AAU1/...Doctoral Degree Programmes2/Stages of a doctoral programme3/Completion stage4/Assessment & report by reviewers
Assessment & report by reviewers
Plagiarism report
The plagiarism report is generally produced within 24 hours and made available to the reviewers. The reviewers’ comment on the plagiarism report is only provided in the expert report.
Assessment and expert report
The regulations for thesis assessments are as follows:
- The assessment of the thesis should take four months at most. Confirmations of approval are not acceptable.
- Universities Act 2002, § 73. (1) Successful […] theses […] are marked as ‘excellent’ (1), ‘good’ (2), ‘satisfactory’ (3) or ‘sufficient’ (4), while unsuccessful theses are marked as ‘insufficient’ (5). Intermediate assessments are not permitted.
- The two reviewers assess the thesis independently of one another.
- If their assessments differ, the final mark for the thesis is calculated as the mean of the individual assessments; if the value after the decimal point is less than or equal to 5, it is rounded up to the higher grade.
Example 1: One expert report gives an ‘excellent’ mark, the other gives a ‘good’ mark = mark for the thesis: ‘excellent’
Example 2: One expert report gives an ‘excellent’ mark, the other gives a ‘satisfactory’ mark = mark for the thesis: ‘good’ - Once both expert reports have been uploaded, you will receive an email to your university email address notifying you that they have been uploaded to the Campus Portal.
- Once a pass mark has been received from both reviewers and your coursework has been verified, you can register for your viva/final examination (online in the Campus Portal).
- If your thesis fails to pass, the rector of studies will appoint a third reviewer. This reviewer must assess the thesis within four months. If this expert report gives a fail mark, then the thesis receives a fail mark overall. Otherwise, the final mark for the thesis is obtained from the mean of the three expert reports.
- The relevant regulations can be found in the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt Statute, Part B, § 19.
Directive relating to the continuation of doctoral studies if the thesis has failed to pass
- Within the scope of application of Curriculum 12W all specifications have to be met repeatedly (public presentation to the Doctorate Advisory Committee, confirmation of supervision, thesis agreement, …).
- It is recommended to consider if there is a need to change supervisor.
Information for
University of Klagenfurt
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan