The energetic metabolism of the EU-15 and the USA. Decadal energy input time-series with an emphasis on biomass: Online energy flow dataset.

This dataset contains data on the energetic metabolism of the EU-15 countries from 1970 to 2001 and for the USA from 1980-2000. It provides data on domestic extraction, import and export of energy, including biomass used for food, feed, fibre, energy and all other purposes in EJ/yr as well as GJ/cap/yr. It also provides data on the technical energy consumption as well as some derived indicators (Energy flows per unit of GDP and per unit area).

Quote data as:
Haberl, H., H. Weisz, C. Amann, A. Bondeau, N. Eisenmenger, K.-H. Erb, M. Fischer-Kowalski and F. Krausmann (2006). The energetic metabolism of the EU-15 and the USA. Decadal energy input time-series with an emphasis on biomass. Journal of Industrial Ecology 10(4), 151-171.

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