Theory, Culture & Society Summer School 2023

Theory, Culture & Society Summer School 2023
Participants are welcome to apply for the Theory, Culture & Society inaugural Summer School, taking place 11-16 September 2023 at University of Klagenfurt, Austria. Apply online here.
The Summer School provides a unique opportunity to join a community of scholars for an intensive study & cultural programme. Participants will be able to:
- explore contemporary critical debates and perspectives;
- enhance skills and literacies for research and publishing;
- share in a rich, cultural programme.
Situated in the Austrian Alps, the University of Klagenfurt provides an inspiring location for a diversity of scholars to come together from across disciplines and geographies, to work with the experienced editorial teams of the journals Theory, Culture & Society and Body & Society, alongside invited speakers and guest, and staff from the University of Klagenfurt from a broad disciplinary spectrum (Media & Communications, Cultural Studies, Sociology, Philosophy, Slavonic Studies and Robert Musil Institute for Literary Research), who will be on hand to discuss your ongoing research projects.
The intensive course spanning 5 days, for which 5 ECTS credits are awarded, is divided into four strands:
- Critical Debates. Building on the recent Special Issue of Theory, Culture & Society, ‘A New Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere?’ (edited by Martin Seeliger Sebastian Sevignani; and including a new contemporary reflection by Jürgen Habermas), the summer school seeks to explore a wide range of issues that relate to the public sphere, including:
- Digital publics
- Cosmopolitan publics
- Aesthetic cosmopolitanism
- Social media
- Images and screens in public space
- Intimacy in public
- Civility in the age of anger
- Alternative publics
- Secrecy and counterpublics
- Decolonialising public space
- Public life and the posthuman
- Scholarly Apparatus. The 40-year history of the journal has witnessed many shifts and trends in research. Workshops will explore the current contexts of research, addressing the changing ‘scholarly apparatus,’ mapping new ways of working and post-media literacies. Issues to be addressed include:
- Digitalization of academic life
- Editing and publishing
- Artificial Intelligence
- Post-university tendencies
- Media and new media literacies
- Postmedia practices
- Work-in-Progress: A special dedicated series invites participants to present on aspects of their own work, with a view to supporting publication and public engagement. There will also be round table and poster sessions along with opportunities for informal discussion with speakers, faculty and participants. Time is also afforded for writing, giving participants an opportunity for quiet study, but within a shared environment.
- Global Public Life: Building on the journal’s dedicated annual section, ‘Global Public Life’, the Summer School presents a cultural strand of film screenings, engagement with artists, media practices and guest speakers. Held during the evenings, these events provide a relaxed atmosphere, allowing for speculative debate and shared reflections. The programme is also supplemented with a day trip into the mountains.
Places are limited. To participate, please apply via the online platform by providing a CV. If you want to discuss your research project (as part of the Work-in-Progress strand) please also include a covering letter (no more than 300 words). This letter should explain your interest in the programme and what benefits you feel it will provide in furthering your research. Please also confirm your participation for the full duration of the course. Apply online:
The fee is 500 Euro. The fee covers all seminars, workshops and cultural programme, as well as lunch over 5 days. A supplementary fee applies for the farewell dinner and the final day trip into the mountains. Participants will be required to arrange their own travel to Klagenfurt and accommodation (see travel information).
If participation regarding the TCS Scummer School 2023 is cancelled the following cancellation policy applies to already paid course fees:
– Until July 31, 2023, a refund of 50% of the course fee is possible (expenses to be borne by the recipient).
– As of August 1, 2023, no refund of the course fee in case of cancellation will be possible.
Theory, Culture & Society
The Summer School is organised by the editorial teams of the journal Theory, Culture & Society, its companion journal Body & Society (published by Sage) and the University of Klagenfurt. Theory, Culture & Society was launched in 1982 to cater for the resurgence of interest in culture in the social sciences. It has built up a large international and multidisciplinary readership through its ability to raise and discuss emergent social and cultural issues in an open, non-partisan manner. Body & Society, since its inception in 1995, pioneered and shaped the field of body-studies. It has been committed to theoretical openness characterized by the publication of a wide range of critical approaches to the body, alongside the encouragement and development of innovative work that contains a trans-disciplinary focus.
University of Klagenfurt
The University of Klagenfurt is a young, vibrant & innovative university, located at the intersection of three diverse cultures. Since its foundation in the year 1970, the University of Klagenfurt (AAU) has successfully established itself as a distinctive voice reinforcing the canon of Austrian universities, as a globally networked research institution, and as a hub for the acquisition, exchange, and transfer of knowledge across the entire Alps-Adriatic Region. The University of Klagenfurt is located in Carinthia, Austria’s southernmost province. Home to around 100,000 inhabitants, the city of Klagenfurt is considered one of the most liveable cities in Austria. The proximity to Italy and Slovenia results in an atmosphere of intercultural exchange at the intersection between the Alpine and the Mediterranean culture. The University of Klagenfurt brings this unique opportunity to bear by offering a wide range of cooperation activities, scholarships for research visits abroad, language courses, visiting professorships, summer schools, and exchange programmes.
Contact: tcssummerschool [at] aau [dot] at


Information for
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan