4 Mai

Die gelungene Initiativbewerbung

Veranstaltungsort: Online

VeranstaltungsortOnlineVeranstalter Öffentlichkeitsarbeit & Kommunikation (UNI Services)BeschreibungNeben der klassischen Bewerbung auf eine ausgeschriebene Stelle kann Sie eine Initiativbewerbung zum beruflichen Ziel bringen. Wie gehen Sie am besten vor, worauf sollten Sie achten und wie schaffen Sie es, dass die Bewerbung auch tatsächlich gelesen wird.Vortragende(r)Mag.a Johanna OrtnerKontaktMag.a Roswitha Jost (karriere@aau.at) Anmeldepflichtig!Anmeldung bis eine Woche vor der Veranstaltung unter https://www.aau.at/alumni-karriere/career-workshops/Kostenpflichtig!Zahlungsbedingung:EUR 20,- für Studierende und Absolvent*innen der AAU, EUR 30,- für externe Teilnehmer*innen

4 Mai

Workshop: Why is English spelling so weird? A diachronic perspective on the orthography of English

Veranstaltungsort: online

VeranstaltungsortonlineonlineVeranstalter Institut für Anglistik und AmerikanistikBeschreibungIt is a truth universally acknowledged that both first and second language speakers of English struggle immensely with its spelling. In this workshop, we will look at how English came to have the spelling system it has today and the ways in which orthography reflects widespread pronunciation in previous times as well as various accidents of history. We will touch upon some serious issues English spelling presents for its users and trace variation in spelling in informal genres from historical letters to modern texting practices.Vortragende(r)Monika Kavalier (University of Ljubljana)KontaktDaniela Werdnig (daniela.werdnig@aau.at) Anmeldepflichtig!

4 Mai

International Office Digital Lounge

Veranstaltungsort: Digital

VeranstaltungsortDigitalVeranstalter International OfficeBeschreibungSeize this opportunity and learn more about mobility programmes and grants for study-related periods abroad!Link--> https://classroom.aau.at/b/ton-vef-08d-5jwKontaktInternational Office (outgoing.exchange@aau.at)

4 Mai

Development of contemporary protests icons through remediation

Veranstaltungsort: virtuell

VeranstaltungsortvirtuellVeranstalter IFK - Abteilung Visuelle KulturBeschreibungThis lecture provides insights into iconisation of social movement images and visual activism with a focus on diversity. Photographs and illustrations disseminated in digital media depict and call for collective action. Despite the abundance of images during the peak times of protests, only some of them gain popularity and grow into protest icons after a remediation process that allows for manipulated, stylised, and cartoonised versions. At the same time, these images participate in and negotiate politics of (in)visibility. This way, not only do they seek to recruit more people to the protest by emphasising the power of everybody figures, but they also bring forward the invisible and the neglected. The lecture presents part of the outcomes of a comparative visual study on Turkish social movements. Focusing on images of the 2013 Gezi Movement and the 2016 Anti-Coup Resistance, it opens up a discussion on displaying diversity icons in relation to political variety of visual activism.Vortragende(r)M. Ragip ZikKontaktErec Gellautz (erec.gellautz@aau.at)