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The MUSE Science & Humanities Program – A Science Museum experiment in tackling with arts and humanities to welcome, understand and illuminate the Anthropocene.

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Veranstaltungskategorie Vortrag

Carlo Maiolini, program manager at MUSE – Science Museum (Trento, Italy), will present the design and development of the museum Science & Humanities program. The talk will review three years in the making of the program from its birth to actual date, highlighting ratios and connections with MUSE decision to address the Anthoropocene theme in its mission.


Carlo Maiolini
1979. B.s. in Biology, with a thesis in ethology, psychobiology and neuroscience. His scientific interests are mainly directed towards cognitive sciences and animal and human behavior. He has been consistently working in the field of science communication for the possibility that this discipline offers to combine scientific research with humanistic disciplines, as well as the connections that applied communication maintains with cognitive sciences and human ethology. In this context his interests broaden to digital communication technologies applied to lifelong, participatory and informal learning. Since 2019 he has been appointed scientific curator at the MUSE - Science Museum of Trento with coordination duties for its "Science & Humanities” program.