Domestic violence is often considered a taboo topic and also Ukraine, as well as other states, is affected. In summer 2022, Ukraine ratified the Council of Europe's Istanbul Convention against Violence against Women
and Domestic Violence. Accordingly, this human rights violation has increasingly found its way into social discourse. For Ukraine, this means
documenting current incidents as well as incidents during current times of war. The Istanbul Convention contains rights and obligations that women and girls should be aware of and can demand. The tense situation
in Ukraine can lead to increased domestic violence now and in the future.
Rights of civilians and obligations of states in the Istanbul Convention
How can you help yourself if you have suffered violence (practical tips)?
How do Ukrainian women living in Austria experience intercultural differences in the perception of the judiciary/executive/society in the case of domestic violence? How can we build trust in these?
How can you recognize psychological (manipulation such as gaslighting) and physical violence in yourself and others?
What does a women's shelter offer and how can you find one in
Austria and Ukraine? What contact points are there in Carinthia?
What support can I get? Which feelings can arise and how can you deal with and assess them?
Which family conflicts can arise and how can they be resolved in the best possible way?
Why is looking away fatal for those affected?
How do you react appropriately when someone confides in you?
What is victim-blaming and how can you defend yourself against it on a verbal level?
Why is the gender discourse often so difficult in a country like Ukraine and is Ukraine alone in this?
Universitätszentrum für Frauen- und Geschlechterstudien (UZFG)
in Zusammenarbeit mit
Institut für Slawistik
Theresa Bender-Säbelkampf
(Domestic violence prevention trainer)
Anna Adlwarth (anna [dot] adlwarth [at] aau [dot] at)
Registrations https://pe4you.aau.at/ or: Anna.Adlwarth@aau.at