29 Sep

Content-gnostic Bitrate Ladder Prediction for Adaptive Video Streaming

VeranstaltungsortonlineonlineVeranstalter Fakultät für Technische WissenschaftenBeschreibungCisco reported in the past reports that the video data share was expected to reach 80% by the year 2023. However, due to the pandemic and recently imposed a remote work lifestyle, this figure is expected to increase even more. Except for the on-demand and conferencing services, the number of users that are generating, storing, and sharing their content usually through either social media platforms or video sharing platforms is increasing. Meanwhile from the video coding perspective, as video technologies evolve towards improved compression performance, their complexity inversely increases.A challenge that many video service providers face is the heterogeneity of networks and display devices for streaming, as well as dealing with a wide variety of content with different encoding performance. In the past, a fixed bit rate ladder solution based on a „fitting all“ approach has been employed. However, such a content-tailored solution is highly demanding; the computational and financial cost of constructing the convex hull per video by encoding at all resolutions and quantization levels is huge. In this talk, we present a content-gnostic approach that exploits machine learning to predict the bit rate ladder with only a small number of encodes required.Vortragende(r)Angeliki KatsenouKontaktChristian Timmerer (christian.timmerer@itec.aau.at)

30 Sep

Rhetorik – Sicher vor Publikum sprechen

VeranstaltungsortO.0.01Veranstalter PersonalentwicklungBeschreibung-->Sach- und Beziehungsebene eines Gesprächs-->Der erste Eindruck zählt, der letzte Eindruck bleibt: Aufbau einer positiven Beziehungsebene zum Gegenüber-->Körpersprache: authentisches, glaubwürdiges Auftreten-->Selbstbild-Fremdbild-->Fragetechniken - Gespräche und Diskussionen gezielt führenVortragende(r)Mag.a Eva TrattnerKontaktIris Schreier (iris.schreier@aau.at)

5 Okt

Vortrag im Rahmen des Doctoral Seminars von Frau Sonja Wogrin (Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid)

VeranstaltungsortZ.1.09Veranstalter Institut für MathematikBeschreibungTitle: Optimization and modeling as decision support tools in the power system of the futureAbstract: In the last two decades, electric power systems have undergone drasticchanges mostly due to the liberalization of the sector and the growingpenetration of renewable energy sources in the generation mix. This talkpresents optimization and modeling techniques as decision support tools formultiple problems faced in electricity markets by both private and publicentities. In particular, this talk encompasses topics such as optimization,game theory and bilevel programming.Vortragende(r)Sonja WogrinKontaktsenka haznadar (senka.haznadar@aau.at)

13 Okt

From industrial ruins to post-industrial hubs: changing landscape of work in EU periphery

VeranstaltungsortUniversität KlagenfurtVeranstalter Institut für KulturanalyseBeschreibungThe presentation is based on ethnographic fieldwork carried out for over a 10-year period in the picturesque town of Sisak, not far from the Croatia’s capital city of Zagreb. For the last half a century, Sisak has been perceived as a regional industrial center that provided ample opportunities for industrial workers, as a place to work, live and organize harmonious life for ever-growing socialist working-class families. The research project revolved around the changes triggered by post-socialist transformation, war, deindustrialization, and other urgencies and immobilities than befallen upon the citizens of this postindustrial suburban town. One of the renown Yugoslav steelwork industry, the city's Iron factory was the most prominent feature that, along with the oil refinery, generated wealth and prosperity for the better part of the socialist era. Here, I will try to present a scrapbook of stories (and images) encountered during the fieldwork in a neighborhood of this factory. Those include stories of industrial nostalgia, loss of financial security, spatial ruination, melancholic stories of settling with the past, present and future, stories of anger, revolt and disaffection of the generation X and Millennials. They also include stories of (high-skilled) workers who migrated and left and, finally, stories of highly skilled workforce that returned and then stayed to start a new postindustrial and entrepreneurial era in the city. The lecture will feature research findings on the postindustrial era of a once great industrial town. In order to show the workings of the local post-industrial ethnography, to grasp the fading, evolving and emerging phenomena, I will also discuss the conceptual framework that had to include the backward- and forward-moving (life)-worlds as well as (life)-worlds staying still. I will tackle the changes in the conceptual framework of our study, following from the challenges imposed by the long-lasting research idling at the same research site. Vortragende(r)Sanja Potkonjak, Assoc.Prof. (Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb)KontaktJanine Schemmer (janine.schemmer@aau.at)