Current publications
Hubert Zangl, Dailys Arronde Perez: Advanced Signal Processing Using Automated Uncertainty Propagation - An Educational Approach. Measurement:Sensors, Elsevier, 2024,
Praanesh Sambath, Simon Genser, Karl Neuhold, Anton Scheibelmasser, Hubert Zangl: Enhancing teaching of FMCW radar sensors by means of dedicated simulation tools.. Measurement, Elsevier SCI Ltd, Oxford, 2024, S. 1 - 6.
Muhammad Arif, Juan Augusto Maya, Narendiran Anandan, Dailys Arronde Perez, Andrea M. Tonello, Hubert Zangl, Bernhard Rinner: Resource-Efficient Ubiquitous Sensor Networks for Smart Agriculture: A Survey. IEEE Access, IEEE, 12, Piscataway (NJ), 2024, S. 193332 - 193364.
Serkan Ergun, Tobias Mitterer, Sherjeel Khan, Narendiran Anandan, Rishabh Bhooshan Mishra, Jurgen Kosel, Hubert Zangl: Wireless Capacitive Tactile Sensor Arrays for Sensitive/Delicate Robot Grasping. Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2023, S. 10777 - 10784.
Dailys Arronde Perez, Narendiran Anandan, Hubert Zangl: An Energy-Efficient Current Measurement Method for Wireless Sensors. 2023 IEEE SENSORS, IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2023, S. 1 - 4.
Barnaba Ubezio, Serkan Ergun, Hubert Zangl: Realistic sensor simulations for the digital twin. E&I Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Österreichischer Verband für Elektrotechnik (OVE), 140, Wien, 2023,
Harald Gietler, Barnaba Ubezio, Hubert Zangl: Simultaneous AMCW ToF Camera and FMCW Radar Simulation. IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2023, S. 1 - 6.
Hubert Zangl, Narendiran Anandan, Ahmed Ibrahim Kafrana: A low-cost table-top robot platform for measurement science education in robotics and artificial intelligence. Acta IMEKO, International Measurement Confederation, 12, 2023, S. 1 - 5.
Tobias Mitterer, Christian Lederer, Hubert Zangl: Enabling Modular Robotics with Secure Transducer Identification Based on Extended IEEE 21450 Transducer Electronic Datasheets. Sensors, MDPI Publishing, Basel, 2023, S. 1 - 13.
Narendiran Anandan, Dailys Arronde Perez, Tobias Mitterer, Hubert Zangl: Design and Evaluation of Capacitive Smart Transducer for a Forestry Crane Gripper . Sensors, MDPI Publishing, Basel, 2023,
Mohammad Alshawabkeh, Hosam Alagi, Stefan Escaida Navarro, Christian Duriez, Björn Hein, Hubert Zangl, Lisa-Marie Faller: Highly Stretchable Additively Manufactured Capacitive Proximity and Tactile Sensors for Soft Robotic Systems. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE, 72, Piscataway (NJ), 2023, S. 1 - 10.
Lukas Rauter, Johanna Zikulnig, Thomas Moldaschl, Dominik Holzmann, Lukas Neumaier, Mohammed Khalifa, Hubert Zangl, Lisa Marie Faller, Jürgen Kosel: Printed Wireless Battery-Free Sensor Tag for Health Monitoring of Polymer Composites. IEEE Journal on Flexible Electronics, IEEE, 2, Piscataway (NJ), 2023, S. 201 - 208.
Lukas Rauter, Johanna Zikulnig, Thomas Moldaschl, Martin Lenzhofer, Sherjeel Khan, Lukas Neumaier, Sabine Lengger, Tutku Beduk, Muhammad Hassan Malik, Manoj Jose, Hubert Zangl, Jürgen Kosel: Sustainable Multifunctional Biface Sensor Tag. Advanced Sensor Research, Wiley VCH, 2, Weinheim, 2023, S. 7 - 10.
Muhammad Hassan Malik, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, Hubert Zangl, Ali Roshanghias: Flip chip bonding on stretchable printed substrates; the effects of stretchable material and chip encapsulation. Flexible and Printed Electronics, IOP Publishing Ltd., 8, Bristol, 2023,
Lukas Rauter, Harald Gietler, Johanna Zikulnig, Mohammed Khalifa, Hubert Zangl, Jürgen Kosel: A Portable Sensor System for Structural Health Monitoring with Printed Sensors on Biodegradable Substrates. 2023 IEEE SENSORS, IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2023, S. 1 - 4.
Barnaba Ubezio, Hubert Zangl, Michael Hofbaur: Extrinsic Calibration of a Multiple Radar System for Proximity Perception in Robotics. 2023 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), 2023, S. 1 - 6.
Harald Gietler, Barnaba Ubezio, Hubert Zangl: ToFSim: Real-time ToF Camera Simulation for Robotic Applications. Proceedings of the Austrian Robotics Workshop 2023, 2023, S. 94 - 99.
Hosam Alagi, Serkan Ergun, Yitao Ding, Tom P. Huck, Ulrike Thomas, Hubert Zangl, Bjorn Hein: Evaluation of On-Robot Capacitive Proximity Sensors with Collision Experiments for Human-Robot Collaboration. Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2022, S. 6716 - 6723.
Dailys Arronde Perez, Hubert Zangl: On the Reconstruction of Multiple Sinusoidal Signals from Compressed Measurements. 2022,
Vinayak Hande, Wolfgang Scherr, M. Moradian, S. Reddy, O. Mikhail, Hubert Zangl, Jan-Egbert Sturm: Novel Capacitance Sensing Measurement Technique for Human-Robot Co-existence. AustroChip 2022, 2022, S. 1 - 5.
Harald Gietler, Christoph Böhm, Stefan Ainetter, Christian Schöffmann, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Stephan Michael Weiss, Hubert Zangl: Forestry Crane Automation using Learning-based Visual Grasping Point Prediction. 2022 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS), IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2022, S. 1 - 6.
Christian Schoffmann, Zackory Erickson, Hubert Zangl: CapSense: A Real-Time Capacitive Sensor Simulation Framework for Physical Human-Robot Interaction. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, IEEE, 7, Piscataway (NJ), 2022, S. 9929 - 9936.
Serkan Ergun, Vinayak Hande, Johannes Sturm, Hubert Zangl: Collision Avoidance using Capacitive Proximity Sensors on Series Elastic Robots for Human-Robot Collaboration. Proceedings of the Austrian Robotics Workshop, Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, Graz, 2022, S. 105 - 109.
Lukas Rauter, Johanna Zikulnig, Thomas Moldaschl, Dominik Holzmann, Hubert Zangl, Lisa Marie Faller, Jurgen Kosel: Printed wireless battery-free humidity sensor for integration into lightweight construction parts. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS), 2022, S. 1 - 4.
Harald Gietler, Hubert Zangl: A Real-time Electromagnetic Localization System. 2022 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2022, S. 1 - 6.
Dailys Arronde Perez, Christian Schöffmann, Hubert Zangl: Opti2: A reconstruction approach for periodic signals using compressive sensing. 2022 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), 2022,
Muhammad Hassan Malik, Lukas Rauter, Hubert Zangl, Alfred Binder, Ali Roshanghias: Ultra-Thin Chips (UTC) Integration on Inkjet-Printed Papers. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS), 2022, S. 1 - 4.
Klaus Hormaier, Hubert Zangl, Daniel Kircher, Bernd Deutschmann: A Fault Tree Approach Focusing on Electromagnetic Interference. 13th International Workshop on the Electromagnetic Compatibility of Integrated Circuits (EMC Compo), IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2022, S. 133 - 138.
Muhammad Hassan Malik, Andreas Tsiamis, Hubert Zangl, Alfred Binder, Srinjoy Mitra, Ali Roshanghias: Die-Level Thinning for Flip-Chip Integration on Flexible Substrates. Electronics, MDPI Publishing, 11, Basel, 2022,
Dailys Arronde Perez, Hubert Zangl: High-accuracy reconstruction of periodic signals based on compressive sensing. IEEE Xplore, 2022, S. 264 - 268.
Lisa Marie Faller, Hubert Zangl: Versatile and Suitable for Harsh Environments-Capacitive Proximity Perception in Robotics. IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 24, 2021, S. 37 - 42.
Lukas Rauter, Johanna Zikulnig, Muhammad Hassan Malik, Sherjeel Khan, Lisa Marie Faller, Hubert Zangl, Jurgen Kosel: Evaluation of low cost sealing methods to protect sustainable printed temperature sensors against degradation due to UV irradiation. IEEE Sensors 2021, IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2021, S. 1 - 4.
Matthew Bio, Harald Gietler, Josip Plazonic, Manfred Ley, Hubert Zangl, Wolfgang Scherr: Prototyping for a DDS-based I/Q reference signal generation on a capacitive sensing chip in 65nm CMOS using SystemC AMS, C HLS and VHDL. 29th Austrian Workshop on Microelectronics - Austrochip 2021, 2021, S. 37 - 40.
