22 Mrz

Deutsch Intensiv-Kurs F2 2024

Veranstaltungsort: n.n. (AAU und JGH)

Deutsch Intensivkurs für Teilnehmer/innen ab 17 Jahren, verschiedene Niveaustufen: Einstufungstest am ersten Kurstag; kommunikativer Sprachunterricht24 UE (à 45 Min.) pro Woche

22 Mrz
22 Mrz

Gastvortrag: „WeSoSlaV, the Western South Slavic verb: from corpus to database to theory“ – Univ.-Prof. PhD Boban Arsenijević (Universität Graz)

Veranstaltungsort: N.0.18

The talk is intended as a blend of a presentation of a linguistic database and a tutorial about its development. I will present the process of development of the Database of the WEstern SOuth SLAvic Verb (WeSoSlaV), from the motivation and the formulation of research questions to its depositing and possible uses and extensions. The aim of the talk is to make the audience familiar with the database itself and the possibilities of its uses, as well as to introduce the audience to the main methodological steps leading to its creation, from corpus retrieval, via annotation, to statistical analysis and exploitation. Accordingly, the organization of the talk mirrors the process of data base development and use.

22 Mrz

KAM Badminton

Veranstaltungsort: USI Turnsaal (Universitätsstraße 63, 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörhtersee)