
In her doctoral thesis, Julia Katharina Kubelka asks people where they belong and what belonging means to them. She believes that the question is especially pertinent at a time when (political, social and personal) belonging is at the centre of public debate more than ever before.

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Klagenfurt-based researcher Samira Hayat is one of the 10 “Rising Stars in Computer Networking and Communications”

Samira Hayat is currently a member of the Lakeside Labs GmbH research team. Hayat completed her doctorate at the University of Klagenfurt and has contributed to numerous research projects aimed at the ongoing development of drones as well as the use of 5G networks for drone networks. Samira Hayat is the first researcher based in Austria to make it onto the prestigious list of “Rising Stars in Computer Networking and Communications”.

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Peter Jordan wurde das Große Ehrenzeichen des Landes Kärnten verliehen

Das Land Kärnten ehrte am 9. März 2022 verdiente Persönlichkeiten. Das Große Ehrenzeichen des Landes Kärnten wurde unter anderem dem Wissenschaftler und Lehrenden Peter Jordan verliehen.

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Stadtwerke Klagenfurt AG and the University of Klagenfurt team up in a powerful demonstration of sustainability

This project is the latest step in a long-standing and successful partnership: Stadtwerke Klagenfurt AG are cooperating with the University of Klagenfurt in the field of sustainable mobility. Starting in September 2021, the public relations team at the University of Klagenfurt has taken “green” trips to trade fairs and school visits throughout Austria and to neighbouring countries.

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