Serkan Ergun, Yitao Ding, Hosam Alagi, Christian Schöffmann, Barnaba Ubezio, Gergely Soti, Michael Rathmair, Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer, Ulrike Thomas, Björn Hein, Michael Hofbaur, Hubert Zangl: A Unified Perception Benchmark for Capacitive Proximity Sensing Towards Safe Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC). Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2021), IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2021, S. 3634 - 3640.
Muhammad Hassan Malik, Giovanna Grosso, Hubert Zangl, Alfred Binder, Ali Roshanghias: Flip Chip integration of ultra-thinned dies in low-cost flexible printed electronics; the effects of die thickness, encapsulation and conductive adhesives. Microelectronics Reliability , Elsevier Science Inc., 123, New York, 2021,
Hubert Zangl, Christian Schöffmann: Capacitive Proximity and Tactile Perception Towards Continuous Patient Monitoring. PETRA 2021, ACM Digital Library, New York, NY, 2021, S. 379 - 382.
Tobias Mitterer, Harald Gietler, Christian Schöffmann, Hubert Zangl: A dynamic sensor interpreter for robotic systems. Proceedings of the Austrian Robotics Workshop 2021, 2021, S. 46 - 50.
Christian Schöffmann, Barnaba Ubezio, Christoph Böhm, Stephan Muhlbacher-Karrer, Hubert Zangl: Virtual Radar: Real-Time Millimeter-Wave Radar Sensor Simulation for Perception-driven Robotics. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters , IEEE, 6, Piscataway (NJ), 2021, S. 1 - 1.
Omid Sam-Daliri, Lisa Marie Faller, Mohammadreza Farahani, Hubert Zangl: Structural health monitoring of adhesive joints under pure mode I loading using the electrical impedance measurement. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Elsevier, 245, 2021,
Stefan Escaida Navarro, Stephan Muhlbacher-Karrer, Hosam Alagi, Hubert Zangl, Keisuke Koyama, Bjorn Hein, Christian Duriez, Richard M. Smith: Proximity Perception in Human-Centered Robotics: A Survey on Sensing Systems and Applications. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2021, S. 1 - 22.
Tobias Mitterer, Leander B. Hörmann, Hans Peter Bernhard, Peter Priller, Hubert Zangl: Industrial IoT Security Concept with Extended ISO/IEC/IEEE 21450 TEDS. Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON2020), IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2020, S. 5232 - 5237.
Juliana Padilha Leitzke, Hubert Zangl: A Review on Electrical Impedance Tomography Spectroscopy. Sensors, MDPI Publishing, 20, Basel, 2020, S. 5160
Lukas Rauter, Johanna Zirkulnig, Taulant Sinani, Hubert Zangl, Lisa Marie Faller: Evaluation of Standard Electrical Bonding Strategies for the Hybrid Integration of Inkjet-Printed Electronics. Electronic Materials, MDPI Publishing, 1, Basel, 2020, S. 2 - 16.
Stefan Escaida Navarro, Steven Nagels, Hosam Alagi, Lisa Marie Faller, Olivier Goury, Thor Morales-Bieze, Hubert Zangl, Björn Hein, Raf Ramakers, Wim Deferme, Gang Zheng, Christian Duriez: A model-based sensor fusion approach for force and shape estimation in soft robotics. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters , IEEE, 5, Piscataway (NJ), 2020, S. 5621 - 5628.
Omid Sam-Daliri, Mohammadreza Farahani, Lisa Marie Faller, Hubert Zangl: Structural health monitoring of defective single lap adhesive joints using graphene nanoplatelets. Journal of Manufacturing Procersses, Elsevier, 55, 2020, S. 119 - 130.
Dailys Arronde Perez, Harald Gietler, Hubert Zangl: Automatic Uncertainty Propagation Based on the Unscented Transform.. 2020 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2020,
Christian Schöffmann, Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer, Matteo Lucchi, Mathias Weyrer, Lisa-Marie Faller, Hubert Zangl: Gesture-based Contactless Control of Mobile Manipulators using Capacitive Sensing. 2020 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), IEEE, -, Piscataway (NJ), 2020, S. 1 - 6.
Harald Gietler, Christian Schöffmann, Hubert Zangl: Scalable Retrofit Angular Position Sensor System. 2020 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2020,
Tobias Mitterer, Hubert Zangl: Towards Data Aggregation on Multi-Sensor Low Power Wireless Transducer with ISO/IEC/IEEE 21450 Transducer Electronic Datasheets. 2020 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2020, S. 1 - 5.
