Ein Wiedersehen mit … Emanuel Pirker

Emanuel Pirker hat an der Alpen-Adria-Universität „Angewandte Informatik“ studiert und ging 2010 in das Silicon Valley, um dort die Software-Firma Stratodesk zu gründen. Heute ist Stratodesk mit Sitz in San Francisco und Klagenfurt ein etabliertes IT-Unternehmen mit über 1.000 Kunden weltweit. Mit ad astra hat Emanuel Pirker über seinen Start-up-Weg, den Spirit im Silicon Valley und seine Begeisterung für die Informatik gesprochen.  Read more

Netflix knows what you want to watch

Streaming platforms are gradually taking the place of traditional television. Series on demand are a good money earner. Using the example of ‘House of Cards’, Media researcher Elena Pilipets tells us about the basis of Netflix’s success and how to create a winning series.

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Kinder kommen von Störchen: Statistik richtig verstehen

Auswertungen von Datenbeständen regieren zunehmend die Welt: Amazon errechnet, was wir kaufen wollen, Google interpretiert anhand von Suchanfragen, wer wir sind, die Gesundheitsvorsorge fußt auf Statistik. Manfred Borovcnik ortet Kompetenzerweiterungsbedarf für das Verstehen von Statistik.

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Climate change, demographics and health – challenges for the future

Willi Haas talked to ad astra about his research results.

The researcher Willi Haas investigates the consequences of climate change for our health, while considering demographic change. He calculates how susceptible our society is with regard to certain adverse consequences of climate change and explores which adaptation measures and options are available to mitigate against these impacts. Early projections for Austria indicate that – provided that no supplementary adaption measures are introduced – around the years 2030 and 2050 there will be roughly 3,000 additional deaths each year simply due to heat waves. Given unfavourable development scenarios and in unfavourable years, this figure may even increase threefold. Leading up to the UN Climate Conference COP in 2018, an assessment report for Austria coordinated by Haas aims to evaluate the current position relating to the topic of health, demographics and climate change.

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