30 Years of Summer School Bovec: A Jubilee of Multilingualism

The Summer School Bovec, organised by the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt in cooperation with six universities from four countries, has good reason to celebrate: This cross-border education initiative centred in the Alps-Adriatic region was first held 30 years ago. The celebration bore the motto “Bovec as a future space” and partner universities, graduates and numerous guests of honour came together to mark the 30th anniversary.  

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Get inspired for excursions and win prizes with “Sommerradeln”

Anyone who wants to get on their bike and explore Carinthia or the other federal states can take part in the nationwide “Sommerradeln” campaign as part of “Österreich radelt” from July to 12 September 2024 and win not only virtual trophies, but also high-quality prizes!

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A talk for everyone: “Exploring Earth’s Moon: From Humans and Robots” by Roland Brockers

Roland Brockers has been the Endowed Professor for Modular Robot Systems at the Department of Smart Systems Technologies at the University of Klagenfurt since March 2022. He also works at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory / California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California. On Tuesday, 28 May 2024, as part of his teaching residency at the university, he held another talk for the interested public, this time on the topic of “Exploring Earth’s Moon: From Humans and Robots”.

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For the third time: “The University gets cycling”!

Since 20 March 2024, students and staff of the University of Klagenfurt have been getting back on their bikes as part of the “The University gets cycling” initiative to replace as many car kilometres as possible with bike kilometres. Until 30 September 2024, kilometres can be collected via the “Kärnten radelt” platform – and participants have the chance to win a great prize!

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