Global material flow data by world regions and country groupings, 1950-2010

This dataset contains material extraction, imports, and exports for 6 world regions and country groupings between 1950 and 2010. The data are presented in metric tons and by 6 major material categories (biomass, fossil fuels, metals, waste rock, industrial minerals, and construction minerals). The derived material flow accounting indicators of physical trade balance (PTB) and domestic material consumption (DMC) are also provided. DMC data are made available in both absolute and per capita terms. Material intensity (DMC/GDP) was calculated based on GDP in constant 1990 international Geary-Khamis dollars and included in the dataset. Information on the data sources and methods can be retrieved from the technical notes.

Please cite as: Schaffartzik, A., Mayer, A., Gingrich, S., Eisenmenger, N., Loy, C., Krausmann, F., 2014. The global metabolic transition: Regional patterns and trends of global material flows, 1950–2010. Global Environmental Change 26, 87–97.

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