Interview with Natilly Macartney
A teacher’s perspective on online teaching
In this interview, Natilly Macartney talks about her experiences in online teaching this past year and gives away some of her plans for the future. She has received considerable praise for her tireless effort in online teaching and offers advice regarding this new way of learning and teaching.
The past year was very challenging for educators and teachers. How did you handle the sudden switch from in-class teaching to online classes?
What strategies do you employ in online teaching? How do you keep it interesting?
What advice for teachers do you have regarding this new mode of teaching?
In your opinion, how will the recent shift towards online teaching make a mark on future university teaching?
Are you looking forward to in-class teaching or do you enjoy teaching online as well?
How do you motivate students to learn? What advice would you give students for the current term and for online-learning?
What have you learned from your students?
You are currently working on completing the Cambridge DELTA. Tell us a little bit about that. What exactly does the course focus on?
Has it changed your way of teaching? How?
Do you think the rigorous standards DELTA demands are able to be implemented into your everyday learning environment?
What future projects do you have planned?
What collaboration(s) have you found professionally fulfilling?
Natilly Macartney is senior lecturer at the Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt. She holds a Masters degree in Education as well as a Bacherlor’s degree in English Language and Linguistics. Her reasearch and teaching focus lies, anong others, on English for Academic Purposes, English as an Additional Language in UK schools, and Applied Linguistics.


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