AAU1/...Department of Mathematics2/MSO doctoral program3/DK Seminar
DK Seminar
Since winter semester 2018, the DK Seminar takes place as a doctoral seminar for the thematic doctoral program: Modeling-Analysis-Optimization of discrete, continuous, and stochastic systems
As part of the DK Seminar, during the semester faculty members and visiting fellows will give talks to present an overview of their research activity.
Unless otherwise stated, the DK Seminar takes place at 10:00 in room I 2.01.Summer semester 2018
Unless otherwise stated, the DK Seminar takes place at 10:00 in room I 2.01.Summer semester 2018
April 11 | Austin A. Antoniou, Ohio State University, US, From Classical to Non-Cancellative Factorization Theory |
Sarah Nakato, TU Graz, Non-unique factorizations in rings of integer-valued polynomial | |
April 23 | 16:00 Edwin Van Dam, Tilburg University, Netherlands, Eigenvalues and distance-regularity of graphs |
April 25 | 10:00 MANSIO meeting 11:15 William Rundell, Texas A&M University, US: Inverse Problems for anomalous diffusion models |
May 2 | 10:15 Mario Previatti de Souza |
11:00 Roswitha Rissner | |
May 16 | Tram Nguyen |
May 30 | 10:00 Helmut Prodinger, Stellenbosch University,South Africa |
11:00 Benjamin Hackl (Defense) | |
June 6 | Christoph Hertrich, TU Kaiserslautern |
June 13 | Nicolo Gusmeroli |
June 14 | 11:00, HS 8: Elisabeth Gaar (Defense) |
Winter semester 2017/18
October 11 | 10:00 Roswitha Rissner, TU Graz |
October 25 | 10:15 Stephan Wagner, Stellenbosch University |
November 8 | 11:15 Nicolo Gusmeroli |
January 31 | 10:15 Mario Previatti, 11:00 Barbara Pedretscher |
Summer semester 2017
March 8 | 10:15 Susan Margulies, US Naval Academy, Fulbright Professor (Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz and Linear Algebra: An Algorithm for Determining Combinatorial Infeasibility) |
March 15 | 11:00, Ralf Hielscher, TU Chemnitz (Mathematical challenges in analysis of EBSD images) |
May 10 | 10:15, Daniel Krenn (presentation of habilitation project with working title “Analytic Combinatorics”) 11:00, Shari Moskow, Drexel University |
May 17 | 10:15, Elisabeth Gaar 11:00 Helmut Prodinger,Stellenbosch University |
May 24 | 10:00, Frank Pörner, University of Würzburg |
May 31 | 11:00, Christian Aarset |
June 12 | 13:00, E.2.42 Ekaterina Kostina, University of Heidelberg (Numerical Methods for Optimization-based Model Validation) |
June 21 | 11:00, Pani Fernando, MU Leoben (Introduction to Nonlinear Filtering) |
Winter semester 2016/17
October 27 | 10:00, E.1.05 Romana Boiger (PhD defense) |
November 9 | 11:00 Franceso Silvestri, University of Heidelberg |
November 16 | 10:00 Christian Clason, University of Duisburg-Essen |
November 23 | 11:00 Roswitha Rissner, TU Graz |
December 12 | 12:30 I.2.08 Hiromichi Itou, Tokyo University of Science |
December 14 | 10:00 Helmut Prodinger, University of Stellenbosch |
December 21 | 11:30 Tsiry Randrianasolo, MU Leoben |
January 11 | 10:00 Benjamin Hackl 10:30 Christian Aarset 11:20 Mario Luiz Previatti de Souza |
Summer semester 2016
March 16 | 11:00 Marianna de Santis |
March 30 | 10:00 Igor Djukanovic (Stable sets,colorings and the Lovasz Theta function) |
April 20 | 10:00 Reinhard Neck, Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre (Strategic Macroeconomic Policies in a Monetary Union) 11:00 Paul Schweinzer, Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre (Asymmetric Mechanisms) |
