#Erasmusday – Erasmus Trasure Hunt

VeranstaltungsortZ.1.29Veranstalter International OfficeBeschreibungDas International Office organisiert gemeinsam mit ESN Klagenfurt und Universitätsangehörigen am Erasmus Day eine rasante „ Schnitzeljagd“ mit Stationen am Campus. Mit Sportlichkeit, Kreativität, Wissen und Teamwork ans Ziel: Für die Schnellsten warten schöne Preise und ein Get-together bei kleinem Buffet und Siegerehrung.*********************************************On Erasmus day, the International Office together with ESN Klagenfurt and members of the University are organizing a fast-paced “treasure hunt” with different stations on campus. Prove your sportsmanship, creativity, knowledge and teamwork to reach the finish line. Great prizes are given to the quickest participants and a get-together including a small buffet and award ceremony awaits you!KontaktInternational Office (internationales@aau.at) Anmeldepflichtig!Anmeldefrist / Registration deadline: 10.10.2019

Extracting extreme aspects from time series with applications

VeranstaltungsortUniversität Klagenfurt, V.1.27Veranstalter Fakultät für Technische WissenschaftenBeschreibungExtracting chaotical and stochastic parts of information from time series needs very specific techniques. Motivated by two applications, image processing for cancer discrimination and methane emissions modelling we will explain the necessary techniques for statistical learning on chaotical and stochastic parts from data. In particular, Tsallis Entropy will be introduced and its role in information theory for dynamical system explained. Iterated function systems will be used as an example for chaos re-simulation. Construction of stochastic fractals will be discussed. We will show the importance of decomposition of data to stochastic, deterministic and chaotic part.Vortragende(r)Prof. Milan StehlíkKontaktChristian Timmerer (christian.timmerer@itec.aau.at)