News veröffentlicht vom Universitätszentrum D!ARC – Digital Age Research Center

„Workshop: Ethnomethodology in the digital world with Andrei Korbut”

Das D!ARC freut sich, den bevorstehenden Workshop über ethnomethodologische Ansätze zur Erschließung digitaler Welten ankündigen zu können. Der Workshop wird von Andrei Korbut, PhD, geleitet, der assoziierter Forscher in der Gruppe Humanwissenschaft des Digitalen ist.

Der Workshop ist offen für alle akad. Stufen. Für die Teilnahme sind keine Vorkenntnisse in Ethnomethodologie erforderlich. Der Workshop wird auf englisch abgehalten. Bei offenen Fragen oder für die Anmeldung am Workshop senden Sie bitte eine E-Mail an: clara [dot] hoestermann [at] aau [dot] at

Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie bei der Veranstaltung begrüßen zu dürfen.

Der Workshop findet statt: 15. November 2022 von 15-17 Uhr im Raum N.2.57 (AAU Campus)

Weitere Information finden Sie hier.The Ethnomethodology of digital worlds


Andrei Korbut (Assoc. Researcher, D!ARC)

is an independent researcher with primary interest in ethnomethodological studies of human–computer interaction and, in particular, user encounters with artificial intelligence. He defended his PhD in Sociology in the Higher School of Economics (Russia) in 2014, and then worked as a researcher in several academic institutions in Russia. He applies ethnomethodology and conversation analysis to the research in digitalization of labor, communication with voice interfaces, and social transformation of homes by smart technologies.

Invitation D!ARC network meeting summer edition on August 18th

Dear colleagues,


We are delighted to invite you to a summer edition of the D!ARC network. This time, we welcome Gabriel Grill from University of Michigan (USA). He will present part of his ongoing dissertation titled „Constructing Certainty in Machine Learning: On the performativity of accuracy and its hold on the future„.

For further information open the link2022-08-18_D!ARC-network

Everybody is welcome.

When: August 18th

Time: 1 PM – 2.30 PM

Where: HS A outdoor Kosuta (in case of rain indoor S.0.05)

Faire Algorithmen

Wer über Daten verfügt, verfügt vielfach auch über Macht. Miriam Fahimi ist Doktorandin am Digital Age Research Center (D!ARC) und befasst sich mit den sozialen Effekten, die sich durch Algorithmen ergeben.


Invitation D!ARC network meetings

We are delighted to invite you to the D!ARC net work meetings:

D!ARC net work is intended as an open and friendly for all disciplines and diverse academic levels. In particular, we provide a space for PhD candidates to meet, to discuss and also to present work. PhD candidates will get feedback on ongoing work, or even first ideas for a potential research project from an interdisciplinary community.

For further information, see here:

Darc Network Invitation


April 26th 10.30am-12pm: Kristen M. Scott (KU Leuven, exchange with D!ARC)

May 31st 1pm-2.30pm: Mathias Jesse (Doctoral School DECIDE, D!ARC)

June 14th 1pm-2.30pm: Miriam Fahimi (NoBIAS Project, D!ARC)

June 23rd 1pm-2.30pm: Thomas Marquet (Cybersecurity, D!ARC)


Outdoor HS A Košuta (alternativ V.1.07)

If you have any questions or if you would like to present your work at one of the futuremeetings do not hesitate to contact us:
uz_darc [at] aau [dot] at