Guest lecture:An Introduction to Australia’s First Nations: The Canning Stock Route, the Martu People, and the Yiwarra Kuju Exhibition

The Australian Embassy in Vienna is proud to exhibit Yiwarra Kuju: The Canning Stock Route at the University of Klagenfurt. The Yiwarra Kuju exhibition from the National Museum of Australia tells the stories of First Nations artists and traditional custodians who live along the Canning Stock Route in the remote north-west of Australia. Join First Secretary Ms Brittany Clarke on a journey into the context and significance of the exhibition, beginning with a broad introduction to Australia’s First Nations people. See the Canning Stock Route as if you were traversing it today. Learn more about the First Nations people who live in the region, including the Martu people. And finally, let’s enjoy the wonderful Yiwarra Kuju exhibition and what it can reveal about the richness of desert life.
Ms Brittany Clarke, First Secretary of the Australian Embassy in Vienna
Alexander Onysko (alexander [dot] onysko [at] aau [dot] at)