The global socio-metabolic transition: past and present metabolic profiles and their future trajectories: Online material and energy flow (MEFA) dataset.

This dataset contains data on material and energy flows for 175 countries in the year 2000. It provides data on domestic extraction, imports and exports as well as total and per capita values of apparent consumption of materials (in metric tons) and energy (in petajoule) by material and energy type. It contains the original data used in the Krausmann et al. 2008 (version 1.0) and a thoroughly revised version of the material flow data (version 1.1)

Quote data as:
Krausmann, F., M. Fischer-Kowalski, H. Schandl and N. Eisenmenger, 2008. The global socio-metabolic transition: past and present metabolic profiles and their future trajectories. Journal of Industrial Ecology 12(5-6), 637-657.

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