D!ARC Lectures: Cryptographic Engineering Research: Navigating Responsibility Univ.-Prof.Dr. Elisabeth Oswald

12th January 2023    17:30 Uhr/ 5.30pm     Hörsaal 2/ HS 2


Cryptographic Engineering Research: Navigating Responsibility

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Oswald



This talk is about challenges that arise when engineering systems in such a way that as little information as possible is leaked about cryptographic secrets. Over the years a range of mathematical and engineering techniques have been researched (and in part deployed) to account for, and mitigate, information leakage. Research in this area requires to carefully consider how developed techniques (that describe and analyse information leakage) not only help developers and evaluators, but if and how these can play into the hands of potential adversaries.



Elisabeth Oswald completed her PhD in Technical Mathematics at the Technical University in Graz. Thereafter she took up a lecturing position in the Computer Science Department at the University of Bristol, where she established a research group in the area of applied cryptography, with an emphasis on analysing side channels. Eventually she was promoted to the first female chair in the Bristol Computer Science department. Her scientific accomplishments were honoured by an EPSRC Leadership Fellowship, an ERC Consolidator grant, and a number of best paper awards. She serves as associate editor of the two most influential journals in the are of cryptography, and participates regularly in leading functions for research funding institutions. Since 2019 she holds a chair in Cybersecurity research at the University of Klagenfurt.


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