Wolfgang Granig, Lisa-Marie Faller, Hubert Zangl: Sensor System Optimization Under Uncertainty. Sensor Systems Simulation, Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, 2020, S. 283 - 316.
Christian Stetco, Barnaba Ubezio, Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer, Hubert Zangl: Radar Sensors in Collaborative Robotics: Fast Simulation and Experimental Validation. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2020) , IEEE, -, Piscataway (NJ), 2020, S. 1 - 5.
Tobias Mitterer, Hubert Zangl: Beyond pure sensing: IEEE 21450 in digitalization of the development cycle of smart transducers. IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 23, 2020, S. 47 - 52.
Harald Gietler, Christian Stetco, Hubert Zangl: Mutual Inductance-Based Angular Position Sensor for Autonomous Log Grasping. Proceedings of the 18th International IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering, Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, Graz, 2020, S. 5 - 9.
Harald Gietler, Christoph Böhm, Tobias Mitterer, Lisa-Marie Faller, Stephan Michael Weiss, Hubert Zangl: 4-DOF Magnetic Field Based Localization for UAV Navigation. Proceedings of the 2018 International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, Springer International Publishing AG, 11, Cham, 2020, S. 222 - 231.
Wolfgang Stocksreiter, Hubert Zangl: Compact Multifunctional Wireless Capacitive Sensor System and Its Application in Icing Detection. Sensors, MDPI Publishing, 19, Basel, 2019,
Lisa-Marie Faller, Christian Stetco, Hubert Zangl: Design of a Novel Gripper System with 3D-and Inkjet-printed Multimodal Sensors for Automated Grasping of a Forestry Robot. Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2019,
Serkan Ergun, Udo Außerlechner, Michael Holiber, Wolfgang Granig, Hubert Zangl: A Statistical Investigation into Assembly Tolerances of Gradient Field Magnetic Angle Sensors with Hall Plates. Mathematics, MDPI Publishing, 7, Basel, 2019,
Harald Gietler, Habib Ammari, Hubert Zangl: Robust Electromagnetic Pose Estimation for Robotic Applications. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2019, S. 1 - 12.
Wolfgang Granig, Lisa-Marie Faller, Dirk Hammerschmidt, Hubert Zangl: Dependability considerations of redundant sensor systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Elsevier, 190, 2019, S. 106522
Harald Gietler, Marc Kanzian, Christoph Unterrieder, Andreas Berger, Robert Priewasser, Mario Huemer, Hubert Zangl: On-Time Mismatch Based System Identification Technique for Buck Converters. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2019, S. 1 - 1.
Dailys Arronde Perez, Hubert Zangl: Introducing uncertainty of complex-valued quantities in measurement science education. Proc. SPIE 11144, Photonics and Education in Measurement Science 2019, SPIE, 11144, San Jose (CA), 2019,
Harald Gietler, Christian Stetco, Juliana Padilha Leitzke, Hubert Zangl: On-Wing Temperature Estimation and Control for Anti-Icing System on Aircraft. IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference 2019 (I2MTC), IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2019,
Christian Stetco, Omid Sam-Daliri, Lisa-Marie Faller, Hubert Zangl: Piezocapacitive Sensing for Structural Health Monitoring in Adhesive Joints. IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference 2019 (I2MTC), IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2019,
Juliana Padilha Leitzke, Hubert Zangl: Low-power electrical impedance tomography spectroscopy. Compel, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 38, Bingley, 2019, S. 1480 - 1492.
Juliana Padilha Leitzke, Tobias Mitterer, Hubert Zangl: Capacitive Sensing of Icing under Vacuum and Cryogenic Temperatures. Sensors, MDPI Publishing, 19, Basel, 2019, S. 1 - 11.
Tobias Mitterer, Hans Peter Bernhard, Hubert Zangl: Power Efficient Data Compression and Transmission in Low Power Wireless Sensors for ISO/IEC/IEEE 21450. Proceedings of the IEEE Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS), 2019, S. 526 - 531.
Lisa-Marie Faller, Christian Stetco, Tobias Mitterer, Hubert Zangl: An All-Flexible Sensing Sole For Legged Robots. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS), IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2019,
Harald Gietler, Habib Ammari, Hubert Zangl: Electromagnetic Near-Field based Pose Estimation for Autonomous Systems. Seminar for Applied Mathematics, ETH Zürich, 2019-29, 2019, S. 1 - 21.
