutions implementing the authority sharing paradigm and modelled as hybrid systems; the activity and reactive planning approaches in actual application scenarios.Vortragende(r)Prof. Daniele FontanelliKontaktChristian Timmerer (christian.timmerer@itec.aau.at)

28 Jan

Managing language diversity: current issues and challenges (in Slovenia and in Europe)

VeranstaltungsortM.0.22Alpen-Adria-Universität KlagenfurtVeranstalter Institut für KulturanalyseBeschreibungLanguage diversity is one of the most challenging diversities in our society. We all know why, for example, biodiversity is positive and should be preserved. The question "why should we preserve language diversity" is far more arduous. This elusiveness of the social goals and purposes of language diversity is, in fact, the biggest issue in current minority language policies in Slovenia and in Europe.In a world were language technology is going to support multilingual communication, the value of language knowledge must be investigated in deep and fully discussed. If we do not need to know a (foreign) language to communicate with a group of speakers, why should we invest energies, money and time in learning it?In this context, language diversity as a key motivating factor in language education is gaining importance and should be seriously taken into account.Vortragende(r)Matejka GrgičKontaktUniv.-Prof. Dr. Luca Melchior (luca.melchior@aau.at)

28 Jan

Die Rolle von Sprache/n in der diskursiven Konstruktion österreichischer Identitäten

VeranstaltungsortZ.1.09Veranstalter Institut für KulturanalyseBeschreibungDer Vortrag berichtet Teilergebnisse des FWF-Projekts "Zur diskursiven Konstruktion österreichischer Identität/en 2015: Eine Longitudinalstudie“ und behandeltunterschiedliche Aspekte der Bedeutung von Sprache und Sprachen in Diskursen zur österreichischen Identität (österreichisches Deutsch, Deutsch als Staatssprache, anerkannte Minderheitensprachen, neue Minderheiten). Dabei werden die sprachenpolitischenRahmenbedingungen undBefunde aus dem öffentlichen medialen sowie halböffentlichen Diskurs thematisiert.Vortragende(r)Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dr. Rudolf de Cillia (Wien)KontaktDr. Janine Schemmer (janine.schemmer@aau.at)

29 Jan


VeranstaltungsortAAUHörsaal 9 (Mensagebäude)Veranstalter RektoratULG Seniorstudium liberale (SSL)BeschreibungHöchst anregende philosophische Reflexionen: "Transhumanismus" - der Begriff ist inzwischen zu einem Modewort zumindest in Kunst und Elektronik geworden. Er drückt die Hoffnung nach Unsterblichkeit aus. Unter Einsatz technologischer Verfahren und von viel Geld soll die Hoffnung verwirklicht werden. Utopisch?Vortragende(r)Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Strasser (Uni Graz)KontaktEm. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Paul Kellermann (paul.kellermann@aau.at)