May 4 | 10:00 Friederike Wall, Institutsabteilung für Controlling und strategische Unternehmensführung (Multiple Management Controls as a Package or a System?) 11:00 Stephan Weiss, Institut für intelligente Systemtechnologien (Sensor Fusion for Navigation of Resource Constrained Robots) |
May 18 | 10:00 Helmut Prodinger, Stellenbosch University, South Africa (Quickselect, multiple Quickselect, Quicksort with median-of-three partition and related material) 11:00 Philipp Hungerländer (Solving an on-line Vehicle Routing Problem for one of the world’s largest grocery retailers) |
June 30 I.2.57 | 10:00 Gerald Reiner, Institutsabteilung für Produktionsmanagement und Logistik (Competitive Advantage through Resource Efficiency) |
July 7 V.1.03 | 10:00 Barbara Pedretscher 11:00 Natalie Vollert |
Winter semester 2015/16
October 7 | 10:00 Sara Kropf (Asymptotic Analysis of Sequences Defined by Automata) |
October 28 | 12:00 Elisabeth Gaar (Graph Coloring and Stable Sets) |
November 18 | 11:00 Vanja Nikolic (On certain mathematical aspects of nonlinear acoustics: well-posedness, interface coupling, and shape optimization) |
November 16 | 10:00 Rainer Brunnhuber (Well-Posedness and Long-Time Behavior of Solutions for the Blackstock-Crighton Equation) |
November 25 | 10:00 Michela Mazzoli (Integer Digit Expansions and their Application to (Hyper)elliptic Curves) 11:00 Daniel Krenn (A Journey on a Lattice Path: from Quicksort to Hypergeometric Sums and back) |
December 2 | 11:00 Joachim Schauer (The Shortest Connection Game) |
December 16 | 10:00 Romana Boiger (The Projective Iterated Tikhonov Method and my research stay in Brazil) |
January 13 | 10:00 Benjamin Hackl (On a Reduction of Lattice Paths) 11:00 Jorge Olguin Mora (Regularisation of Nonlinear Integral Operators via Trust Region Methods) |
January 20 | 11:30 Aditya Ivaturi (Computational Methods for Lyapunov Functions) |
January 27 | 12:00 Igor Djukanovic (Group symmetry applied to the Lovasz Theta number and applications) |
February 3 | 10:15 Marko Lange (Low dimensional SDP relaxations for the quadratic assignment problem) |
February 16 | 10:00 Evamaria Russ (TBA) |
February 24 | 10:00 Anna Fiedler (TBA) |
Summer semester 2015
April 22 | 10:00 Angelika Wiegele (Semidefinite Optimization and the Densest k-Subgraph Problem) |
April 29 | 10:00 Barbara Kaltenbacher (Research Interests, Application Examples and Reduced versus All-at-once Formulations of Inverse Problems) |
May 13 | 10:00 Christian Pötzsche (Topological Linearization and Beyond…) 13:00 Clemens Heuberger (Asymptotics, Counting, Cryptography, Digits, Trees) |
May 20 | 10:00 Joaquim João Júdice (Optimization with Linear Complementarity Constraints) 11:00 Franz Rendl (Graph Partition Applied to the Bandwidth and Separator Problem) |
June 3 | 11:00 Hubert Zangl (Sensors and Actuators) 12:00 Erika Hausenblas (SPDEs – an Overview) |
June 10 | 10:00 Gunter Spöck (Incorporating Covariance Estimation Uncertainty in Spatial Sampling Design for Prediction with Trans-Gaussian Random Fields) 11:00 Elena Resmerita (Selected Topics of Regularization Theory) |
June 17 Stiftungssaal | 10:15 Helmut Prodinger (Register Function, Touchard’s Identity, and a Reduction of Binary Trees) 11:00 Hsien-Kuei Hwang (Dependence and Phase Changes in Random m-ary Search Trees) 12:00 Stephan Wagner (Mathematics That Counts) |
June 24 | 09:15 Benjamin Hackl (Asymptotic Analysis of Lattice Paths and Related Structures) |

Information for
University of Klagenfurt
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
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Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
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