Tobias Mitterer, Harald Gietler, Lisa-Marie Faller, Hubert Zangl: Artificial Landmarks for Trusted Localization of Autonomous Vehicles Based on Magnetic Sensors. Sensors, MDPI Publishing, 19, Basel, 2019, S. 1 - 10.
Lisa-Marie Faller, Johanna Zikulnig, Matic Krivec, Ali Roshanghias, Anze Abram, Hubert Zangl: Hybrid Printing for the Fabrication of Smart Sensors. JoVe (Journal of Visualized Experiments), 143, 2019,
Lisa-Marie Faller, Martin Lenzhofer, Christina Hirschl, Martin Kraft, Hubert Zangl: Characterization of a Robust 3D-and Inkjet-Printed Capacitive Position Sensor for a Spectrometer Application. Sensors, MDPI Publishing, 19, Basel, 2019,
Tobias Mitterer, Lisa-Marie Faller, Hannes Müller, Hubert Zangl: A Rocket Experiment for Measurement Science Education. IMEKO, 1065, 2018, S. 4
Lisa-Marie Faller, Hubert Zangl: A Robust 3D- and Inkjet-Printed Capacitive Position Sensor for a Spectrometer Application . Proceedings of the Eurosensors, MDPI Publishing, Basel, 2018, S. 1 - 4.
Omid Samdaliri, Lisa-Marie Faller, Mohammadreza Farahani, Ali Roshanghias, Alireza Araee, Majid Baniassadi, Hannes Oberlercher, Hubert Zangl: Impedance analysis for condition monitoring of single lap CNT-epoxy adhesive joint. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, Elsevier, 88, 2018, S. 59 - 65.
Wolfgang Granig, Slimane Aoudjit, Lisa-Marie Faller, Hubert Zangl: Statistical Modeling of Integrated Sensors for Automotive Applications. International Conference of Electrical and Electronic Technologies for Automotive, IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2018,
Omid Samdaliri, Lisa-Marie Faller, Mohammadreza Farahani, Hannes Oberlercher, Tobias Mitterer, Alireza Araee, Hubert Zangl: MWCNT–Epoxy Nanocomposite Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring. Electronics, MDPI Publishing, 7, Basel, 2018, S. 143
Juliana Padilha Leitzke, Hubert Zangl: Electrical Impedance Tomography Spectroscopy for Ice and Water Mixtures. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), IOP Publishing Ltd., 1065, Bristol, 2018, S. 1 - 4.
Lisa-Marie Faller, Wolfgang Granig, Matic Krivec, Anze Abram, Hubert Zangl: Rapid prototyping of force/pressure sensors using 3D- and inkjet-printing. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, IOP Publishing Ltd., 28, Bristol, 2018, S. 1 - 11.
Wolfgang Granig, Lisa-Marie Faller, Hubert Zangl: Sensor system optimization to meet reliability targets. Microelectronics Reliability , Elsevier Science Inc., 87, New York, 2018, S. 113 - 124.
Lisa-Marie Faller, Matic Krivec, Hubert Zangl: A Functional 3D- and Inkjet-Printed Housing for a Capacitive Position Sensor in a Spectrometer Application. Proceedings of the Smart Systems Integration, 2018, S. 134 - 141.
Lisa-Marie Faller, Matic Krivec, Anze Abram, Hubert Zangl: AM Metal Substrates for Inkjet-Printing of Smart Devices. Materials Characterization, Elsevier, 143, 2018, S. 211 - 220.
Tobias Mitterer, Harald Gietler, Lisa-Marie Faller, Hubert Zangl: Artificial Landmarks for Autonomous Vehicles Based on Magnetic Sensors. MDPI Proceedings, MDPI Publishing, Basel, 2018, S. 1 - 4.
Astrid Della Mea, Juliana Padilha Leitzke, Hubert Zangl: Considerations on Solar Energy Harvesting for Smart Systems. Proceedings Smart System Integration 2018, Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, Auersbach, 2018,
Tobias Mitterer, Peter Priller, Hubert Zangl: Transducer Electronic Data Sheets on Smart Ultra Low Power Devices. Proceedings Smart System Integration 2018, Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, Auersbach, 2018, S. 446 - 449.
Juliana Padilha Leitzke, Astrid Della Mea, Lisa-Marie Faller, Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer, Hubert Zangl: Wireless differential pressure measurement for aircraft.. Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, Elsevier, 2017, S. 164 - 168.
