2 Jul


VeranstaltungsortUniversität KlagenfurtVeranstalter Institut für MathematikBeschreibungTitle:Bifurcations in Periodic Integrodifference EquationsAbstract:In theoretical ecology, one often models population growth with the help of discrete-time difference equations. One method to account for the effects of dispersal throughout the habitat is to employ integrodifference equations, or IDEs, as opposed to employing scalar difference equations. Given a compact habitat, we consider e.g. IDEs on the form of Urysohn integral operators; a commonly employed special case being where the integral kernel is the product of some probability distribution taking the role of a dispersal kernel (e.g. Laplace, Gaussian) together with some parameter-dependent growth function (e.g. Beverton-Holt, Ricker), lending itself naturally to ecological considerations.One is frequently interested in the stability behaviour of fixed points, solutions to the IDE. As parameters change, the structure and stability of the solutions can change; we are particularly interested in bifurcations, that is, the situation where small changes of the parameters lead to large changes in the solution structure, featuring exchanges of stability together with such behaviour as folds, transcritical bifurcations and pitchfork bifurcations. Additionally, certain IDEs, in particular -- but not limited to -- those using the Ricker growth function may feature transfers of stability from a branch of fixed points to a branch of two- or higher-periodic solutions, solutions of the iterated equation. We explore such flip bifurcations in detail, and generalise this theory to cover bifurcations of periodic solutions of any integer period also in more general IDEs, with the particular goal of formulating our assumptions so that they can easily be verified numerically.Vortragende(r)Christian AarsetKontaktSenka Haznadar (senka.haznadar@aau.at)

9 Sep

Die Kunst der Argumentation – Wirkungsvoll sprechen, gekonnt argumentieren

VeranstaltungsortN.0.07Veranstalter PersonalentwicklungBeschreibungEine wirkungsvolle Sprache und die Fähigkeit, klar und überzeugend zu argumentieren unterstreichen unsere Kompetenz und Professionalität.->Professionelle Argumentation ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil kompetenten Auftretens und ist als Schlüsselkompetenz überall gefragt, wo man sich erklären, etwas besprechen, jemanden überzeugen oder verhandeln möchte. Argumentationsgeschick benötigen wir beruflich ebenso wie privat.Vortragende(r)Mag.a Helga ScheicherKontaktIris Schreier (iris.schreier@aau.at)

29 Sep

Content-gnostic Bitrate Ladder Prediction for Adaptive Video Streaming

VeranstaltungsortonlineonlineVeranstalter Fakultät für Technische WissenschaftenBeschreibungCisco reported in the past reports that the video data share was expected to reach 80% by the year 2023. However, due to the pandemic and recently imposed a remote work lifestyle, this figure is expected to increase even more. Except for the on-demand and conferencing services, the number of users that are generating, storing, and sharing their content usually through either social media platforms or video sharing platforms is increasing. Meanwhile from the video coding perspective, as video technologies evolve towards improved compression performance, their complexity inversely increases.A challenge that many video service providers face is the heterogeneity of networks and display devices for streaming, as well as dealing with a wide variety of content with different encoding performance. In the past, a fixed bit rate ladder solution based on a „fitting all“ approach has been employed. However, such a content-tailored solution is highly demanding; the computational and financial cost of constructing the convex hull per video by encoding at all resolutions and quantization levels is huge. In this talk, we present a content-gnostic approach that exploits machine learning to predict the bit rate ladder with only a small number of encodes required.Vortragende(r)Angeliki KatsenouKontaktChristian Timmerer (christian.timmerer@itec.aau.at)

30 Sep

Rhetorik – Sicher vor Publikum sprechen

VeranstaltungsortO.0.01Veranstalter PersonalentwicklungBeschreibung-->Sach- und Beziehungsebene eines Gesprächs-->Der erste Eindruck zählt, der letzte Eindruck bleibt: Aufbau einer positiven Beziehungsebene zum Gegenüber-->Körpersprache: authentisches, glaubwürdiges Auftreten-->Selbstbild-Fremdbild-->Fragetechniken - Gespräche und Diskussionen gezielt führenVortragende(r)Mag.a Eva TrattnerKontaktIris Schreier (iris.schreier@aau.at)