Change of Scale: Film between the Big and the Small Screen

Institut für Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft
This paper explores the effect of the “Gulliverisation” (to paragraphrase Erkki Huhtamo’s evocative expression) of the film image, as an effect of the proliferation of small screens, and, in turn, as mobile phones in particular progressively become a visual motif in films, the appearance of their diminutive frames on larger screens. Whereas the so-called “relocation” (Casetti and Sampietro) of the cinema to non-cinematic viewing devices is usually discussed primarily in terms of the operational properties of such devices, this paper is interested in the aesthetic impact, and indeed, the specific attraction, of miniaturization, and of the superimposition of the very small with the large scale moving image.
Martine Beugnet is Professor in Visual Studies at the University of Paris 7 Diderot. She has curated exhibitions and written articles on a wide range of film and media topics. She is author of Sexualité, marginalité, contrôle: cinéma français contemporain (2000), Claire Denis (2004), Proust at the Movies (2005) with Marion Schmid, Cinema and Sensation: French Film and the Art of Transgression (E.U.P., 2007, 2012) and L’Attrait du flou (forthcoming 2017).
With Kriss Ravetto she also co-directs E.U.P.’s book series Studies in Film and Intermediality and with Baptiste Bohet the Editions Bord de l’eau series Usages des patrimoines numérisés.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Anna Schober-de Graaf (Anna [dot] Schober [at] aau [dot] at)