Lisa-Marie Faller, Tobias Mitterer, Juliana Padilha Leitzke, Hubert Zangl: Design and Evaluation of a Fast, High-Resolution Sensor Evaluation Platform Applied to MEMS Position Sensing. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2017, S. 1 - 14.
Wolfgang Stocksreiter, Hubert Zangl, M. Moser: Environmental impacts on antennas for wireless sensors on outer aircraft surfaces.. 4th IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Aerospace, 2017, S. 496 - 500.
Lisa-Marie Faller, Juliana Padilha Leitzke, Hubert Zangl: Design of a fast, high-resolution sensor evaluation platform applied to a capacitive position sensor for a micromirror.. Proceedings of Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) , 2017, S. 1 - 6.
Juliana Padilha Leitzke, Hubert Zangl: Feasibility of wireless pressure sensors for aircraft.. Proceedings of Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) , 2017, S. 1 - 5.
Juliana Padilha Leitzke, Hubert Zangl: Wireless Differential Pressure Measurement for Aircraft.. 4th IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Aerospace, 2017, S. 164 - 168.
Hubert Zangl, Lisa-Marie Faller, Wolfgang Granig: Optimal Design of Angular Position Sensors.. Proceedings of IGTE Symposium 2016, 2017, S. 1 - 6.
Lisa-Marie Faller, Hubert Zangl: Considerations on pre-stress in a 3D-printed capacitive force/pressure sensor.. 2017 18th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), 2017, S. 1 - 6.
Hubert Zangl, Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer, Raiyan Hamid: Interfaces for autarkic wireless sensors and actuators in the internet of things.. Advanced Interfacing Technoques for Sensors, Springer, Berlin, 2017, S. 167 - 189.
Lisa-Marie Faller, Matic Krivec, Anze Abram, Hubert Zangl: Inkjet-Printing on 3D-printed Substrates.. Proceedings of Lopec 2017, 2017, S. 1 - 14.
Wolfgang Granig, Dirk Hammerschmidt, Hubert Zangl: Calculation of Failure Detection Probability on Safety Mechanisms of Correlated Sensor Signals According to ISO 26262.. SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Electronic and Electrical Systems, Elsevier, 2017, S. 144 - 155.
Lisa-Marie Faller, Hubert Zangl: Feasibility Considerations on an Inkjet-Printed Capacitive Position Sensor for Electrostatically Actuated Resonant MEMS-Mirror Systems.. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems , IEEE, 26, 2017, S. 559 - 568.
Lisa-Marie Faller, Hubert Zangl: Inkjet-Printing Rapid Prototyping of a Robust and Flexible Capacitive Touch Panel.. Proceedings of IEEE Sensors 2016, IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2017, S. 1 - 3.
Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer, Ahmad Haj Mosa, Lisa-Marie Faller, Mouhannad Ali, Raiyan Hamid, Hubert Zangl, Kyandoghere Kyamakya: A Driver State Detection System - Combining a Capacitive Hand Detection Sensor with Physiological Sensors. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2017, S. 1 - 21.
Lisa-Marie Faller, Hubert Zangl: An Electromagnetic Force Balance Experiment for Measurement Science Education.. Proceedings in IMEKO Joint Symposium TC1-TC7-TC13, IOP Publishing Ltd., Bristol, 2017, S. 1 - 7.
Wolfgang Granig, Dirk Hammerschmidt, Hubert Zangl: Diagnostic Coverage Estimation Method for Optimization of Redundant Sensor Systems.. Proceedings of IEEE Sensors Conference 2017, IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2017, S. 636 - 638.
Hubert Zangl, Lisa-Marie Faller, Wolfgang Granig: Modeling and Design Optimization of Near Field Position Sensors.. Proceedings of Sensors 2017, AMA Service GmbH, Wunstorf, 2017, S. 352 - 355.
Lisa-Marie Faller, Hubert Zangl: Robust Design of an Inkjet-Printed Capacitive Sensor for Position Tracking of a MOEMS-Mirror in a Michelson Interferometer Setup.. SPIE Microtechnologies, Smart Sensors, Actuators, and MEMS VIII, SPIE MICROTECHNOLOGIES, Barcelona, 2017, S. 1 - 10.
Lisa-Marie Faller, Hubert Zangl: Stochastic Modelling to Enable Ultrafast High Resolution Capacitive Position Sensing of a Resonant MEMS Mirror.. Proceedings of Sensors 2017, AMA Service GmbH, Wunstorf, 2017, S. 360 - 364.
Lisa-Marie Faller, Hubert Zangl, Juliana Padilha Leitzke: Fault Injection Software Tools and Robust Design Principles for Reliability and Safety in Measurement Science Education.. Proceedings in IMEKO Joint Symposium TC1-TC7-TC13, IOP Publishing Ltd., Bristol, 2016, S. 1 - 6.
Lisa-Marie Faller, Hubert Zangl, Dominik Holzmann: Optimal Inkjet-Printed Capacitive Sensor for a MOEMS System.. Proceedings of the nanoFis2016, Material Center Leoben, Leoben, 2016, S. 1 - 1.
Lisa-Marie Faller, Hubert Zangl: Robust Design of a 3D- and Inkjet-Printed Capacitive Force/Pressure Sensor.. Proceedings of the EuroSimE2016, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2016, S. 1 - 7.
Lisa-Marie Faller, Hubert Zangl, Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer: 3D-Printed Steel Capacitive Force/Pressure Sensor with Inkjet-Printed Electrodes.. Proceedings of Lopec 2016, 2016, S. 1 - 15.
Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer, Lisa-Marie Faller, Raiyan Hamid, Hubert Zangl: A Wireless Steering Wheel Gripping Sensor for Hands On/Off Detection.. Proceedings of the IEEE SAS 2016, IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2016,
Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer, Mathias Brandstötter, Dominik Schett, Hubert Zangl: Contactless Control of a Kinematically Redundant Serial Manipulator using Tomographic Sensors. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2016, S. 1 - 8.
Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer, Hubert Zangl: Detection of Conductive Objects with Electrical Capacitance Tomography.. Proceedings of IEEE Sensors 2016, IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2016, S. 1 - 3.
Lisa-Marie Faller, Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer, Hubert Zangl: Inkjet-Printing Rapid Prototyping of a Robust and Flexible Capacitive Touch Panel. Proceedings of IEEE Sensors 2016, IEEE, 2016, S. 1 - 3.
Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer, Juliana Padilha Leitzke, Lisa-Marie Faller, Hubert Zangl: Non-Iterative Object Detection Methods in Electrical Tomography for Robotic Applications. Proceedings of IGTE Symposium 2016, 2016, S. 1 - 6.
Hubert Zangl, Lisa-Marie Faller, Wolfgang Granig: Optimal Design of Angular Position Sensors. Proceedings of IGTE Symposium 2016, 2016, S. 1 - 6.
Mathias Brandstötter, Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer, Dominik Schett, Hubert Zangl: Virtual Compliance Control of a Kinematically Redundant Serial Manipulator with 9 DoF.. Advances in Robot Design and Intelligent Control, Springer, 540, Berlin, 2016, S. 38 - 46.
Hubert Zangl, Klaus Hörmaier: Educational aspects of uncertainty calculation with software tools. Measurement, Elsevier SCI Ltd, Oxford, 2015,
Lisa-Marie Faller, Andreja Rojko, Hubert Zangl: Realization of a neural network and its application to sliding mode control of non-linear robot dynamics. Proceedings of the INDS'15 , Shaker Verlag GmbH, Aachen, 2015,
Thomas Schlegl, Michael J. Moser, Hubert Zangl: Wireless and flexible ice detection on aircraft. Proceedings of SAE 2015 International Conference on Icing of Aircraft, Engines, and Structures, SAE - Society of Automobile Engineers, Warrendale (PA), 2015,
Michael J. Moser, Thomas Schlegl, Hubert Zangl: On the Variability of Temperature and Icing Status over the Blades of a Wind Turbine. Winterwind 2015, 2015,
Hubert Zangl, Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer: Artefact Reduction in Fast Bayesian Inversion in Electrical Tomography. Compel -The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 34, Bingley, 2015, S. 1381 - 1391.
Markus Neumayer, Thomas Bretterklieber, Hubert Zangl, Matthias Flatscher, Michael J. Moser: De-icing system with integrated ice detection and temperature sensing für meterological devices. Proceedings SAS 2015, IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2015,
Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer, Hubert Zangl: Electrical Capacitance Tomography with a Variable Topology. Proceedings of International Conference on Sensing Technology 2015 (ICST2015), Massey University, Palmerston North, 2015,
Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer, Hubert Zangl, Michael J. Moser, Thomas Schlegl, Wolfram Napowanez: Interface for Capacitive Sensors in Robot Operation System. Proceedings AWR2015, Universität Klagenfurt, Klagenfurt, 2015, S. 40 - 41.
Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer, Hubert Zangl: Light Weight Signal Processing for a Wireless Capacitive Sensing Platform for Mobile Applications. Proceedings SENSOR 2015, AMA Service GmbH, Wunstorf, 2015, S. 190 - 194.
Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer, Hubert Zangl: Object Detection Based on Electrical Capacitance Tomography. Proceedings SAS 2015, IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2015, S. 1 - 5.
Kyandoghere Kyamakya, Wolfgang A. Halang, Herwig Unger, Wolfgang Mathis, Hubert Zangl, Jean Chamberlain Chedjou: Proceedings of the INDS'15 . Shaker Verlag GmbH, Aachen, 2015,
Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer, Hubert Zangl: Responsive Fingers – Capacitive Sensing During Object Manipulation. Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on, IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2015, S. 4394 - 4401.
Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer, Lisa-Marie Faller, Hubert Zangl, Thomas Schlegl, Michael J. Moser: Short Range Capacitive Proximity Sensing. Proc. IEEE IROS, IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2015,
Hubert Zangl, Mariam Zine-Zine, Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer: TEDS extentions towards energy management of wireless transducers. IEEE Sensors Journal, IEEE, 15, Piscataway (NJ), 2015, S. 2587 - 2594.
Hubert Zangl, Thomas Bretterklieber, Lisa-Marie Faller, Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer: Water Intrusion and Leakage Detection in Environments with high Condensation. XXI IMEKO World Congress, IMEKO, Budapest, 2015, S. 1 - 5.
Thomas Schlegl, Thomas Bretterklieber, Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer, Hubert Zangl: Simulation of the leakage effect in capacitive sensors. International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, Massey University, 7, Palmerston North, 2014, S. 1579 - 1594.
Hubert Zangl, Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer: Artefact Reduction in Fast Bayesian Inversion in Electrical Tomography. Proceedings on the 16th International IGTE Symposium (IGTE14), Technische Universität Graz, Graz, 2014,
M. Neumayer, Thomas Bretterklieber, Hubert Zangl: Bayesian estimation of electrical transformer parameters. Proceedings of Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) , 2014, S. 514 - 518.
Thomas Schlegl, Hubert Zangl: Capacitive Sensing for Safety Applications. Technologies for Smart Sensors and Sensor Fusion, CRC Press, 2014, S. 259 - 282.
Klaus Hörmaier, Hubert Zangl: Electromagnetic emission simulation evaluation - a use case. Microelectronic Systems Symposium (MESS), 2014 , IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2014, S. 1 - 5.
Thomas Schlegl, Martin Moser, Hubert Zangl, R.F. A. Puffing, A. Tramposch, W. Hassler: Flexible, autonomous and wireless icing monitoring on aircrafts. 63 Deutscher Luft - und Raumfahrtkongress, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft und Raumfahrt (DGLR), Bonn, 2014,
Thomas Schlegl, Thomas Bretterklieber, Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer, Hubert Zangl: Investigations on the leakage effect in capacitive sensing. Proceedings International Conference on Sensing Technology, 2014, S. 338 - 342.
Stephan Mühlbacher-Karrer, Hubert Zangl, M. Neumayer: Pretouch Sensing of Ferromagnetic Materials for Robot Graspers. Microelectronic Systems Symposium (MESS), 2014 , 2014,
Thomas Bretterklieber, Hubert Zangl, Martin Neumayer: Thin layer effects in capacitive atmospheric icing detection. Proceedings of Sensors 2014, IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2014,
Hubert Zangl, Mariam Zine-Zine: Utilization of software tools for uncertainty calculaion in measurement science education. Proceedings in IMEKO Joint Symposium TC1-TC7-TC13, IOP Publishing Ltd., Bristol, 2014,
Thomas Lindenthal, Hubert Zangl: Evaluation of Uncertainty in AC Power Calculation with Asynchronously Sampled Data. IOP Science, IOP Publishing Ltd., Bristol, 2013, S. 1 - 6.
T. Schlegl, H. Zangl, Hubert Zangl: Sensor Interface for Multimodal Evaluation of Capacitive Sensors. Sensors&their Applications , IOP Publishing Ltd., Bristol, 2013,
T. Schlegl, T. Kroeger, A. Gaschler, O. Khatib, H. Zangl, Hubert Zangl: Virtual Whiskers - Highly Responsive Robot Collision Avoidance. IEEE/RSJ, IOP Publishing Ltd., Bristol, 2013,
A list of all publications of the Department of Smart System Technology can be found in the Forschungsdokumentation (FoDok).

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