Thematic Doctoral Programmes: How can they support your dissertation project?

Our university’s eight thematic doctoral programmes (Doktoratsprogramme, DP) expand and supplement the current doctoral degree programmes (Doktoratsstudien). Based on their experience participating in a DP, the panel members will reflect on the collective support and supervision, and other benefits these programmes provide. It will be discussed what work conditions are conducive to promoting dissertation projects in various stages and how DPs can help doctoral candidates connect with peers at home and abroad.
The panel discussion is part of the ‘Klagenfurt Research Forum’ series of events (formerly known as ‘Brown Bag Proposal Chats’).
Chair: Martina Merz, Vice-Rector for Research
Panel Members: Ramsha Ali (DP Modeling, Simulation and Optimization in Business and Economics), Alexander Gerhard Lercher (DP Informatics), Sarah-Maria Rotschnig (DP Bildung & Transformation) & Lena Zöhrer (DP Health and Sustainability Communication and Management)
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