
Digital media and technology are essential to society and impact all age groups. Children and teenagers face a variety of dangers in the field of digital security. As part of the SecComp4All project, relevant dangers are collected and categorized on the one hand, and reasonable countermeasures for these dangers are defined on the other hand.
The goal of SecComp4All is to create an exemplary curriculum consisting of competencies for primary and secondary schools for children and teenagers to master these dangers at their best. The fact that different dangers are relevant and, therefore, different competencies are required for children and teenagers of different ages is also considered. The defined competencies are entered into GECKO (Graph-based Environment for Competency and Knowledge-Item Organization), forming the basis of the exemplary curriculum.
Contact: Julian Taupe (jutaupe [at] edu [dot] aau [dot] at)
Duration: July 2022 – May 2025
- Julian Taupe, Verena Knapp, Andreas Bollin (2024). Teachers’ Insight: Digital Threats that Imperil Children and Teenagers. 4th IFIP TC3 Open Conference on Computers in Education (OCCE 2024). IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Springer Nature, Bournemouth, United Kingdom. (in press)
- Julian Taupe, Verena Knapp, & Andreas Bollin. (2023). Teachers’ Experience Regarding Digital Threats for Children and Teenagers. 16th International Conference on Informatics in Schools, ISSEP 2023, Local Proceedings (ISSEP2023), Lausanne, Switzerland. Zenodo.
- Study with teachers in Austria (2023)
- Study with parents in Austria (2024)
- Questionnaire (German, PDF): Download

Information for
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
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