What is the purpose of the Placement Test?
The Placement Test serves as a test to determine your general command of English. Due to high numbers of applicants, those students with better results in the Placement Test are more likely to be accepted into the introductory classes of the language programme.
What are the PPS and who to talk to about them?
The organization of the teaching practice (Pädagogisch Praktische Studien, PSS) for the BA Teacher Training Programme is no longer coordinated by the Alpen-Adria-University. It is coordinated by the “Zentrum für Pädagogisch Praktische Studien” at PHK. The responsible people are: Mag. Dr. Prof. Reinhard Kogler & Mag. Dr. Prof. Maria Angelika Trattnig.
Who do I write my BA or MA thesis with?
- The thesis is a major step in your programme of study and thus you should think carefully about the area you would like to write in. As a first step, our Profile outlines the department’s different areas of research and teaching.
- For the BA Programme the thesis must be written as part of a seminar (SE, either Focus or Issues) of your choice. Usually, it will be supervised by an internal staff member who is teaching the respective seminar. In case you wish to write your BA thesis with an external staff member, you need the approval of the Director of Studies.
- The MA thesis or the diploma thesis can be written with any internal staff member who holds a PhD. It is not linked to a specific class, leaving you more freedom of choice. The best way to approach your MA thesis or diploma thesis is to be clear about what you want to write about and then ask the respective professor whether he or she would supervise it.
The old curriculum for the teacher training program prescribes that I must take a seminar (SE) in Didactics in the second part of my studies, but I cannot find one.
As of the new curricula, our department no longer offers such a seminar, but the official equivalent for this class is “Language Testing and Assessment”.
Why was I rejected from a class I had registered for?
Sometimes students do not fulfil the criteria for certain classes and therefore cannot be accepted into them. Introductory classes are often prerequisites for PS and the completion of a PS is a prerequisite for admission into a SE. In some cases, students might fulfil all the criteria, but are still not accepted because the maximum number of participants is reached and others need the class more urgently to complete their studies.
Who can I talk to if I need advice regarding my studies or if I face trouble?
Generally, the first people you can talk to are usually your student representatives who will always try to help you or offer you advice. In case you need accreditation for classes taken elsewhere it is best to consult with the Director of Studies.
Where do I find tables of equivalences between different programmes?
You can find all tables of equivalences here.
What are the deadlines for PS and SE papers?
Usually, in the first session of the respective class lecturers will tell you about both the guidelines and the deadlines for papers.
How and where do I register for the PPS?
The organization of teaching practice (Pädagogisch Praktische Studien, PPS) is coordinated by the Zentrum für Pädagogisch Praktische Studien at PHK. You can find further information regarding PPS here: www.ph-kaernten.ac.at/studium/1/

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