Walking the Parenzana: reflections along the route of the former narrow-gauge railway Trieste – Poreč

The presentation will shed light on the walks along the former route of the narrow-gauge railway that connected Trieste and Poreč. In addition to a brief outline of the history of the railway, the initiative of the local enthusiasts, such as (amateur) historians, local tourist workers and Istrian mayors, will be presented. They revived the former route of the railway and transformed it into the Path of Health and Friendship.
The life cycle of the path will be presented. Although occasional activities related to European projects usually stop after the end of the project, people actively use the route, although many do not know its story. Along the way, which was intended to preserve the memory of the railway and for recreational walking and cycling, various stories about actors who strive to maintain the memory of the railway will be explored in the context of international EU projects. After the initial enthusiasm, the Parenzana Museum was abandoned due to various circumstances. Later, a new museum Izolana was opened, and some additional local tourist content was presented to the public.
Alenka Janko Spreizer ist assoziierte Professorin für Anthropologie an der Fakultät für Geisteswissenschaften der Universität Primorska in Koper (Fachbereich Anthropologie und Kulturwissenschaften) und Senior Research Fellow am Institut für interkulturelle Studien. Ihre Spezialgebiete sind Roma-Studien, wissenschaftlicher Rassismus und Antiziganismus sowie maritime Anthropologie. Sie ist Absolventin des Auschwitz Institute for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities (AIPG), wo sie mit Auszeichnung das internationale Trainingsseminar „Countering Distortion through Governmental Action: Building the Capacity of Government Actors for Promoting and Protecting the Civil and Human Rights of Roma“ (2019, Bukarest) abschloss. Sie ist Mitglied der slowenischen nationalen Delegation bei der International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). 2021 hatte sie den Vorsitz des Komitees zum Völkermord an den Roma inne. Sie verfasste die wissenschaftlichen Pioniermonografie I knew I was a Gypsy – I was born as a Rom: Wissenschaftlicher Rassismus in der Roma-Forschung (auf Slowenisch) und ist Ko-Autorin des Buches Fish on the move.
Alenka Janko Spreizer (Koper)
Janine Schemmer (janine [dot] schemmer [at] aau [dot] at)